Would you turn in your hunting buddy for a game/forest violation?
Let’s say you and your buddy are on a 8 day elk hunt.
You each went your own way for the day and that evening you found out your buddy broke the law…. Doesn’t matter how big or small, definitely broke the law.
You making the call to law enforcement?
Now, before the ‘Do-Gooders’ say you know your buddy really well and either one wouldn’t break the law, we all know ‘shit happens’.
Whatcha gonna do?
No way am reporting what I feel is an incidental violation. Examples are wearing your pack over your orange vest so temporarily fall short of the required square inch minimum for orange, shot five minutes before or after legal time, took pictures of downed animal before placing tag on the kill, shot to other side of canyon then on the map realized there is a "road" in the bottom though the road is not obvious and no one was on it, was 5 feet too close to the road when shot, etc.
If the violation is what in my opinion a serious violation then my buddy can self-report or I will. Examples, refusing to wear orange clothing when is required, shooting 30 minutes before or after legal time, refuses to tag a kill, wanton waste of more than 10 pounds of meat that is required to be packed out, shoots over an active road, shoots from the road or a moving vehicle, taking a vehicle where not allowed, hunting in the wrong GMU or or the wrong season or wrong weapon, using someone else's tag, etc.
Actions that will end us hunting together are careless handling of weapons, not following up on a "miss" to check for blood, not being proficient with the weapon that had better be dialed in, shooting at well beyond their capabilities, intentionally tossing any plastic or metal or glass on the ground while hunting, harming trees or signs, be drunk or stoned blind while hunting, bring Milky Way bars or Natty Light to camp.