Trump on Public Lands

You will see a Trump/Cruz ticket when it's all done.

I agree this will happen. Trump rubs people wrong with his use of words but I bet most have felt or though similar to what he says when they really look at the issues. I'll vote republican whoever it is.

Most of what he says is big talk, it's called marketing and he has done an amazing job as he is in the spot light. I like that he isn't a career politician and there is no way he can screw up our country more then Obama has or Hillary will.
I agree this will happen. Trump rubs people wrong with his use of words but I bet most have felt or though similar to what he says when they really look at the issues. I'll vote republican whoever it is.

Most of what he says is big talk, it's called marketing and he has done an amazing job as he is in the spot light. I like that he isn't a career politician and there is no way he can screw up our country more then Obama has or Hillary will.

I wish you were correct but Trump can easily screw this country up. (not as fast as Hillary or Bernie though)
I was ticked off at Bush for as far from the constitution he strayed but them Obama took off right where Bush left off and ran down hill away from the rule of law and the constitution.

It scares me where someone like Trump, that has no respect for the law would take us.
Maybe not everybody's number one issue but I have a hard time believing anybody who utilizes public lands for hunting is a proponent of federal land transfer to the states. Many state constitutions have a provision to maximize profits from state-owned lands. Leaving them open for recreation isn't a real money maker compared to development or resource extraction. If you believe in public lands, I don't really care who you vote for. But the least you can do is let your chosen candidate know how you feel about transferring public lands. Here are links to their campaign sites. Use the Contact Us links:

Trump -

Cruz -

Bush -

Rubio -

Clinton -

Sanders -

If you are for the transfer of public lands, please stay out of my state and or any other public lands in the west.
I often wonder, whatever happened to common sense moderate candidates? Can they just not be successful in this day of loud mouths?

I think (hope) he has more respect for the law then it seems but look at Hillary, she should be in jail but doubt she even gets a slap on the wrist.
I'm for Trump. I think he would do America well. His agreesive nature will push some away. Best businessman running, by far. Will answer to know one because he needs zero donation money. Strong on national security and his family understands hunting/firearms. What's not to like?

What's not to like??????????? There isn't enough room on a forum.

As far as his abilities as a businessman........
IF he had just taken the money his father gave him to get started and invested it in a mutual fund,
he would have more money than he has now.
He is an amazing showman and has the press eating out of his hand but if you take him at his word..... it's time to run for cover.
With 4 Supreme Court Justices potentially leaving, the next President will get to have a lasting effect on the country and the Constitution. Trump has publicly stated that he thinks his sister in law, a radical left wing judge, would be a good fit!
What's not to like??????????? There isn't enough room on a forum.

As far as his abilities as a businessman........
IF he had just taken the money his father gave him to get started and invested it in a mutual fund,
he would have more money than he has now.
He is an amazing showman and has the press eating out of his hand but if you take him at his word..... it's time to run for cover.
With 4 Supreme Court Justices potentially leaving, the next President will get to have a lasting effect on the country and the Constitution. Trump has publicly stated that he thinks his sister in law, a radical left wing judge, would be a good fit!

Wow. I guess anyone could be a real estate mogul with parents money. Please back the mutual fund data with a fact. BTW, how many payroll checks have you written?
Wow. I guess anyone could be a real estate mogul with parents money. Please back the mutual fund data with a fact. BTW, how many payroll checks have you written?

Only about 30 years worth of payroll checks.
Now I have chosen to not be a large construction company but I do have to make a payroll every week.

And I have never fired anyone.
If Cruz can't win Iowa then he's toast. It's the most natural fit for him . Trump wins or is a close second in Iowa and takes New Hampshire and South Carolina then it's over. As it goes down to March 15th when it's basically over. In the states coming between New Hampshire and and March 15 Trump mostly has wide polling leads and if he comes out of the first two or three looking like a winner the voters will jump on the wagon to ride with a winner. It's completely Trumps race to lose and he's been nothing short of brilliant so far. We better hope he's for public lands and hunting because if it comes down to Sanders or Hillary the land may remain public but your ability to hunt on it may get much more restricted. It is the Clinton war on the west that brought us wolves to replace humans in keeping game in check and run the ranchers out of bbusiness. Going shooting ? Not on Clinton's or Sanders lands and maybe not at all if they can manage it. Hunting will get a huge squeeze. Trump is the best bet if you like to hunt , shoot , and fish on public lands.
If you are for the transfer of public lands, please stay out of my state and or any other public lands in the west.

Seems as though you should have more focus on your own State Legislature than anyone else. If your state decides to sell off the public land after a transfer, that's nobody else's fault but your state's.
Only about 30 years worth of payroll checks.
Now I have chosen to not be a large construction company but I do have to make a payroll every week.

And I have never fired anyone.

I wanted to know what your private sector experience. It seems, at least the people I hear complain about Trump, have no business experience at all. I have not been in a discussion with anyone in business that wouldn't want Trump, so I am surprised at your lack of liking him at all.

I like Cruz just fine, but would rather have Trump as a leader. Cruz is too babtisty for me and I grew up Baptist. Cruz talks about Reagan-democrats and Reagan constitution stuff all the time. There is only 1 candidate that has had personal experience with Ronald Reagan in an advisory/council role - Donald Trump.
Seems as though you should have more focus on your own State Legislature than anyone else. If your state decides to sell off the public land after a transfer, that's nobody elses fault but your state's.
Hopefully it never gets to the states to decide to sell or preserve. My senators and reps have already heard from me. But if we have a Congressional majority and a president in favor, it will happen. Based on what other western states have done with their land since statehood, I'm not hopeful any western state would keep it public.
Seems as though you should have more focus on your own State Legislature than anyone else. If your state decides to sell off the public land after a transfer, that's nobody else's fault but your state's.

Yeah but you'll run into the same people that broke federal laws and legalized Pot and then shoved gun laws down their citizens throats. Yeah people spoke up but have you seen a reverse of any of that? Hard to get your views in the spot light if your state overall is clueless and this goes for all the states. Will be easy to get support to sell public lands in any state even if the people are against it. As the politicians seem to think they know more so what is best for us then we do.

Everyone says our Fed gov sucks, well last I looked 75% of it is ran by state elected officials.
I wanted to know what your private sector experience. It seems, at least the people I hear complain about Trump, have no business experience at all. I have not been in a discussion with anyone in business that wouldn't want Trump, so I am surprised at your lack of liking him at all.

I like Cruz just fine, but would rather have Trump as a leader. Cruz is too babtisty for me and I grew up Baptist. Cruz talks about Reagan-democrats and Reagan constitution stuff all the time. There is only 1 candidate that has had personal experience with Ronald Reagan in an advisory/council role - Donald Trump.

Years of private sector work, contracting. Also spent 4 terms as a state legislator so I have a little experience in the government sector.
If you look at Trump's record and the way that he has handled himself in business it is truly deplorable. Now I understand people's frustration with government and the two party system and I must say that I'm not happy either, however, I have seen how other countries are governed and as horrible as ours is right now, it's the best in the world as far as opportunities for success and freedom. We are losing those freedoms fast and if Trump acts as President as he has in business, those freedoms will disappear, look up his eminent domain case in NJ against a little old lady. Cruz has a most outstanding resume and his track record is amazing, ie: the Heller case that he won arguing before the Supreme Court. He is a true constitutional scholar and while he will be stymied at every turn by both parties in Congress, he is the best shot that we have to preserve our freedoms here in America.
I have absolutely no problem with a lot of the stuff that Trump has said to try to be provocative, and I am sure he believes a portion of it as well. The fact that he doesn't apologize for speaking his mind is also refreshing...and if he actually blew up the Republican establishment instead of making his own establishment as I suspect he would, that would be a bonus. But as a candidate for President, his lack of honor and principles, and his lack of understanding of the Constitution scare me. I have listened to all of the candidates on both sides and the only 3 that I have heard that are consistent and want to support and defend the Constitution seem to be Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Ben Carson (and Rubio most of the time). Well, Bernie is consistent too, but we know where he stands on the Constitution.

The Supreme Court justice matter as mentioned above is frightening to me from the Trump perspective and the potential for the abuse of power is strong with this one.

How much is enough for the Federal Gov't to own and 50% of each state not enough? As gov't gets smaller and more local, then each of us has more of a say generally in what happens. I am old enough to see how Federal gov't control of lands has steadily increased along with increased usage fees beyond the taxes we already pay and the addition of onerous access permits...and all while the public service they are supposed to provide has actually decreased.

Is Nixon, oops I mean Trump worse than Benedict Arnold, oops I mean Hillary?...probably not, since Trump hasn't comitted a bunch of felonies that we know of yet.