Went back to the range again today to do a more controlled test. Both with 75gr AAC BTHP ammo off a very stable bench.
The first target is a 10 shot group at 50 yards waiting 3 minutes between shots, timed. After each shot i removed mag, opened chamber, and leaned it vertically hoping stack effect would cool barrel quicker.
View attachment 806431
Next target is all the same variables as the first, but i dumped the 10rd mag as fast as i could reaquire target.
View attachment 806430
I observe no difference in group size. Nobody else has shot the rifle for comparison.
Either i assembled something wrong or i guess maybe i got a dud? Does gas pressure affect accuracy?
Maybe ill try taking my flash suppressor off and see what that does. Eventually when my can gets out of jail ill have to repeat the whole process anyway.
Disappointed to say the least. Really wanted to have it done before season ends to shoot something.