The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

We shorted Boeing today. I got the idea last night from this. First real money I made all week.

You could have shorted just about anything today and made money. Did you see how much it spiked in the afternoon. It was up over $30/share from where I bought it. I could have made some money on that trade too if I had chosen to sell it. Hopefully you shorted it at its highs of the day. I made a killing in TZA today.
Futures are down another 350, might be sub 20,000 tomorrow. Wild!

I just talked to dad and I had told him when China first started getting the virus and reading the drop during SARS that I was moving mine 401k to a safe fund for a bit. He didn’t tell me until today that he moved his too. He’s retired and had a good amount in the market, he dodged a bullet.

Apparently a 10% commission is out of the question haha. He said I still owe him for all the crap I tore up in high school.
For someone with more investment knowledge then I have what you guys mean when you say “shorted”?
For someone with more investment knowledge then I have what you guys mean when you say “shorted”?

Basically you “borrow” someone else’s stock betting that it goes down. Very risky because if it goes up, you owe them the amount it goes up. So you can mount huge losses if you are wrong
Dividends will be altered, if earnings are tanking
Yes, wondering if it's better to say put 10k into something that's trading at 1/3 or 1/4 it was a month ago. Hang on ride it up and hang onto it for dividends as opposed to selling for profit. Or just sell once the stock doubled or triples in value in x years.
Apparently a 10% commission is out of the question haha. He said I still owe him for all the crap I tore up in high school.

This has got to be a dad thing haha. My dad claims anything I own/make is half his...I also owe him on seemingly everything :ROFLMAO:

As far as the market goes...I'm only 31 and while the hits to the 401(k), HSA, and Roth hurt, I am staying the course and leaving everything alone. It will come back eventually...and dip again. Long time before I can even think about retiring.
Yes, wondering if it's better to say put 10k into something that's trading at 1/3 or 1/4 it was a month ago. Hang on ride it up and hang onto it for dividends as opposed to selling for profit. Or just sell once the stock doubled or triples in value in x years.

It’s a crap shoot right now. I was original hoping for a 10-15% correction but this is going way beyond that. You think back to the last 2 big down turns and the amount of large companies idle is staggering. Some of them could end up belly up if this doesn’t pass fast enough.

I’d say your best bet would be an index fund or mutual fund at some point when you feel comfortable but not even the best expert knows when that will be. An index fund will provide a buffer, they should have 100+ different companies and if one loses out its not a big deal. Single stocks are tough to judge for anyone and are always a gamble.
It looks like interest rates for mortgages went back up??

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It’s a crap shoot right now. I was original hoping for a 10-15% correction but this is going way beyond that. You think back to the last 2 big down turns and the amount of large companies idle is staggering. Some of them could end up belly up if this doesn’t pass fast enough.

I’d say your best bet would be an index fund or mutual fund at some point when you feel comfortable but not even the best expert knows when that will be. An index fund will provide a buffer, they should have 100+ different companies and if one loses out its not a big deal. Single stocks are tough to judge for anyone and are always a gamble.

Thanks, solid answer.

Checked my investments last night, they are all funds. Ranged from -11% to -14% at this point. Will see how they fare over the long haul.

The long term ripple effect will have to play out. Crazy how it often feels like you gotta do something right now.
I’m in it for the long game and don’t have a lot of time to research, however I did scoop up a few shares of Disney
Question - is it better to buy dividend stocks or just those that look to have a higher leg up?
If you’re older and want stability something like Duke Energy, which is down a decent amount but literally has no chance of going under since it’s a utility, is a great buy. Solid dividend yield and you won’t lose much if any if you need to sell.