Trump on Public Lands

Cruz is my number 1 choice regardless of his stance on public land.
Then you must not hunt or care about public land. To me this is the only issue. While there is always going to be the dog whistle of the libs revoking the 2a, that is a right guaranteed by the Constitution. Public lands, however, are a privilege. If that ship sales, we will never again have it back. Welcome to the future of hunting clubs, mandatory fees and high fence operations.
Take a look at the money being funneled into some of these candidates super pacs via big oil, energy and mining( as well as infrastructure companies in bed with them) it's a good indication they are sell us down the river as fast as they can grab the cash.
Trump is on the right side of this issue and not to many other candidates have come out for protection of federal lands.
Then you must not hunt or care about public land. To me this is the only issue. While there is always going to be the dog whistle of the libs revoking the 2a, that is a right guaranteed by the Constitution. Public lands, however, are a privilege. If that ship sales, we will never again have it back. Welcome to the future of hunting clubs, mandatory fees and high fence operations.

X2..... No dem will ever remove our guns.
Sounds like you need to do some fact checking and not just make assumptions. His sons are both big time DIY hunters, yes they use guides on some big time expensive hunts but they also DIY hunt elk in CO and other states.

Not defending his use of words but hey at least he does say everything in a PC way and lie, he tells it how he sees it wrong or right.

Not only his sons, but his daughter hunts too. One of the sons and the daughter (Ivanka?) hunted the Ranch in Chama, New Mexico the week before I hunted there in 2008. The outfitter and guides were really impressed with how down to Earth they are, and the genuine effort they put into the hunt. Both were successful, taking nice Bulls on a fair chase hunt.
Donald might not be the best choice we have right now, but to hear people say they won't vote for him if he is the GOP nominee makes me sick. I guess they are willing to let Hillary waltz into office and do more damage to our Country than Obama has done.
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Really getting old having to settle for the best of the worst....

Honestly I'm afraid that regardless of who wins this election we will all lose.
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Then you must not hunt or care about public land. To me this is the only issue. While there is always going to be the dog whistle of the libs revoking the 2a, that is a right guaranteed by the Constitution. Public lands, however, are a privilege. If that ship sales, we will never again have it back. Welcome to the future of hunting clubs, mandatory fees and high fence operations.

2A rights are only part of it. It is nice to know that we have the constitution to protect us. That has worked out great lately.

I will take the calculated risk that no Republican will actually be able to pull off this horrible idea. The President, unless it is Obama, can't just unilaterally do whatever they want.

Without opposition from someone, Cruz or Trump, in another 8 years of leftist policies I won't be able to afford to hunt anyway....

Seriously? When was the last time you voted FOR somebody instead of AGAINST somebody?

Point taken.
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Historical Factoid: Nobody that hit 35% has ever failed to secure the nomination, Trump can't lose at this point. He'd need to be killed or drop out.
Then you must not hunt or care about public land. To me this is the only issue.

This is just a very minor issue in the grande scheme of where our country is and where it's heading. If you can only see one issue at a time, you will never be able to see the big picture as a whole. IMO the big picture is more important than any single issue.
This is just a very minor issue in the grande scheme of where our country is and where it's heading. If you can only see one issue at a time, you will never be able to see the big picture as a whole. IMO the big picture is more important than any single issue.

5MilesBack, agreed. The single most important issue is restoring a federal government that is bound by the Constitutional limits on it. How many candidates even talk about the Constitution? I can count them on 2 fingers. That should scare the snot out of every American. When we don't have the rule of law, we descend into tyranny. If we have the rule of law, all the other issues take care of themselves.

One other thought, as someone above mentioned I usually have to hold my nose at the polling place, but I have never missed an election at any level of government since I turned 18 a long while back. Generations of Americans before me, and those this very hour day have paid or been willing to pay the ultimate price for my freedom, including my right to vote. I owe it to them, to my children, and every future generation of American to do my homework and vote for the candidate that will best defend the Constitution.

Rant over.
Then you must not hunt or care about public land. To me this is the only issue. While there is always going to be the dog whistle of the libs revoking the 2a, that is a right guaranteed by the Constitution. Public lands, however, are a privilege. If that ship sales, we will never again have it back. Welcome to the future of hunting clubs, mandatory fees and high fence operations.

This is just a very minor issue in the grande scheme of where our country is and where it's heading. If you can only see one issue at a time, you will never be able to see the big picture as a whole. IMO the big picture is more important than any single issue.

5MilesBack, I agree. This country has turned down a road that offers no chance of recovery if we don't put the breaks on soon. That makes hunting issues minor in comparison to the bigger picture of where we are headed. That's not to say that I don't weigh those into my decisions, but I'm not voting for someone with a pointy red tail and devil horns because she or he says they'll protect public lands.
This is just a very minor issue in the grande scheme of where our country is and where it's heading. If you can only see one issue at a time, you will never be able to see the big picture as a whole. IMO the big picture is more important than any single issue.

Thank you. If you vote solely on one small issue like public land access then you are part of the problem. I vote for who I think will best tackle all of the serious problems this country faces. Right now I think that is Cruz.

I give money every year to both the NRA and BHA. They in turn support politicians that mostly oppose each other lol you don't have to be loyal to one party/idea to try and protect your interest.
This is just a very minor issue in the grande scheme of where our country is and where it's heading. If you can only see one issue at a time, you will never be able to see the big picture as a whole. IMO the big picture is more important than any single issue.
I'm with 5milesback. Even though public land access is important to me there are other candidates that I agree with on far more issues. Trump is amusing but I don't think he's the right choice, plus based on his history of interviews he supports an awful lot of liberal thinking and policies.
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I owe it to them, to my children, and every future generation of American to do my homework and vote for the candidate that will best defend the Constitution.

And there it is. Here is the simple oath of office: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

"To the best of my ability" does not mean "only if I feel like it that day".

For me, I can't even fathom how any individual gets into office and takes this oath while everyone in the country knows and understands that this particular individual doesn't even believe in the 2nd Amendment, and then violates this and most of the others while in office. And worse than that, is that most Americans don't even care that the person they vote for doesn't support the Constitution at all and would even rewrite if they could.

There is not a single Democrat that fully supports the Constitution, and sadly there are also very few Republicans that fully support every provision as well. We as a country are circling the drain because we have a country full of pansies that either don't understand the Constitution or refuse to support and defend it.

There have been many, many, (don't even know the number) of Americans that have made the ultimate sacrifice to support and defend the's time our elected officials get on board and be willing to do the same if need be. It's also time for Americans to do their part, and VOTE for people that WILL do that.
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I don't think our votes matter. Its all fixed. The super rich and powerful will always stay in control.

Where's Hootsma at? Looking forward to that guy getting in on this.
We are overdue for a civil war...look at what Egypt did. They and their military went after their President for Constitutional violations while Americans sat and swallowed the toxic Obamacare pill. Will an Executive Order or Treaty attempt to undermine 2A begin an armed revolt? I don't know. I would hope so but I look at Australia...Aussies were supposed to be tough and they allowed themselves become subjects rather than citizens. But the game IS rigged. The right and left are two corrupt parties leaning on one another for support. Congressmen are trained to be revenue collectors for the party, dirty dealmaking 101 ensues and soon they are enveloped in a mire of self-serving political survival and their influence is marginalized to the point of insignificance. Nope...what is needed is a good ole American revolution backed by mulitary and LEOs nationwide, The two party system is a failure. The Communists already won. They destroyed the nation by destroying our society, removing the church, work ethic, Pledge of Allegiance, the nuclear family and immigration control to kill the USA from within.

How to create a social state by Saul Alinsky:
There are eight levels of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a social state. The first is the most important.

1) Healthcare– Control healthcare and you control the people

2) Poverty – Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.

3) Debt – Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty
4) Gun Control– Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.

5) Welfare – Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income)

6) Education – Take control of what people read and listen to – take control of what children learn in school.

7) Religion – Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools

8) Class Warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.

Does any of this sound like what is happening to the United States?

Alinsky merely simplified Vladimir Lenin's original scheme for world conquest by communism, under Russian rule. Stalin described his converts as "Useful Idiots." The Useful Idiots have destroyed every nation in which they have seized power and control. It is presently happening at an alarming rate in the U.S If people can read this and still say everything is just fine…they are “useful idiots.

Buy some more ammo.
I'm for Trump. I think he would do America well. His agreesive nature will push some away. Best businessman running, by far. Will answer to know one because he needs zero donation money. Strong on national security and his family understands hunting/firearms. What's not to like?