17hmr cleaning strategies

Feb 2, 2020
I haven't shot my 17hmr as much as I'd like because I hate cleaning it. I used to have an old beater savage 17 that I never cleaned, so I shot it fairly often. But, got a new cz 457 17hmr last year. It shoots so well and is a nice rifle, so I'd like to keep the bore in good shape.

All bore guides I've used don't keep cleaning solvent out of the action since there is no guide design that fits in the chamber. They all just butt up to the breech. I've cleaned it a few times from the muzzle end, and although I'm extremely careful and have a good coated rod, it will inevitably lead to damaging the crown if I keep doing it.

What do you guys do?

Use a secret chamber fitting bore guide?
Pull the action from the stock every time you clean?
Clean from the muzzle with a muzzle protector?
I clean mine from the chamber end and just clean and degrease the chamber with an appropriately sized qtip at the end before running an alcohol soaked patch down the bore.

The hard part is keeping solvent out of the action area as the bore guide just dosnt seal
Clean from chamber then hose the action/trigger down with brake cleaner. For semis, I use a brass muzzle guide to keep from damaging the crown.
Just clean it and wipe up the excess. I never used a bore guide and haven’t damaged any rifles.
My issue with just cleaning from the chamber and then cleaning up the action area of solvent after is that my stock is wood. When it drips down from the breech is definitely getting into the wood :/
I have a couple CZ457's (well 5). You can shoot a LOT of 17 HMR before it needs cleaning. Bore snake is a good recommendation. Things to try: Don't have your patches dripping wet, turn the rifle upside down ( a cleaning cradle helps here). If it comes down to cleaning from the muzzle you would be light years ahead to never clean.
Volquartzen provided cleaning instructions with mine and it works fine. No cleaning rods. Squirt a little bore solvent and drag an Otis Ripcord through.
Volquartzen provided cleaning instructions with mine and it works fine. No cleaning rods. Squirt a little bore solvent and drag an Otis Ripcord through.

That's volquartzen's cleaning recommendations? That's really surprising. Is there any occasional in depth cleaning they recommend or just always the ripcord?
To keep excessive solvent out of the breach I like to use to dropper to wet out the patch with solvent just enough to work. No guide - just keep the rod centered and wipe abrasive dirt off it.

Bronze on steel isn’t abrasive, but plastic bristles covered in abrasive dirt is. A bore snake covered in bore debris, left out to attract more dirt, and sometimes broke off in the bore is an interesting option to simply using a stainless rod.
I have a really nice cleaning setup with all the fancy bore guides, ones piece cleaning rods, solvents etc.
I don't use any of it anymore, I do 99% of my cleaning with weed wacker string as a boresnake to pull patches through. I use all the time I saved to shoot more
I have a really nice cleaning setup with all the fancy bore guides, ones piece cleaning rods, solvents etc.
I don't use any of it anymore, I do 99% of my cleaning with weed wacker string as a boresnake to pull patches through. I use all the time I saved to shoot more
This is a fantastic idea. I unfortunately sold my beautiful 457 American recently to find a scope purchase. Damn rokslide. I've been thinking of contacting the guy to see if I can buy it back from him haha