The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

I agree with IdahoElk, the fat lady ain't singing yet, far from it. The response to this is unprecedented.....the results from that response may also be unprecedented.
Maybe discussed here. But what is good app everyone using for ease of use on buying/selling?

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Government subsidized mega corporations and stock markets bailed out by banks isn't capitalism, that died years ago with too big to fail.
Get ready for the implosion and a new money system.

Technical corrections
TBTF <> TARP/TARF. All TARP/TARF money was paid back to treasury with interest.

The stock markets weren't bailed out.

TBTF didn't involve $ paid out. It does set forth many regs for large FS companies, including an orderly resolution of the fail I.e. Sufficient liquidity, controls, 'living will'.

IMHO Banks making loans is part of Capitalism.

Quantatative easing / repo market support (or whatever nonsense name being used) probably not capitalism.

Agree on implosion, respectfully disagree on new monetary system.
That’s nuts. All oil companies are losing money at less then $25-30 per barrel. I don’t think OPEC can sustain that for long.

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Agree, but it's apparently coming from the Saudis. Their threat is they can produce 13m bbl/day, below ~30something I think most US production is losing $. And demand is down (greenies + the global virus effects)
Who the hell wants to get on a cruise ship, even if free, after the recent debactles (e.g diamond princess)

Well apparently 1.3 million to Alaska every year. Every port along the way makes money. I’ve never been on one, zero interest. I’m just saying it’s going to be really rough on the state, as that’s all they have. Oil, tourist traffic.
Tesla once it dips below $200 again
I doubt their ability to survive this downturn if it lasts very long. Not a lot of buyers for cars during a downturn especially expensive ones. And they’re not exactly flush with cash either to ride it out. In my opinion.
I doubt their ability to survive this downturn if it lasts very long. Not a lot of buyers for cars during a downturn especially expensive ones. And they’re not exactly flush with cash either to ride it out. In my opinion.

They raised $2 billion in February selling off shares at $767. They got more going on then just cars but I agree, it is risky. Its definitely a gamble but the pay off makes it worth it to me if they pull through.
I doubt their ability to survive this downturn if it lasts very long. Not a lot of buyers for cars during a downturn especially expensive ones. And they’re not exactly flush with cash either to ride it out. In my opinion.

There is something about Musk that isn’t quite right, and I don’t trust him. Reminds me of a used car salesman. I won’t be risking any of my money on Tesla.

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Maybe, maybe we bottomed for the week. Not for the long term though I don't believe. All of this is only opinion and not a buy/sell. This will not be a sharp recovery. No V shape here. Lots of muddy water still to navigate . Better to miss the first 25% back up then to be early trying to catch a falling knife and exhaust yourself with sleepless nights. Will be lots of opportunities when things clear up. Until then keep eyeing and researching different sectors to find your best fit. This will truly be an opportunity of a lifetime. I know it has hurt in a bad way a lot of people in more than one way but the opportunity will be there before long. Until then stay safe.