Ultralight Ultralight Rifles

I’ve only chopped aluminum carriers. Easy with a hacksaw. A nitrided steel carrier would be a pain in the grass manually. A chop saw with tough blade could do it though. Once chopped, file it smooth and you’re done.

I just saw this was posted for anyone shopping for a scope. It doesn’t have the bdc reticle though.

Looks like he’s got 7 packs of 250 in stock.

I bought 500, and after shipping they were 16 cents a piece.

I’m very happy with the purchase. I’ve had maybe 5 out of 200 not want to take a primer. Threw them to side and cleaned them up later back in rotation.

If anyone’s wondering, every time I’ve checked water capacity with this brass, it’s +31g.

Could have something to do with why I’m getting 2900 out of the mini 16” with 77tmk and lever haha.

Looks like he’s got 7 packs of 250 in stock.

I bought 500, and after shipping they were 16 cents a piece.

I’m very happy with the purchase. I’ve had maybe 5 out of 200 not want to take a primer. Threw them to side and cleaned them up later back in rotation.

If anyone’s wondering, every time I’ve checked water capacity with this brass, it’s +31g.

Could have something to do with why I’m getting 2900 out of the mini 16” with 77tmk and lever haha.
This is where I tend to get prepped brass as well. Occasionally the primer pockets are a little too tight still from the crimps, but otherwise, no complaints. Not usually an issue if I prime by hand, but can be on my progressive.
This is where I tend to get prepped brass as well. Occasionally the primer pockets are a little too tight still from the crimps, but otherwise, no complaints. Not usually an issue if I prime by hand, but can be on my progressive.

Nice to wake up and see that all 7 of those bags sold out between that message getting posted and 5am this morning!
Hello guys
I have finally gotten my rifle assembled. FA CF lower, SOLO 300 upper, Shaw barrel,etc.
I loaded up a magazine of Blackhills 77 TMK. Boy, is something wrong! Very rough back and forth and would only pick up half of a mag and the other half would get stuck in the chamber. Lubed up the receiver and bolt and got “ decent” action. When I took the upper back off, the action is much better. I see wear marks inside the receiver from bolt. It’s probably something really simple that Im not seeing. Anybody have in advise ?
Hello guys
I have finally gotten my rifle assembled. FA CF lower, SOLO 300 upper, Shaw barrel,etc.
I loaded up a magazine of Blackhills 77 TMK. Boy, is something wrong! Very rough back and forth and would only pick up half of a mag and the other half would get stuck in the chamber. Lubed up the receiver and bolt and got “ decent” action. When I took the upper back off, the action is much better. I see wear marks inside the receiver from bolt. It’s probably something really simple that Im not seeing. Anybody have in advise ?
What mag? And did you use any grease on the BCG or something like clp?
Hello guys
I have finally gotten my rifle assembled. FA CF lower, SOLO 300 upper, Shaw barrel,etc.
I loaded up a magazine of Blackhills 77 TMK. Boy, is something wrong! Very rough back and forth and would only pick up half of a mag and the other half would get stuck in the chamber. Lubed up the receiver and bolt and got “ decent” action. When I took the upper back off, the action is much better. I see wear marks inside the receiver from bolt. It’s probably something really simple that Im not seeing. Anybody have in advise ?
Also, have you worked on the feed ramps on your barrel extension? Without doing that, 223s will often feed poorly in the Solo. It doesn't have the "force feeding" a gasser does.

Also, have you worked on the feed ramps on your barrel extension? Without doing that, 223s will often feed poorly in the Solo. It doesn't have the "force feeding" a gasser does.

I assume with a gasser that they basically polish themselves? I definitely have little scratches down the bullets and brass, all the way to the case head. My feeding is rough, but never hangs up.
Hello guys
I have finally gotten my rifle assembled. FA CF lower, SOLO 300 upper, Shaw barrel,etc.
I loaded up a magazine of Blackhills 77 TMK. Boy, is something wrong! Very rough back and forth and would only pick up half of a mag and the other half would get stuck in the chamber. Lubed up the receiver and bolt and got “ decent” action. When I took the upper back off, the action is much better. I see wear marks inside the receiver from bolt. It’s probably something really simple that Im not seeing. Anybody have in advise ?
At the risk of asking something that you may think obvious, is your bolt aligned to the barrel extension?

Depending on how you install the barrel, the barrel alignment pin can bend or break, or the receiver can bend, knocking the barrel out of natural alignment.
M tired of messing with it tonight BUT I think that I may have stumbled onto something. The rear takedown pin area on this plastic lower is cockeyed. I’m gonna slowly remove some material tomorrow and see if the upper/ lower fitment loosens up a little. I always want a “tight “ precision fit but then I thought……….. this is plastic!!!!!!!!
We’ll see✌️
Just thought that I’d add that I’m using 10 round P-mags. What mags are you guys running?
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First Nas3 cases off the press at 2.36" with my "windowed" 1.3oz mag. Holds 3 extra long cases, plus one more regular mag length round. Cut any further and it would fail due to cutting the weld. If these cases pan out, I save a MASSIVE 1/4 oz because they're lighter than brass... (for 4 cases).1000001473.jpg1000001470.jpg
Loaded or did you load them?
I loaded them. Hoping that lever powder(slower burn rate) will not be like the factory ones that packgoatguy had giving him sticky extraction. Loaded long in these cases gives a lot lower pressure also with a lot more case volume. I'll report back soon how it went.
I loaded them. Hoping that lever powder(slower burn rate) will not be like the factory ones that packgoatguy had giving him sticky extraction. Loaded long in these cases gives a lot lower pressure also with a lot more case volume. I'll report back soon how it went.
Did you run them through the press first? I'm wondering about the feel of these in the press and when seating bullet vs brass
Did you run them through the press first? I'm wondering about the feel of these in the press and when seating bullet vs brass
Nope, They come ready to load, and there aren't any compatible dies made yet (or ever maybe). Primers and bullets go in less easily, and the primers shaved off tiny steel slivers with my Coax press. Wasn't a big deal, but I choose to take the extra step to wipe away the shavings, and they started filling up the primer holder on my press as well.
My neck mandrel doesn't even touch the mouth, so it's bigger, but holds the bullets really well.
If by some miracle the fired cases still fit in my case gauge, I may try neck sizing them if they aren't still holding the bullets with enough tension to survive recoil, and fire again. I was told that this was a possibility, but I'm thinking a 5.56 chamber might leave them a little bigger than a wylde. I'll try the Shaw wylde after this BCA 5.56.
*One more thing. The cocentricity is excellent. 10 rounds all but 2 are at or under 1 thousandth. Furthest one was 1.5 thou
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