Are most of you using a broker or just buying up stock through an app? if an app care to share what one and why you went that route?
You can find articles that will each recommend a different "best" platform or app for investing. Pick any one of the big brokerages. Their apps and websites are all fairly similar and it comes down to personal preference. TD Ameritrade, Merrill Lynch, Fidelity, etc all have good apps and websites.Are most of you using a broker or just buying up stock through an app? if an app care to share what one and why you went that route?
anyone else tempted to go all in on ATF stocks?
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms for anyone averse to Google.
Well I am averaging down because if we don't implode, it will boost my retirement guys serious? we're about to implode
you guys serious? we're about to implode
Yes, we are on the preciface of a global recession not seen in recent history. But, there is still money that can be made or guys serious? we're about to implode
Yes, we are on the preciface of a global recession not seen in recent history. But, there is still money that can be made or lost.
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