X2Who the hell pays $14,000 in travel and daily fees for an African hunt...then only shoots $7,000 worth of animals? Give me $21K for Africa and my pictures will look like a Roosevelt expedition.
I'm with you on that! I'd get a Sig Cross .308, a Hobie kayak, a decent john boat, go on a fishing trip to the Amazon river, and invest whatever remains so that I can pretend to be responsible.If I had a spare 21K laying around, I would buy a real nice shotgun and some fishing gear. anything left over I would spend it foolishly.
You must not have hog problems where you hunt...I have spent many a night guarding a corn pile/water trying to kill hogs and run the ones that didnt get shot off...you spend a full day on a tractor cleaning up their mess you go to drastic measures. Sometimes fair chase isn't the goal.Covering water holes at night? That’s a new kind of stupid/cruel I’ve never heard of. Def not fair chase.