The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

Yes. Do NOT get out now. Selling now is only locking in the loss. It's not a loss until you sell.

You gotta take the word loss out of your vocabulary. Use devalue instead.

My suggestion to you is to write out a simple short and long term investment plan explaining your goals like retirement. It only needs to be 4 to 6 sentences. "I want to retire in X years. To fund my retirement I will invest in Y. My strategy will be to buy and hold. Etc."

Once you have a plan, it doesn't matter how you feel today or six months from now; if it doesn't fit the plan then you don't act on it. Simple as that.

Alternatively, if you're nervous then hire a financial advisor to talk you down from the ledge.

Never get out on a down market. I waited too long in 2008. Learned my lesson.
I am keeping my powder dry, there easily could be more downside to go, or not, nobody knows. But no need to rush in. For the long term investor, buy back in slowly, dont try and time it thinking you’ll get the bottom of the dip. Google “follow through day”, they CAN be signs of a trend reversal but not always. I’ll stick with the big names and watch which ones have relative strength vs. the market.

which investments sites you like? I cashed out last fall and waiting to jump in.

Like I said before if you are in your 20's 30's early 40's you should be very happy now if you prepared.
I think it’s got some to go down yet, I want to see the unemployment numbers for a week or so, I think that will be a limit down circuit breaker kind of day.

But I’m ready to get in, holding just a bit to see what happens. I’m ok with missing a little on the upswing
Yeah me too, I just have an account I call fake money. It isn't fake at all, but 5 years ago I put money in, with the sole intention of losing it or learning how to trade. Before this virus I was in the green a decent chunk. Now I am down of course, but not a metric #### ton. I enjoy day trading on days when I am bored or I get that "feeling." Sometimes I guess right, other times I should have went and taken a turd when I had that "feeling." haha
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Remember guys, you haven't "lost" anything until you cash out. Some say you should NEVER play the market and like many have said in this thread, if your young, your buying on sale! One thing is certain, over the long haul, the market always goes up.
Checked my accounts - a week ago they were down 10-14%, now it is 26-27% and 30%+ depending on the account. Feels like a fire sale going on, but now that the initial excitement has died down, seems like we've got some left to go as the country really isn't feeling any pain yet... The volatility is nuts - up, down, up, down...

Anyone got any opinions on how this will be reflected in land prices?
The market always goes up until the day it doesnt. We need to break the mold and stop being parrots for people that profit by both our gains and losses.
Own the SP from early 2000 to 2013 and you didnt make jack shit. Nothing prevents that from happening again.
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I shorted boeing. Then the gov printed infinite monies to prop up the economy and Trump kept saying how they would save boeing :D.... Hoping to see red tomorrow so I can cut my losses.
I shorted boeing. Then the gov printed infinite monies to prop up the economy and Trump kept saying how they would save boeing :D.... Hoping to see red tomorrow so I can cut my losses.
I shorted Boeing last week, first good money I made in this crap sandwich tahtlanded on our plates.
I wouldnt touch them long at all.
With their CEO pushing back against any equity share via stimulus...if you can hold that short postion till later in the week it may come in
Sure hope it lowers land prices. I need to buy some acreage
If you are looking at farm land I think you'll be disappointed. After 2008 we saw the price of farm land steadily increase each year. It's a safe place to put big money with lots of gov incentives. If you are looking for simple lot or small acreage you'll probably see some deals. Most are not financed and they produce no income so many people dump them when times are tough.
Interested in people's thoughts about the 11% gain today - is this a temporary bump in front of another drop? I know it's speculation but just thinking about investing a little more...
Thinking more on boeing. If they suck up the dole money it will sure up their supply chain....but whats that gaining considering the the lagging demand? I wouldn't let myself be squeezed just yet.
Interested in people's thoughts about the 11% gain today - is this a temporary bump in front of another drop? I know it's speculation but just thinking about investing a little more...

As always, my guess is just a guess. It could be 30,000 by Friday for all I know.

I just don’t see the end of a bear market until the economic damage is seen. We haven’t had unemployment numbers yet, missed house payments, missed commercial rent payments, no gas getting burned, no travel money spent, nothing for 10% of the year or more.

I’d say we have a bit before it starts to go up. We had days almost like this in 2008 as well, didn’t bottom till 2009.
Today was SOLID!!! I made a great profit. Here is to hoping tomorrow is the same!!!! Call me Optimistic, but I would rather be that than pessimistic like all these Doom and Gloomers!