I think there is significant downside yet to come. YMMV. Regardless of your thoughts on the coronavirus, its lethality, will you or your family get sick, etc., it has already created massive REAL economic problems that will take a few months to play out. Much like the 2008-2009 period, there were early trigger events that took awhile to play out before the full extent of the damage was made clear.
I think this first wave could be similar to the Bear Stearns collapse in 2008. That was late 2007/early 2008 and they were sold to JPM March, 2008. The markets had taken a dip (much like the last 2 weeks) but ultimately fell another 50% before bottoming.
I'm not predicting we have an equivalent drop, but I don't think anyone has fully priced in the real-world economic fallout from all of the industrial shutdowns, workforce quarantine, etc. There is a LOT of leverage in our global system, and factories/output dropping to zero for extended periods is going to create a lot of kinks in the flow of capital. The bond market is SCREAMING "caution" right now.
I do this for a living but this is not advice, just my $.02