Utah Price Increase

Let the Utah Legislature hear our voices. Copy, paste, and send to each of the Utah Senators and Representatives, link - https://le.utah.gov/ Modify/edit how you see fit.

"Senate Bill 8 Prices Out Hardworking Americans from Utah's Hunting Heritage

Senate Bill 8, while addressing various aspects of Utah's wildlife resources, delivers a crushing blow to hardworking, blue-collar hunters from outside the state. The bill's drastic doubling of application fees, general tags, and limited entry tags for nonresidents effectively prices out those who rely on hunting as an affordable way to provide for their families.

This legislation raises serious concerns:

  • Unfair Burden on Working Class: For many blue-collar families, hunting trips are a cherished tradition and a means of supplementing their food supply. The exorbitant fee increases create an insurmountable financial hurdle, effectively denying them access to Utah's public lands and wildlife.
  • Eroding Hunting Traditions: By pricing out nonresident hunters, the bill threatens the future of hunting itself. Generations have passed down the skills and ethics of hunting, but these traditions are at risk when access is restricted to the wealthy.
  • Short-Sighted Economic Impact: The increased costs will likely deter countless hunters from visiting Utah, depriving rural communities and businesses of vital revenue generated through hunting-related tourism.
We urge lawmakers to reconsider this discriminatory fee structure. A more equitable approach is needed, one that balances the needs of wildlife management with the importance of preserving affordable hunting opportunities for all Americans, regardless of their zip code. Let's ensure that Utah's hunting heritage remains accessible to everyone, not just the privileged few."
Need to send this to the governor, in hopes that he vetos the bill. Its already passed the house and senate.

Also, dont copy and paste. Take and reword. If everyone sends the same exact form email, they get ignored. ChatGPT is really handy for things like this.
Need to send this to the governor, in hopes that he vetos the bill. Its already passed the house and senate.

Also, dont copy and paste. Take and reword. If everyone sends the same exact form email, they get ignored. ChatGPT is really handy for things like this.
Need to send this to the governor, in hopes that he vetos the bill. Its already passed the house and senate.

Also, dont copy and paste. Take and reword. If everyone sends the same exact form email, they get ignored. ChatGPT is really handy for things like this.
https://cs.utah.gov/s/submit heres you the link for the gov and its exactly what HOWL does.
Zero chance this gets a veto, there's a lot more than tag fees in it.

People should probably read the Bill.

4323 Nonresident (All nonresident fees for the Division of
4324 Wildlife Resources may not exceed, but may be less
4325 than, the amounts stated in the division's fee schedule.)
Zero chance this gets a veto, there's a lot more than tag fees in it.

4323 Nonresident (All nonresident fees for the Division of
4324 Wildlife Resources may not exceed, but may be less
4325 than, the amounts stated in the division's fee schedule.)
I know there is zero chance it gets vetoed. Just trying to help people get things to the right place.

Somebody a lot smarter than me. Can you veto specific parts of a bill or is it all or nothing?
I know there is zero chance it gets vetoed. Just trying to help people get things to the right place.

Somebody a lot smarter than me. Can you veto specific parts of a bill or is it all or nothing?

He's going to sign as is. The Dept will then adjust fees as/when (hopefully) appropriate.

My opinion, I doubt the current fees get doubled over night.
He's going to sign as is. The Dept will then adjust fees as/when (hopefully) appropriate.

My opinion, I doubt the current fees get doubled over night.
I was trying to find that but must have missed it. I was 99% sure that the legislature sets what tag prices can be and its the divisions/boards job to set them within that but I couldnt remember and I didnt want to say anything until I was sure.

This falls inline with a few changes Utah has made recently. They seem to be trying to get ahead of things and not bog things down with having to pass something to raise prices by 5 bucks. I deal with requesting state funding for work and we are seeing some changes that way on our end.
Hi everyone, I wanted to flag that the change is SB sets the new maximum. The price is set by DNR. Here is a statement from their public information officer.

“SB8 was passed during this past legislative session, which allows our Division to increase nonresident license fees up to double the previous cost. The bill does not mandate that those fees will automatically increase by double. Our division is reviewing the budgetary needs of our agency and the intended goals of the legislation (to purchase public land for the specific use of protecting wintering wildlife populations) and will evaluate each fee based on those needs and relevant market values of neighboring states. This legislation is designed to give our Division the tools needed to manage financial responsibilities for the foreseeable future.“
I don't have time to read 7-pages of Rokslide original knowledge while at my desk at work, but from what I have read I am having a hard time understanding why no one has established the link between Utah's public land grab and this move to price non-residents off public lands in the state. Seems like a solid next step for Utah to capture public lands.
Hi everyone, I wanted to flag that the change is SB sets the new maximum. The price is set by DNR. Here is a statement from their public information officer.

“SB8 was passed during this past legislative session, which allows our Division to increase nonresident license fees up to double the previous cost. The bill does not mandate that those fees will automatically increase by double. Our division is reviewing the budgetary needs of our agency and the intended goals of the legislation (to purchase public land for the specific use of protecting wintering wildlife populations) and will evaluate each fee based on those needs and relevant market values of neighboring states. This legislation is designed to give our Division the tools needed to manage financial responsibilities for the foreseeable future.“
Hi everyone, I wanted to flag that the change is SB sets the new maximum. The price is set by DNR. Here is a statement from their public information officer.

“SB8 was passed during this past legislative session, which allows our Division to increase nonresident license fees up to double the previous cost. The bill does not mandate that those fees will automatically increase by double. Our division is reviewing the budgetary needs of our agency and the intended goals of the legislation (to purchase public land for the specific use of protecting wintering wildlife populations) and will evaluate each fee based on those needs and relevant market values of neighboring states. This legislation is designed to give our Division the tools needed to manage financial responsibilities for the foreseeable future.“
So is that the division of wildlife board they’re referring to? If so, we need to be emailing these guys: https://wildlife.utah.gov/board-members.html
Every state will follow suit. What did you think I meant?
Did you read the post above your post?

The legislature just told the division that until their prices reach the amounts set in the bill, they don’t care to have to approve them. This sets the top limit that prices can be, it does not mandate that price must be what’s in the bill. It’s the legislature getting out of the way of the division.

In order for the division to increase prices, it will have to approved by the wildlife board.

I am 99% sure I am correct in this and someone please correct me if I am wrong but the way it currently works in Utah is in order for prices to increase, it’s has to be approved by the legislature first. Meaning a bill has to be written, sponsored and passed while the session is in. Then it has to be signed into law by the Governor. Then the division takes that to the RACs for approval. Then it goes to board and if approved, it gets implemented. This is why you generally see no movement of pricing for years then big jumps. It’s getting everyone's time that is hard.

Basically, what just happened is the legislature said “we don’t want to write bills every year to raise prices so we just told you the max you can charge and you do your job.” It’s the same thing the wildlife board did with allowing the Division to adjust tags up and down to a certain percentage without approval.

This is why I am curious to what “precedent” has been set? In my eyes, the legislature just set the precedent that the Division is capable of doing their job and don’t need to ask us, the legislature, if it’s ok to do it.
So is that the division of wildlife board they’re referring to? If so, we need to be emailing these guys: https://wildlife.utah.gov/board-members.html
The Divison is the DWR.

If the Division wants to raise prices, it will have to go through the RAC and board process. At that point, you would reach out to the wildlife board. Until something has been proposed, there is no need to reach out.
Seems like a good summary and if that's how it's laid out it's probably not a bad thing. They ski isn't always falling when the alarms go off, maybe this will pass for a big nothing burger.
I could be wrong and I hope if I am someone corrects me.

I really hope my posts regarding topics like this dont come off dickish, and I am far far far from an expert on how things work but the general lack of understanding by the general public is part of the reason that shit is so complicated.

I did the same thing that most people did. I saw this posted and said "you got to kidding me." I sent it via text to people, we all bitched about it and then about 12 hours later, I said "wait, if I remember correctly, the legislature has to pass a bill stating the amount the tags can be, then the RAC and board have to approve, then the division can implement it. What if this is just setting the cap and not setting what they have to be?" I seriously typed that out as a reply to this thread and then deleted it because I didn't want to spread something false. I went looking for the answer and @wapitibob found it and posted it.

The hard thing with people is that emotions are what make us humans. The down side is that emotions dont allow people to act rationally. Now add in the pay for click/view world we live in and you have a recipe for disaster. Anyone that has Instagram or Facebook probably got the HuntinFool video sent to them. That fueled the flames. They really need to post a clarification video. I have had to send three texts to people with the information posted in post 129 and explain that I was wrong/jumped the gun. Crow doesn't taste very good.

If am wrong about any of this, please, someone correct me but I really think that a bunch of red tape was just cut. Which is more the irony of the situation for me. Many people I have spoken with and explained this to are always about "cutting red tape" and then they are mad when the red tape is actually cut.
I could be wrong and I hope if I am someone corrects me.

I really hope my posts regarding topics like this dont come off dickish, and I am far far far from an expert on how things work but the general lack of understanding by the general public is part of the reason that shit is so complicated.

I did the same thing that most people did. I saw this posted and said "you got to kidding me." I sent it via text to people, we all bitched about it and then about 12 hours later, I said "wait, if I remember correctly, the legislature has to pass a bill stating the amount the tags can be, then the RAC and board have to approve, then the division can implement it. What if this is just setting the cap and not setting what they have to be?" I seriously typed that out as a reply to this thread and then deleted it because I didn't want to spread something false. I went looking for the answer and @wapitibob found it and posted it.

The hard thing with people is that emotions are what make us humans. The down side is that emotions dont allow people to act rationally. Now add in the pay for click/view world we live in and you have a recipe for disaster. Anyone that has Instagram or Facebook probably got the HuntinFool video sent them. That fueled the flames. They really need to post a clarification video. I have had to send three texts to people with the information posted in post 129 and explain that I was wrong/jumped the gun. Crow doesnt taste for good.

If am wrong about any of this, please, someone correct me but I really think that a bunch of red tape was just cut. Which is more the irony of the situation for me. Many people I have spoken with and explained this to are always about "cutting red tape" and then they are mad when the red tape is actually cut.
From what I remember of UTDWR procedures, I believe you are correct in the process. But once I moved 6 years ago I had an entirely new system to learn and brain dumped most of my UTDWR knowledge. RAC and wildlife board are definitely involved though.
I could be wrong and I hope if I am someone corrects me.

I really hope my posts regarding topics like this dont come off dickish, and I am far far far from an expert on how things work but the general lack of understanding by the general public is part of the reason that shit is so complicated.

I did the same thing that most people did. I saw this posted and said "you got to kidding me." I sent it via text to people, we all bitched about it and then about 12 hours later, I said "wait, if I remember correctly, the legislature has to pass a bill stating the amount the tags can be, then the RAC and board have to approve, then the division can implement it. What if this is just setting the cap and not setting what they have to be?" I seriously typed that out as a reply to this thread and then deleted it because I didn't want to spread something false. I went looking for the answer and @wapitibob found it and posted it.

The hard thing with people is that emotions are what make us humans. The down side is that emotions dont allow people to act rationally. Now add in the pay for click/view world we live in and you have a recipe for disaster. Anyone that has Instagram or Facebook probably got the HuntinFool video sent to them. That fueled the flames. They really need to post a clarification video. I have had to send three texts to people with the information posted in post 129 and explain that I was wrong/jumped the gun. Crow doesn't taste very good.

If am wrong about any of this, please, someone correct me but I really think that a bunch of red tape was just cut. Which is more the irony of the situation for me. Many people I have spoken with and explained this to are always about "cutting red tape" and then they are mad when the red tape is actually cut.
Exactly why we need to be careful with some of these alarmist thread titles and overreactions. Not pointing any fingers, speaking in general terms. But it's the society we live in now everybody is getting throttled for attention.