I have absolutely no problem with a lot of the stuff that Trump has said to try to be provocative, and I am sure he believes a portion of it as well. The fact that he doesn't apologize for speaking his mind is also refreshing...and if he actually blew up the Republican establishment instead of making his own establishment as I suspect he would, that would be a bonus. But as a candidate for President, his lack of honor and principles, and his lack of understanding of the Constitution scare me. I have listened to all of the candidates on both sides and the only 3 that I have heard that are consistent and want to support and defend the Constitution seem to be Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Ben Carson (and Rubio most of the time). Well, Bernie is consistent too, but we know where he stands on the Constitution.
The Supreme Court justice matter as mentioned above is frightening to me from the Trump perspective and the potential for the abuse of power is strong with this one.
How much is enough for the Federal Gov't to own and control...is 50% of each state not enough? As gov't gets smaller and more local, then each of us has more of a say generally in what happens. I am old enough to see how Federal gov't control of lands has steadily increased along with increased usage fees beyond the taxes we already pay and the addition of onerous access permits...and all while the public service they are supposed to provide has actually decreased.
Is Nixon, oops I mean Trump worse than Benedict Arnold, oops I mean Hillary?...probably not, since Trump hasn't comitted a bunch of felonies that we know of yet.