Toilet Paper out in the Field

TP and cheap baby wipes, daily and field use

You all using just wipes or that water bottle sprayer, do you dry after?
I can’t stand a wet ass :D
I bring a half roll of paper work and a sandwich bag with 20 baby wipes anyone with me can figure it out for themselves
Rip the sleeves off your T shirt, macho man style

It’s one of my signature move when out in the woods and I’ve found you’ll get a lot of laughs.
The bidet sounds great but most of the time, water is at a premium where I hunt.
TP, half paper towels and wet wipes......viola.

I always carry an extra pair of brown jersey gloves in my pocket for emergencies after all the traditional things have given up the ghost.
Package of unscented baby wipes and roll of TP is always with me. I'll sacrifice the weight to have a clean ass if hiking a bunch.
I don't bring anything. The right grass or leaves work fine. Moss is great. If snow, that's about the best. The trick to grass is to knead it in your hands until it turns into a pad. At the end of the day you wash like you should. That's the way all humans did it for basically all of history.
Wipes all day. I can't believe people use toilet paper. I would prefer a bidet but wet wipes beat scraping up my...With dry paper.