I see this in my own friends and family who have attended liberal universities. It is like a group think among them...like as aspiring liberals they have been brainwashed to believe from the media, politicians, and liberal universities...that most conservatives want to limit their rights somehow?
When the exact opposite is true of most conservatives that I know...we want the same rights for everyone with the rights of the minority no more or less important than the rights of the majority...and a wish for equal rights for everyone. But that doesn't mean "special rights" or equal outcomes. And most conservatives that I know are generous in helping people and causes that they have assessed themselves and believe in, but don't want the fruits of their labor to be stolen by the government, some of those fruits wasted, and then the remainder of the fruit spent on causes that they don't agree with.
You will never catch me telling a liberal that they have to go hunting, carry a gun, stop wearing skinny jeans, etc. In the famous words of Hans & Frans..."I don't care one single bit if they want to be a little girly-man and drive a car that is smaller than one of my bulging muscular thighs."