Trump on Public Lands

So you'd take that position even if it were real over one from a man who believes that eminent domain,
ie: what's good for business far outweighs that rights of the individual?
Negative, I won't vote for either. I'm an evil liberal here to take all of your gunz and make you gay.
Years of private sector work, contracting. Also spent 4 terms as a state legislator so I have a little experience in the government sector.
If you look at Trump's record and the way that he has handled himself in business it is truly deplorable. Now I understand people's frustration with government and the two party system and I must say that I'm not happy either, however, I have seen how other countries are governed and as horrible as ours is right now, it's the best in the world as far as opportunities for success and freedom. We are losing those freedoms fast and if Trump acts as President as he has in business, those freedoms will disappear, look up his eminent domain case in NJ against a little old lady. Cruz has a most outstanding resume and his track record is amazing, ie: the Heller case that he won arguing before the Supreme Court. He is a true constitutional scholar and while he will be stymied at every turn by both parties in Congress, he is the best shot that we have to preserve our freedoms here in America.

Thanks for your time in your state legislature. I know there are some greedy people in government, but for most it is a personal sacrifice. Much respect.
I understand that you said that tongue in cheek airlocksniffer, but there is a lot of truth to that little joke.

I see this in my own friends and family who have attended liberal universities. It is like a group think among as aspiring liberals they have been brainwashed to believe from the media, politicians, and liberal universities...that most conservatives want to limit their rights somehow?

When the exact opposite is true of most conservatives that I know...we want the same rights for everyone with the rights of the minority no more or less important than the rights of the majority...and a wish for equal rights for everyone. But that doesn't mean "special rights" or equal outcomes. And most conservatives that I know are generous in helping people and causes that they have assessed themselves and believe in, but don't want the fruits of their labor to be stolen by the government, some of those fruits wasted, and then the remainder of the fruit spent on causes that they don't agree with.

You will never catch me telling a liberal that they have to go hunting, carry a gun, stop wearing skinny jeans, etc. In the famous words of Hans & Frans..."I don't care one single bit if they want to be a little girly-man and drive a car that is smaller than one of my bulging muscular thighs."
Negative, I won't vote for either. I'm an evil liberal here to take all of your gunz and make you gay.

Isn't America a great country?!?!?

We can both state our opinions and perhaps have to agree to disagree but we can do that without worrying about our doors being broken down in the middle of the night because of what we say!
I see this in my own friends and family who have attended liberal universities. It is like a group think among as aspiring liberals they have been brainwashed to believe from the media, politicians, and liberal universities...that most conservatives want to limit their rights somehow?

When the exact opposite is true of most conservatives that I know...we want the same rights for everyone with the rights of the minority no more or less important than the rights of the majority...and a wish for equal rights for everyone. But that doesn't mean "special rights" or equal outcomes. And most conservatives that I know are generous in helping people and causes that they have assessed themselves and believe in, but don't want the fruits of their labor to be stolen by the government, some of those fruits wasted, and then the remainder of the fruit spent on causes that they don't agree with.

You will never catch me telling a liberal that they have to go hunting, carry a gun, stop wearing skinny jeans, etc. In the famous words of Hans & Frans..."I don't care one single bit if they want to be a little girly-man and drive a car that is smaller than one of my bulging muscular thighs."

I've always told my kids there is only one simple difference between liberals and conservatives. Conservatives mind their own business and want everyone else to do the same, while liberals want to tell you how to live your life.
Isn't America a great country?!?!?

We can both state our opinions and perhaps have to agree to disagree but we can do that without worrying about our doors being broken down in the middle of the night because of what we say!

Well yes between two reasonable people but tell that to the Dr. that shot Cecil the Lion.
If the republicans put trump on the ticket they have given the conservatives another 4 years in the White House.

The guy has said way to much dumb shit to make a presidential win possible, couple that with the fact that we can't (or rather shouldn't) have a president get on Twitter and call women fat pigs or people idiots, even if it's deserved. Not a single candidate is worth a shit and I hope we can go 4 years without one of these people destroying more of us.
Liberal as Hillary. Now, you have derailed.

Both are willing to deny others of their freedoms.
Hillary as a junior lawyer on the impeach Nixon team said the because of the seriousness of the accusations, Nixon had no right to counsel!
Trump has said and done so many things to destroy anyone that disagrees with him or stands up to him, ie; his fight with Meghan Kelly right now, let alone his support for eminent domain proceedings and huge donations to liberal politicians and liberal causes.

Being from Vermont and having sat across the table from Bernie Sanders on several occasions, his Socialism scares me and if he were elected this country would be screwed, but the one thing that I have to say for him is that he is and has always been honest about what he believes and what he thinks would be the best for this country. More than I can say for either Trump or Clinton...... they are both in it for "me?"
"Cruz has a most outstanding resume and his track record is amazing."
Has he ever had a job that wasn't payed for by the taxpayer? He's just like all the other parasites making promises he won't keep.
Trump is worlds ahead of getting things done in the real world,the one we live in.
I dont get how people dont understand this.

We fully understand that. But we aren't myopic and see only this issue. Like I said, if you take the picture as a "whole", the land transfer issue is a tiny % of the overall issues in our country today. I'm not sure I've ever seen an oath for any office or position where one had to pledge to keep the public lands in America. Protecting, upholding, and defending the Constitution has to be the number one priority for our country. That's why those oaths were developed in the first place. Unfortunately, I think they've become so mundane to some folks that they aren't even paying attention to what they're pledging to. Or in a more realistic view.......they just don't care about the Constitution and would crap all over it if given the chance.

I was born a hunter, spend 365 days a year thinking about, preparing for, or actually going on hunts. Yes, it is a VERY big part of who I am. But I would trade my privilege of being able to hunt on public land in order to ensure the future rights, liberties, and freedoms that this country was founded on and the Constitution provides.

Would you be willing to lay down your life to defend those public lands? Would you be willing to lay down your life to defend and protect the Constitution?