Best of the Best: Merino Sun Hoody

I am absolutely over the top impressed by my Outdoor Research alpine onset hoody. My brother had one for snowboarding and I saw that it basically has a built in neck gaiter and that sold me. Got it and have hunted a crap ton in it. It is the first thing that I reach for when I am hunting in the early season. I find myself reaching for it more than my wick hoody. It's definitely not as soft as the wick is (seems similar to the old minaret), but I find it thinner and more breathable along with it basically having a build in facemask but without the stupid sewn in stuff like other baselayers.

I am going to try some synthetic sun hoodies this year since I do tend to hunt in temperatures close to triple digits sometimes where wool is just too much, but for the vast majority of my hunts, I am sure that hoody will be on my body.
Stone Glacier Chinook is what I use as my ultra-lightweight merino sun shirt.

Stone Glacier Chinook is what I use as my ultra-lightweight merino sun shirt.

it is when of my favorites as well, but the 170g/m2 weight is bit heavy for warm to hot hunts.
Anybody have any tips for how to reduce static and “cling” of merino shirts? I don’t wanna use dryer sheets, hair spray, or any of those weird home remedies. Hoping somebody has a scent proof way to remove static and keep it away. Seems like merino is much worse in regards to static and clinging than bamboo for some reason.

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I’ve used first lite, ice breaker, smart wool, free fly, Sitka, kuiu, and others but still am on the hunt for the perfect sun hoody. Lately I’ve been researching Alpaca but there don’t seem to be options that are quite light enough for high output summer scouting or archery hunts.

Curious what you all are using, what you think is the best, and why?

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I have various wool shirts from at least 6 different companies, which I wear basically everyday. I recently bought a short sleeve Minus33 Wolverino, and I am smitten with it. I've only worn it once, so nervous to build it up so, but I already have a second in the mail. I don't have their sun hoody, but that will happen soon too. It's 145 gsm I believe, not the lightest, but it feels like they nailed it.
I have 4 sun hoodies. I love Merino wool, but for a sun hoodie I do like the synthetic better. My Smartwool sun hoodie gets used, but the piling and slower dry time in the heat is what keeps me from using it more. It is great for colder weather though.
I have an older and newer model Voormi, I like both even in hot direct sun. Find myself reaching for the old model GOHunt synthetic more often during fall seasons though.