Time to get your winter kit in the vehicle/vehicles.

120’ of strap, shackles, kinetic rope, TP, shovel, wool pants, some freeze dried food and a jetboil.

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What does your winter kit consist of?
shelter & bag, food, water, warm clothing/footwear, books, a way to start fire, folding shovel, plus I have other stuff in the vehicle year round...mre's, water filter, wool blankets, water & food, small stove & fuel, instant coffee.... Tow strap & jumper + other items.
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What do do you use 120 ft of strap for. Genuinely curious, and what kind of strap?

I’d just rather have enough to know it’ll reach a good spot to pull from just in case. They’re 30’ straps from a farm store. Can’t remember the brand but they’re not expensive and haven’t broke one yet. Most I’ve needed so far is 60’.

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Mine is pretty much ready year round- kind of Boy Scout that way. The only things I add specifically for winter are chains/tighteners, snow shovel, snow brush and an even warmer jacket.

Hand winch, tow rope, shackles, hi-lift jack, recovery ramps, regular shovel, jumper cables, air compressor, etc all reside year round. Ditto on extra clothing, shelter bits, fire bits, water and food.
On opening day of elk season on Saturday I drove up a pretty crummy road to find a guy who was cutting firewood that spent the night in his stuck POS pickup. When I found him at 10am it was still ~15 degrees and he was curled up under a thin fleece blanket in his truck and couldn't feel his hands or feet. After warming him up in my truck for an hour, giving him a bunch of granola bars and a hot cup of tea, digging his truck out for him and wrestling my chains onto it he was able to limp the rig out back to civilization. This was the second year in a row he's spent a night in his truck due to getting it stuck while looking for firewood. Last year he got frostbite on his fingers.

Life is tough, but it's tougher if you are a damn unprepared idiot.
Anyone ever use a Tirfor winch? I know of guys who used them in Africa in the 50's but never used one myself.
I keep water in stainless steel insulated bottles but I refresh it at regular intervals. Also keep a water filter and stove/small pot, that stuff is year round thou.
Yep,just ordered a new Noco gbx55 charger and some new cables.I like to change my oil around 1st nov and top everything off.
Stays year around,
Maxtrax,strap,viar compressor,usgi shovel.
Down jacket,hat,gloves,military goretex coat,wool blanket,5 gallons water,survival kit with fire starter.