The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

Rumblings about increasingly less confidence in the administration has me worried.

It just goes to show where we've come as a nation. Everyone expects the government to take care of them, and do everything for them, and make all their decisions so they don't have to. And worse yet, they vote that way as well. It's a pretty sad state of affairs we're in these days. People "demanding" extra paid sick days just for the corona virus. SMH
It just goes to show where we've come as a nation. Everyone expects the government to take care of them, and do everything for them, and make all their decisions so they don't have to. And worse yet, they vote that way as well. It's a pretty sad state of affairs we're in these days. People "demanding" extra paid sick days just for the corona virus. SMH

Really simple. Less tweeting like a fool and more leading. the stupid shit that came out of the presidents mouth the last month has a lot of people worried. Give him enough rope and he just might hang us all. When you dont know a technical or scientific subject, you politely defer to an expert to make a commment.

One person today that expressed disappointment with the administration was a former managing director of one the largest private financial institutions in this county. I can assure you he doesnt need sick days, and he was in fine health this morning when I talked him, and he better stay that way so we can catch steelhead this Saturday.
As usual you let ideology over ride sensibility.
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I need more people to think like that, just like today, and then I'll be there to pick up some shares. Same for oil.

I have two close friends who work in upper level management in Boeing and Alaska airlines. I think once market reaches bottom, both are decent companies to pick up for the long term. I flipped my CLR stock and made some money.

I think some other energy stocks are going to be good buys in the future once this settles out. Again for long term holds. But we'll see.

Sold my house last year, sitting on proceeds and waiting for real estate to go down and hopefully pick up property or a house in the next two years. Waiting....
$SPY in blocks. short VIX options....carefully. I think there is more pain left but I see it bouncing back, its just a matter of when
Really simple. Less tweeting like a fool and more leading. the stupid shit that came out of the presidents mouth the last month has a lot of people worried. Give him enough rope and he just might hang us all. When you dont know a technical or scientific subject, you politely defer to an expert to make a commment.

One person today that expressed disappointment with the administration was a former managing director of one the largest private financial institutions in this county. I can assure you he doesnt need sick days, and he was in fine health this morning when I talked him, and he better stay that way so we can catch steelhead this Saturday.
As usual you let ideology over ride sensibility.

Well. You called it. Stand by for another market freefall after this latest stunt
Well. You called it. Stand by for another market freefall after this latest stunt

While I tend to agree about the presidents tweets the entire worlds markets are imploding not just ours. Futures are cratering again tonight as are the Asian markets.
While I tend to agree about the presidents tweets the entire worlds markets are imploding not just ours. Futures are cratering again tonight as are the Asian markets.

Agreed. Never said our boy was the only cause for what is obviously a global issue, but that 30 day suspension of European travel isn't gonna add anything to the S&P
As usual you let ideology over ride sensibility.

That's exactly what I was condemning.......ideologies instead of simple common sense. ;)

Trump isn't the problem, and this virus isn't the problem. People are the problem, and panicking people are really the problem. My goodness can't live your lives in fear. Go out and live your lives.

Oh, and Boeing hit one of my limits this morning in the 150's so now I own Boeing again. I just don't see them sitting below $160 forever.
This is wild. I’m not quite ready to buy yet, I think it’s early into the virus panic. My 3 recession crash stocks are getting close to where I want them, they need another 50% discount. Fingers crossed.

Here is a great bear market graph. Last 2 big ones over 40%. We are at about 28-29% now.
I think there is significant downside yet to come. YMMV. Regardless of your thoughts on the coronavirus, its lethality, will you or your family get sick, etc., it has already created massive REAL economic problems that will take a few months to play out. Much like the 2008-2009 period, there were early trigger events that took awhile to play out before the full extent of the damage was made clear.

I think this first wave could be similar to the Bear Stearns collapse in 2008. That was late 2007/early 2008 and they were sold to JPM March, 2008. The markets had taken a dip (much like the last 2 weeks) but ultimately fell another 50% before bottoming.

I'm not predicting we have an equivalent drop, but I don't think anyone has fully priced in the real-world economic fallout from all of the industrial shutdowns, workforce quarantine, etc. There is a LOT of leverage in our global system, and factories/output dropping to zero for extended periods is going to create a lot of kinks in the flow of capital. The bond market is SCREAMING "caution" right now.

I do this for a living but this is not advice, just my $.02

Hopefully someone, anyone that read my post took caution. I think we will bounce from these levels for those of you that want to take a chance on a short term trade, but there is still more downside after a short-medium term bounce.

Boeing, in my opinion, will be filing for bankruptcy within the next 12 months. It's very hard for me to see why anyone wants to invest in it at these levels unless your thesis is that it will get bailed out by the government AND that they will not wipe out shareholders in the process. I don't think the company itself is going anywhere, but current equity is a donut. YMMV. Not advice.
We shorted Boeing today. I got the idea last night from this. First real money I made all week.
I placed an offer on a house yesterday along with 2 others. "Best and FInal" is due in a couple hours but I'm withdrawing opting to hold onto cash for a bit longer. I'm sure i'm not the only one.

There are other circumstances like having an existing mortgage, a lot of skepticism about finding sufficient internet to work from home, and not having a "cant lose" mentality about this one but this market and the idea of liquidating $80k in cash for a down payment pushed things over the top.