Colorado Wolf Reintroduction SB20-121 Thoughts?

Then I guess those who live and hunt in areas where wolves have been reintroduced and claim drastically reduced numbers of deer and elk are just liars?
Didn't read my whole comment did you? Missed the part where I said yes, they will likely see reduced numbers in some areas? I'm also not a fan of anecdotal evidence. Just because you see fewer elk doesn't mean that the numbers are necessarily as "drastically" cut as you think, just that they are more warry now.
Human development is far more detrimental to elk than any wolf pack. Elk and wolves managed to both survive just fine for thousands of years before people started to build fences and freeways. Yes, some herds may see reduced numbers, and you may have to work a bit more to fill your elk tag, but the elk wont vanish. If over 200,000 elk tags sold last year in CO didn't wipe out the population, neither will a few dozen, or even a few hundred wolves across the state.
Why did they reintroduce wolves to areas that already have wolves that have came in via Wyoming? Plenty of proof they're already there. I hope smart hunters kill them all and don't tell a soul. These wolves kill for fun/sport not food.
Didn't read my whole comment did you? Missed the part where I said yes, they will likely see reduced numbers in some areas? I'm also not a fan of anecdotal evidence. Just because you see fewer elk doesn't mean that the numbers are necessarily as "drastically" cut as you think, just that they are more warry now.
Yeah, I read the whole thing. The numbers are reported to be down drastically across the board everywhere wolves have been introduced. That you dismiss it or refuse to believe it is your problem. Is "not a fan of anecdotal evidence" a not so subtle way of calling people making these reports liars, or do you think you know more about these areas than the people who live there?
Yeah, I read the whole thing. The numbers are reported to be down drastically across the board everywhere wolves have been introduced. That you dismiss it or refuse to believe it is your problem. Is "not a fan of anecdotal evidence" a not so subtle way of calling people making these reports liars, or do you think you know more about these areas than the people who live there?
There is a difference between lying and being misinformed. I also used to live in areas where wolves have been reintroduced, so yes, I do know as much as the people who live there, because I was one of them. Yes there were reduced elk numbers, but as someone with a degree in wildlife management who has worked with and for federal agencies compiling and recording the numbers you are reading, I don't dismiss it, I think they are a good thing overall for the ecosystem, and that people who cry that wolves will kill all the elk are just upset that they actually have to put in more work to fill their elk tag instead of being able to walk off the road 100 yards and have their pick of a dozen bulls. You obviously have your mind made up already that all wolves are bad, so I'm not going to explain or argue further with a stranger on the internet.
While I was at the ATA show I sat down and spoke with two individuals with the US Fish and Wildlife about the reintroduction of wolves to Colorado. You should have seen their faces when I brought it up. That’s another story in itself. Their viewpoint was that this would be a state matter, and that there hands are tied. When asked about their capability to get involved if anything could show that the reintroduction ran a risk of putting Grey wolves and Mexican wolves in the same territory, if them they would get involved. I was told of course. So my question is, if it is shown that the pack that currently exists migrated, which obviously it did, then their is greater chance that the reintroduction would cause a chance for the two species to come in contact with one another via New Mexico. This would mean the depredation of the Mexican grey wolf, an endangered species. Why is there not more talk about this? I’m no biologist, but it only makes sense.

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You mean you talked to two individuals from the US Fish and Watersnake service.

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Human development is far more detrimental to elk than any wolf pack. Elk and wolves managed to both survive just fine for thousands of years before people started to build fences and freeways. Yes, some herds may see reduced numbers, and you may have to work a bit more to fill your elk tag, but the elk wont vanish. If over 200,000 elk tags sold last year in CO didn't wipe out the population, neither will a few dozen, or even a few hundred wolves across the state.
You're so naive it isn't even comical, it's sad.

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There is a difference between lying and being misinformed. I also used to live in areas where wolves have been reintroduced, so yes, I do know as much as the people who live there, because I was one of them. Yes there were reduced elk numbers, but as someone with a degree in wildlife management who has worked with and for federal agencies compiling and recording the numbers you are reading, I don't dismiss it, I think they are a good thing overall for the ecosystem, and that people who cry that wolves will kill all the elk are just upset that they actually have to put in more work to fill their elk tag instead of being able to walk off the road 100 yards and have their pick of a dozen bulls. You obviously have your mind made up already that all wolves are bad, so I'm not going to explain or argue further with a stranger on the internet.
You worked with the Feds who screwed the States over on wolf introduction. That tells me everything I need to know about you and your ideals. Look forward to the day when they slaughter those beloved wolves down in NM and AZ and have you esteemed experts feign surprise that such a dastardly thing could happen.

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I'll put my dislike for the arctic timber wolf being the invasive species that the US Fish and Game introduced to Montana, Wyoming and Idaho and make a statement. I think this bill is just another glaring checkmark on the incompetence and the willingness to waste taxpayer money. The wolves are reintroducing themselves, they have an established pack in Colorado and have been documented as far south as Northern Arizona. Arizona and New Mexico have an actual endangered species in the Red Wolf that the Timber wolves will kill off or breed out due to their being so much larger and aggressive. So now Governor Polis who is fully incompetent to run more than a toilet paper dispensary wants to throw a shit ton of money at something that will happen on it's own if he just keeps his dumb ass out of the way.
I've never understood pro wolf elk hunters, seems like an identity crisis. Wolves crushed the elk here in MT and the only thing that slowed that was hunting and trapping, not some magical balancing of the ecosystem.