TRT Anyone?

That free T number(35) is pretty high. Is that a typo? Free T ranges in the teens would be considered adequate. Its an odd combo with a total T of 172 wich is certainly low. Did they check your estrodial?
That free T number(35) is pretty high. Is that a typo? Free T ranges in the teens would be considered adequate. Its an odd combo with a total T of 172 wich is certainly low. Did they check your estrodial?

They did and I don't have the numbers in front of me but they were in the normal ranges.

I know the free T scale that the lab showed normal was like 48-244 and I was at 35, and total T normal range was 300-1050 and I was at 172.

I know over seen two different labs now both with different ranges, but both show be to be low in bot free and total T.

Edit:. Total T was done in ng/dl and free T was done in pg/ml.
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Just had tests come back at 172 total and 35 free at age 34. . . Hoping it's finally an answer to my exhaustion, mood swings, and weight gain that seems unfazed by anything I try (diet, exercise, half marathon).

My question to guys taking T especially younger guys is are you taking HCG or clomid or anything like that to try to keep what production your body has and stave off testicular atrophy?

I'm in the research phase at the moment and have a Dr appt with my primary Friday. Not sure he is qualified but want to have a list of questions for him to get a read on Him and how he wants to proceed, also looking for specialists but it looks like nebraska is pretty slim on those!

Thanks for your thoughts,
At work so I can't read everything others posted yet but I don't believe you need any clomid ect unless you're cycling on and off.

I'm 30 and at 25 my levels were just barely above what a dr would approve for TRT, and I can tell you I have the same symptoms. It's miserable as hell.
Moody, ALWAYS EXHAUSTED, low sex drive, can't gain muscle or lose weight no matter what I do anymore, ect.
At work so I can't read everything others posted yet but I don't believe you need any clomid ect unless you're cycling on and off.

I'm 30 and at 25 my levels were just barely above what a dr would approve for TRT, and I can tell you I have the same symptoms. It's miserable as hell.
Moody, ALWAYS EXHAUSTED, low sex drive, can't gain muscle or lose weight no matter what I do anymore, ect.
My doc heavily recommended HCG even though I am 44 and don't plan on procreating, at first I refused it, and then after doing a bit of research I called them back and took their advice.
Former competitive bodybuilder and now I coach/train/mentor/consult folks as a side gig. I have a few lifestyle clients that I assist with their TRT protocols. Happy to help anyone that needs it. Been in this game for 14 years and counting!
They did and I don't have the numbers in front of me but they were in the normal ranges.

I know the free T scale that the lab showed normal was like 48-244 and I was at 35, and total T normal range was 300-1050 and I was at 172.

I know over seen two different labs now both with different ranges, but both show be to be low in bot free and total T.

I’ve seen some labs have that range for 47-244 but lab corp is 9-26.
That free T number(35) is pretty high. Is that a typo? Free T ranges in the teens would be considered adequate. Its an odd combo with a total T of 172 wich is certainly low. Did they check your estrodial?

An online conversion calculator shows my free T would be at 3.5 Ng/dl
I've been working with my healthcare providers for a few years now to get my levels up without TRT. (most providers don't understand or want to prescribe TRT and the endocrinologists I've been referred to mostly work with diabetic patients who are elderly). Lifestyle changes I've made that have improved it and kept it higher than three years ago: sleep, consistent strength training, not using plastics to store food in, not using body washes, cutting out alcohol, cutting out hormone-treated meats, high supplementation of zinc, vitamin D, and magnesium. I'm definitely in the lower "normal" range and still not ideal for what I feel like/how my body recovers from workouts but noticeable improvement. I've been from 280-520 ngl. average is low 400s.
Why no body wash? Plastic container?
I will add this to anyone thinking about trying to get back to normal levels naturally. Don’t waste money on fake supplement pills etc. I did nearly everything right. Been working out for 13 years 5+ days a week on average. Eating a high protein diet, was in great shape, and still had low T. I recently helped friend get in the best shape of his life and he has low T. So it’s not an excuse either. I noticed it helped me maintain my muscle mass easier (only lost 3# last elk season which was likely dehydration) and I’ve been able to add some muscle where I had been stuck for years. So it does help some in that regard but it’s not magic. You get in what you put out.
So my old spice body wash is gonna lead to moobs? WTH??

What is a fella supposed to wash with then? Ivory soap?

As a thought, you could look into a charcoal based body wash. That, or just straight old world, lye based soap (think “Paper Street Soap Company”)
So my old spice body wash is gonna lead to moobs? WTH??

What is a fella supposed to wash with then? Ivory soap?

There are several companies starting to advertise natural soaps that are chemical and hormone free. I'm just starting to look into them as I stare at my Irish springs body wash!
I've been on TRT for a little over 3 years. I was in the low 200's when I started. I also have hypothyroidism, so it's a bit of a balancing act to know which one is making me act like more of an a-hole.
I'm injecting 100mg once a week and my levels are mid 300's. I was up to injecting 125mg per week, but my body started to overproduce red blood cells and hematocrit so my blood pressure became an issue as my blood thickened. I did feel REALLY good for about a month until the blood issue came up. I inject in my glutes, and sometimes my thigh (as mentioned above, if you hit the nerve, you WILL know it!).
Since I'm still not where I want to be, I'm going to back to the 125 dose and donate blood once a month to try to mitigate the extra blood cell issue. Hope it works!
Most general practitioners don't want to deal with TRT. I had to go to an endocrinologist and now go to a urologist that specializes in mens health issues.
My insurance covers the cost of the TRT with a small co-pay. I found it easiest just to order the syringes on-line.
I draw with an 18g and inject with a 23g needle. I've found that BD syringes & needles are the best.
I did blood tests twice a week for several months last year and my T levels kept fluctuating where insurance wouldn’t pay. It was maddening because I still felt like I had low drive and lack of initiative. I’ve been eating extremely clean and on a high protein diet, but still not the same. I just kind of gave up on trying to get on TRT but I’ve been thinking about it again.

Anyone else have a similar experience? Super low T levels on one test, then “acceptable” on another and insurance refused to pay?
^^^^^^I made a post in this thread early on about switching from insurance to self pay, it doesn’t cost very much at all. I go to the Dr. two times a year, plus blood work twice every year. $90.00 for a 2000 mg bottle of testosterone.
I only tested once prior to starting so I have no idea how much my numbers jumped, but they were all over the map after I started.