The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

This is a great time for younger investors if you prepared for this. We all knew there would be a big market correction for the past few years.
We making any bets for tomorrow? Lost 900 Friday, has been big down, followed by big up. I’m leaning towards another sell off with NYC at 17,000+ cases.
Well the stimulus package might be a slight bump, I think with a rise in case numbers, what will historic unemployment numbers coming in, in the unknown economic impacts of states shutting down hanging over her head. I don’t see huge gains anytime soon.

But what the hell do I know

This is the stock market after the last 2 stimulus programs, might help the economy but stocks may still hurt
This is a great time for younger investors if you prepared for this. We all knew there would be a big market correction for the past few years.

I agree, i'm 34 and throttled back some of my stock purchases the last few years because we seemed due for a correction. I was admittedly a little giddy a couple weeks back at the prospects of financial opportunity on the horizon. As reality of this situation gets deeper I'm not so excited and just plain sad thinking about all of the pain some folks will endure that will create those opportunities for some...
I agree, i'm 34 and throttled back some of my stock purchases the last few years because we seemed due for a correction. I was admittedly a little giddy a couple weeks back at the prospects of financial opportunity on the horizon. As reality of this situation gets deeper I'm not so excited and just plain sad thinking about all of the pain some folks will endure that will create those opportunities for some...

"The 2009 H1N1 pandemic originated in the United States before spreading around the world. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that from April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, there were 60.8 million H1N1 cases, with 274,304 hospitalizations and 12,469 deaths in the U.S. alone. They also estimate that worldwide, 151,700 to 575,400 people died from (H1N1)pdm09 during the first year. Unusually, about 80% of the deaths were in people younger than 65 years of age."

Weird hardly a blip in the market in 2009 but the media really down played the deaths unlike now. I don't remember anyone talking about pain and suffering then and OVER 60 MILLION Americans had the virus.
We making any bets for tomorrow? Lost 900 Friday, has been big down, followed by big up. I’m leaning towards another sell off with NYC at 17,000+ cases.

Good call. Futures down 936 right now...I think tomorrow is going to be ugly.
Fed president just announced expect a economic shutdown with 30% unemployment. We haven't begun to see the bottom of this mess, brace yourselves,we're about to get a new financial system.

Thank you guys for making me pause and not go in head first into MMM, that would have hurt today so far.

I am sitting in all cash right now just waiting to jump back in on something, what are you guys looking at today after this dip?
Gold - You can't print money forever and not have inflation. Real Estate is also a good hedge against inflation but it hasn't crashed yet. Just wait...
Eventually Amazon and looking for the companies that will be winners in the new economy.

Might be interesting to have people post the companies that they think will emerge as winners in this changing economy.
I am keeping my powder dry, there easily could be more downside to go, or not, nobody knows. But no need to rush in. For the long term investor, buy back in slowly, dont try and time it thinking you’ll get the bottom of the dip. Google “follow through day”, they CAN be signs of a trend reversal but not always. I’ll stick with the big names and watch which ones have relative strength vs. the market.
I just don’t see how it can start a trend up with unknown large unemployment numbers yet. It could defy expectations but when the numbers come out, I think it will shock quite a bit.

Alaska went from under 700 to over 4000 claims in 5 days. That’s 1% of the working public in 5 days, 6x the week before. If that equates to country wide, 6x would be about 1.5 million new filers. That’s going to do some damage
I just don’t see how it can start a trend up with unknown large unemployment numbers yet. It could defy expectations but when the numbers come out, I think it will shock quite a bit.

Alaska went from under 700 to over 4000 claims in 5 days. That’s 1% of the working public in 5 days, 6x the week before. If that equates to country wide, 6x would be about 1.5 million new filers. That’s going to do some damage
I wish I could disagree with you, but I feel the same way. It is gonna be rocky for a couple months minimum in my opinion. I do think that it will go up very fast when it finally starts. *one qualifier* The worst of the COVID-19 is over in the next week. If the pinnacle has not been seen in a week or so, I think the negative effects are going to be compounded weekly.
Gold - You can't print money forever and not have inflation. Real Estate is also a good hedge against inflation but it hasn't crashed yet. Just wait...
Eventually Amazon and looking for the companies that will be winners in the new economy.

Might be interesting to have people post the companies that they think will emerge as winners in this changing economy.

That's easy, just look at the corporations the Fed is nationalizing, they can't lose thanks to tax payers.
I'm extremely jealous of you guys sitting in cash, looking for a bottom point to buy back in. I'm the opposite - growth funds in 401K that I should have dumped 3 weeks ago. I saw the one day dip, then return to normalcy, and stayed greedy instead of cashing out. The question - is it EVER too late to get out and avoid further losses? While it makes me sick to sell at 18,000 instead of 29,000, that's better than continuing to ride the downturn. No matter how much "dollar cost averaging" I use, the volume of new vs old investment will be a drop in the bucket. Short of setting the time machine on March 1, what do to now?
The question - is it EVER too late to get out and avoid further losses?

Yes. Do NOT get out now. Selling now is only locking in the loss. It's not a loss until you sell.

You gotta take the word loss out of your vocabulary. Use devalue instead.

My suggestion to you is to write out a simple short and long term investment plan explaining your goals like retirement. It only needs to be 4 to 6 sentences. "I want to retire in X years. To fund my retirement I will invest in Y. My strategy will be to buy and hold. Etc."

Once you have a plan, it doesn't matter how you feel today or six months from now; if it doesn't fit the plan then you don't act on it. Simple as that.

Alternatively, if you're nervous then hire a financial advisor to talk you down from the ledge.
They were calling it a compression, not a depression or recession. They think one bad quarter, possibly 2 and in turn enough to be a recession, then a fast ramp back up. So at this point I’m ahead of where I would have been, push the chips and let it ride.