Uhhh...that's not hunting dude.

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Sep 22, 2013
Met a guy who spent 8 days in SA "hunting" from a ground blind over two water holes that got covered at night. Typical HF situation. He was all full of himself cuz he shot 6 different species. Basically he sat on his ass all day waiting for an easy shot at something big. Paid 14K + another 7K in trophy fees (I didn't ask what his taxi bill is gonna be) damn! Over 20K to sit in a sauna and wait for something that's desperate for a drink? "Dude...that's not hunting!" Hunting is the pursuit of game. Now I am not saying all HF hunts/canned hunts are non-hunts. Some HF operations are massive and provide a real challenge. This article explain much of SA HF and I have no issue with it. https://blog.bookyourhunt.com/the-evolution-of-high-fences-in-south-africa/ I've done spot & stalk bison hunts that were canned but physically demanding and we were not shooting over the hood of a vehicle into a herd from 50 yards. But sitting over the only water source that was covered 50% of the time in a blind? C'mon, you're no hunter. Hunters enjoy the chase, the challenge of beating the multiple eyes, ears and noses of their prey, learning the animals behavior...the fun ends with the shot. JMO...i could be wrong.
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May 18, 2021
Met a guy who spent 8 days in SA "hunting" from a ground blind over two water holes that got covered at night. Typical HF situation. He was all full of himself cuz he shot 6 different species. Basically he sat on his ass all day waiting for an easy shot at something big. Paid 14K + another 7K in trophy fees (I didn't ask what his taxi bill is gonna be) damn! Over 20K to sit in a sauna and wait for something that's desperate for a drink? "Dude...that's not hunting!" Hunting is the pursuit of game. Now I am not saying all HF hunts/canned hunts are non-hunts. Some HF operations are massive and provide a real challenge. This article explain much of SA HF and I have no issue with it. https://blog.bookyourhunt.com/the-evolution-of-high-fences-in-south-africa/ I've done spot & stalk bison hunts that were canned but physically demanding and we were not shooting over the hood of a vehicle into a herd from 50 yards. But sitting over the only water source that was covered 50% of the time in a blind? C'mon, you're no hunter. Hunters enjoy the chase, the challenge of beating the multiple eyes, ears and noses of their prey, learning the animals behavior...the fun ends with the shot. JMO...i could be wrong.
That is almost as hard as summer elk hunting in Colorado;-)


Feb 21, 2016
Texas & Alaska
Met a guy who spent 8 days in SA "hunting" from a ground blind over two water holes that got covered at night. Typical HF situation. He was all full of himself cuz he shot 6 different species. Basically he sat on his ass all day waiting for an easy shot at something big. Paid 14K + another 7K in trophy fees (I didn't ask what his taxi bill is gonna be) damn! Over 20K to sit in a sauna and wait for something that's desperate for a drink? "Dude...that's not hunting!" Hunting is the pursuit of game. Now I am not saying all HF hunts/canned hunts are non-hunts. Some HF operations are massive and provide a real challenge. This article explain much of SA HF and I have no issue with it. https://blog.bookyourhunt.com/the-evolution-of-high-fences-in-south-africa/ I've done spot & stalk bison hunts that were canned but physically demanding and we were not shooting over the hood of a vehicle into a herd from 50 yards. But sitting over the only water source that was covered 50% of the time in a blind? C'mon, you're no hunter. Hunters enjoy the chase, the challenge of beating the multiple eyes, ears and noses of their prey, learning the animals behavior...the fun ends with the shot. JMO...i could be wrong.

I disagree with you.

Not my preference, either but, to each their own.

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John pettimore

Jul 25, 2017
Buffalo WY
You are wrong, and judgmental, and not helpful to the future of our sport. There are almost as many types of hunting as there are animals to hunt. Some designed by necessity and others not but they all have a purpose (food, population control, etc) and I don’t look down on those to pursue the sport differently than I do.
Dec 21, 2015
I'd rather spend that 20k going to AK and so would most on here, but its his money and his choice.
Is he some spectacular hunter? Heck no. He just has a big wallet. But at least he is doing that and not spending it on a Bentley or something. He had a good time, and wants to brag/tell people about it. Which is fine.

I mean not to defend the practice of what the guy did, but:
How many people sit water in AZ/NM/CA/NV?
How many people sit baits for bear?
How many people sit and take 1000+ yard shots?
How many people sit field edges/corn piles for whitetail?
How many people sit in waterfowl blinds where birds coming in was as sure a thing as the sun coming up?
Is any of that hunting? To me it is.

Is it first on my list right now? No. And not really even close. (except bear bait)
When I'm 80 plus or in declining health, I want to stack the deck in my favor and hopefully have a few layups. lol
I will feel like I earned a few at that point.
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Apr 17, 2020
Sitting a water hole or bait pile or food plot and duck pond or whatever. It is just a tactic and it is hunting. Maybe not what you or I would enjoy but well over 50% of hunters out there sit and wait for game to come to them in some form.


Jan 3, 2022
Or pronghorn at a waterhole, Texas deer feeder, turkey in a ground blind in a field……any hunt with a guide holding your little hand and packing out for you🔥. It’s all relative to personal preference. Hunt vs. “harvest” is a grey area.


Mar 16, 2016
I really dont see that as any different than feeders.

Not my cup of tea and wouldnt be what I spent 20K on but its no skin off my back.

I will say it does annoy me when people like that talk themselves up as the great white hunter and look down upon people that don't kill as much as they do. I once had a dude that was talking to me about mule deer. He asked me what my biggest deer I have killed is, I showed him a picture, never scored it but 140-150 maybe. He scoffed and was like I dont even look at them if they are under 200 or something like that. He goes to Sonora every year and the cheapest hunt that the guide he uses offers is like 40 or 50K. That drives me nuts.
May 13, 2015
If it is the only water hole around, and they are covering it at night denying the animals access, they are forcing them to come to water during the day. Literally giving the animals no choice but to drink or die. That is if I got this correct of course.

My guess is the guy rolled out to the blind in an air conditioned vehicle, and got dropped of at the blind, before the animals had access to the water.

If the above is the case, it's like shooting ducks in a barrel, and I gotta agree with Bruce.
May 13, 2015
I'll add, I have nothing against hunting water holes. But they typical public land situation of hunting a water hole is almost always very different from hunting the ONLY water source.
Aug 23, 2014
oregon coast
Met a guy who spent 8 days in SA "hunting" from a ground blind over two water holes that got covered at night. Typical HF situation. He was all full of himself cuz he shot 6 different species. Basically he sat on his ass all day waiting for an easy shot at something big. Paid 14K + another 7K in trophy fees (I didn't ask what his taxi bill is gonna be) damn! Over 20K to sit in a sauna and wait for something that's desperate for a drink? "Dude...that's not hunting!" Hunting is the pursuit of game. Now I am not saying all HF hunts/canned hunts are non-hunts. Some HF operations are massive and provide a real challenge. This article explain much of SA HF and I have no issue with it. https://blog.bookyourhunt.com/the-evolution-of-high-fences-in-south-africa/ I've done spot & stalk bison hunts that were canned but physically demanding and we were not shooting over the hood of a vehicle into a herd from 50 yards. But sitting over the only water source that was covered 50% of the time in a blind? C'mon, you're no hunter. Hunters enjoy the chase, the challenge of beating the multiple eyes, ears and noses of their prey, learning the animals behavior...the fun ends with the shot. JMO...i could be wrong.
Bruce, I think it’s still hunting, but not the type of hunting that would excite a “hunter” if that makes any sense.

If it was off season, and it was cheap or I didn’t have to pay, there are a lot of canned type hunts I would do… I would love to do a winter doe cull with my bow on a high fence outfit, good realistic trigger time and lots of good food…. I certainly wouldn’t brag about it or probably mention it, but I would happily do it for cheap.

I personally like hard hunting, it’s fun, it’s engaging, and if you don’t work hard, you won’t be successful… it’s my favorite way to test myself, it’s what I grew up doing, and is very satisfying to me, but if the next guy has more money than time and is satisfied with instant gratification, so be it.

There is a lot of hunting that isn’t my cup of tea, but without doing it, I wouldn’t want to be too critical…. Look how many “hunters” don’t think hunting with hounds is fair chase… in reality, it’s one of the most involved and difficult hunting there is, from training good dogs, to hunting tough conditions, to going through some of the nastiest habitat following the dogs…. It’s as hunting as it gets, yet some guys who spend all of their hunting in a treestand don’t consider it fair chase, they just don’t know, they haven’t done it… many of them couldn’t physically do it… the irony

I understand your feelings on the situation, and agree to some extent (especially the bragging) but it’s still hunting, and without doing it, we can’t know the specific challenges of that type of hunting… I’ll never know, I have no desire to hunt Africa, it’s not my thing, but to each their own
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