The resident short game. Long term consequences?

Was attendance down at the Reno Sheep show?

Honest question.

I don’t know. I wasn’t there.

And like I said, this is just IMO.

I think it’ll be a while before we see an effect if there is one.

And not sure sheep versus more casual pursuits like deer elk and pronghorn would be affected the same. Most people have accepted that sheep is rare for NR.

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I don’t know. I wasn’t there.

And like I said, this is just IMO.

I think it’ll be a while before we see an effect if there is one.

And not sure sheep versus more casual pursuits like deer elk and pronghorn would be affected the same. Most people have accepted that sheep is rare for NR.

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When is the RMEF elk camp? Impacts could be felt there, although Wyoming didn't decrease NR allocations for elk, so maybe elk and the RMEF will be around a few more years. Who knows.

Seems like the fate of hunting in the United States all hinges on Wyoming.
It's funny......I was born and raised in CO, but WY was as close to a second home as I've had while growing up. As much time as we spent in WY, we were always surprised why my dad never bought a second home there. He wasn't a hunter but was a phenomenal fly fisherman. He made me a fly fisherman, but I was born a hunter. I could barely wait to start big game hunting in CO when I was 15, the legal minimum age back then.

I remember years later when WY started their points game. I could have easily started collecting points there, and Lord knows I could have had access to a lot of private land even. But I never saw the need to apply in WY........why would I? I was always too busy hunting CO every year. To this day, I still have never applied for or even bought a WY hunting license or point. And yet, it seems as though EVERYONE is trying to get those tags now. What am I missing?
You simply need to get Huntn fool, epic outdoors and go hunt. Watch a few more of these social media dinks I mean hunting influencers. You will have the fear of missing out immediately and will be applying in Wyoming and 6-8 states the next year 😂 everyone needs to chill out and just hunt what’s available to them close by. They have a nation of hunters all putting in for way more states than they could ever hunt but I gotta get my points!! We broke the draw system it will only get worse unless people start rationally put in for hunts or just hunt the opportunities where they live. The grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence. It’s not anymore. Getting pissed at states for making proper management decisions is ridiculous hunters did this to themselves
Western hunters are decades behind when it comes to hunting drama.

Blind burnings…shooting at “low birds” and hitting other hunters…sinking boats…dog killing.

That’s not even touching the use of imminent domain type pressure to “buy” land wanted by rich guys for their duck clubs…or how certain duck clubs ended up INSIDE closed wildlife refuges…or state funded water control projects…that were built to flood woods for politically connected folks.

I mean…it’s not like the head of game and fish owns a big name club…cough.

What’s old is new again.
WI residents were shooting people at fishing docks and boat landings in the 80s over spear fishing.

Your move duck hunters.

Seriously don’t do this.
You simply need to get Huntn fool, epic outdoors and go hunt. Watch a few more of these social media dinks I mean hunting influencers. You will have the fear of missing out immediately and will be applying in Wyoming and 6-8 states the next year 😂 everyone needs to chill out and just hunt what’s available to them close by. They have a nation of hunters all putting in for way more states than they could ever hunt but I gotta get my points!! We broke the draw system it will only get worse unless people start rationally put in for hunts or just hunt the opportunities where they live. The grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence. It’s not anymore. Getting pissed at states for making proper management decisions is ridiculous hunters did this to themselves
Yes, absolutely this^^^^

Concentrate on what you can hunt and you won't have time to worry about much of anything else.

Seems like the fate of hunting in the United States all hinges on Wyoming.

Seriously though, I think it started with Idaho last year because they did make it harder for NRS to get deer/elk tags. Although the same number of tags are out there, a lot of guys are not getting their unit

But I’m all good if we wanna blame Wyoming

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Seriously though, I think it started with Idaho last year because they did make it harder for NRS to get deer/elk tags. Although the same number of tags are out there, a lot of guys are not getting their unit

But I’m all good if we wanna blame Wyoming

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I don't think any state is to blame for taking care of its residents.

Changing who gets the tag will not impact herd size.

Using that to push for more to residents is insane.
I’m not sure if your reading or comprehending…..

of course changing who gets the tag won’t affect the herd size. 🤪

for the third time, THE TAGS ARE LIMITED !!!
Since we dont have a dedicated hunting meme page here and our country technically has much bigger issues than residents wanting a few more tags... Im just gonna leave this here. Hunting in general is facing extinction. Im not worried at all about non-res vs res access really cause I live in clown world, and y’all have it real good compared to here.

Point out where I'm wrong about it that a NR that owns PLOTS land can actually hunt their own land if its enrolled?
I'm not going to do it for you. You have a computer. Figure it out. (How am I doing? That's close/exactly to what you would respond with ;)
You got me.

If you don't want increased NR opportunity then a few things:
You still don't understand. It's not what I want or don't want. It is about what is actually happening. Non res opportunity is decreasing everywhere. And at a higher percentage than res opportunity. That will/is having a down stream affect. Less habitat, less donations, less support, etc.
1. You have nothing to complain about when a state favors its residents.
Not complaining. I'm saying get what you can while you can or move to the non res. To the res better be careful. In the end is the benefit going to be worth the cost? You don't care as long as you get yours as evidenced by still applying for moose. All while how many residents of your own state will never draw? Don't worry about answering that. We already know you think it's perfectly fine as long as you get yours.
I'm not going to do it for you. You have a computer. Figure it out. (How am I doing? That's close/exactly to what you would respond with ;)

You still don't understand. It's not what I want or don't want. It is about what is actually happening. Non res opportunity is decreasing everywhere. And at a higher percentage than res opportunity. That will/is having a down stream affect. Less habitat, less donations, less support, etc.

Not complaining. I'm saying get what you can while you can or move to the non res. To the res better be careful. In the end is the benefit going to be worth the cost? You don't care as long as you get yours as evidenced by still applying for moose. All while how many residents of your own state will never draw? Don't worry about answering that. We already know you think it's perfectly fine as long as you get yours.
What you need to understand, is that every state has a history of favoring residents. Every state discriminates against nr hunters. Every state that experiences less resident opportunity is going to cut non resident opportunity first.

Every state has the legal right to do it, codified in federal law.

The sooner you realize you hunt as a nr at the pleasure of what the other 49 states believe they can give you, the sooner your anger and blood pressure will both subside.

I don't complain if other states cut me out as a nr completely, don't care if they force me to hire a guide for certain species, don't care if they restrict where I can hunt, don't care if they limit me to parts of seasons, don't care what they charge for nr licenses.

None of that will change my support of wildlife, contributions to places and species I'll never hunt, or how I feel about the value of public lands and wildlife.

The big picture is about more than just the wildlife I can run a hook or bullet into. It's about more than being able to plant my feet on every acre of public land and take something from it.

It's different with you, the only thing you value is your expectations of a dead animal you feel entitled to from a state you don't live in. And if you don't get your way, you'll throw your sucker in the dirt and not support either public land or wildlife. That's your choice to make.

Just own the facts of what you really care about. Once again I hold no contempt for your choices and your reasons or set of values you place on wildlife or public lands. I just don't have to agree with them.

Not many support things if there isn't something in it for them personally, others do.
There are different on opinions on these topics, but one thing is evident, sadly, the ship has sailed for hunting big game the way it used to be. Get used to it because even more change and resistance to non res hunting is coming.

I for one am really happy the non resident hunting regulations changed in Idaho. The same number of opportunities still exist, but now all of the pressure can’t be concentrated in just a few areas. I noticed a DRAMATIC impact last season, finally!!! We didn’t see 30 non resident outfits in every trail head, maybe a bit of exaggeration but just a bit.

I am an Idaho resident, basically retired, and have NEVER drawn a lmited entry deer or elk tag, I’ve been putting in my whole life to have an opportunity. I really don’t care to see any of our limited opportunities go to non residents. I would like to have that chance at least once In my life. i would also like to see my family have the opportunity, I’ve paid my taxes and supported our wildlife and habitat for many, many years, I don’t owe any non residents anything. This is where we live, our home, this IS “our game” it certainly doesn’t equally belong to a non resident, is that what your saying? If it is, then that’s a really dumb statement.

I have seen our hunting areas drastically affected by non resident hunting over the past decade, to the degree that my family as residents have had to completely change our game. Poor predator management, a few bad winters, drought, and the excessive amount of non resident hunters over the past six or seven years, our deer and elk herds are severely depleted, now we have to deal with the population growith and shift as well.

i don’t have any sympathy for the non resident hunters, it is what it is, stay home and focus on the hunting opportunities where you live. Don’t move here, it’s too late for that too.

The short game is to get residents more tags, totally agree, it’s about time. Maybe a rough attitude, but that’s where it is now. Reality.
Poor predator management? Here in Idaho? Good grief, Idaho has the most liberal predator hunting regulations in the country. Wtf do you want? Residents wanna bitch about predators and have no answer when you ask them how many times they've been out after bears, cats, coyotes, wolves. "I don't have the time ". It's a cop out. Short of poisoning there's just not much else we can do here in Idaho for predator management. Wolves got out of control because of the Feds, not because of Idaho.

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Tell me how much you do to increase non resident hunting opportunities in the state you live in?
Lol. Everyone (residents and nonresidents) is on even footing in the states I've lived in. The exception is the Michigan elk drawing, but none of those elk hunting opportunities are on federal land, they're in the roughly 100,000 acre Pigeon River State Forest. If there were any elk opportunities on Federal/National forest lands, I'd be the first in line to rally for nonresident elk ops in Michigan even though the drawing odds would be prohibitively low.

Other than that, (in Michigan or any of the other states I've resided in as an adult) come buy a (slightly more expensive OTC) license, this is my personal invitation to you. We have plenty of state owned and resident funded land as well as some federal land and you can hunt all of it- with the exception of the times when some of the areas are closed for draw only hunts. The only nonresidents that I've heard locals complain about are the relatively few irresponsible slobs who litter, trespass and violate laws (we problems with some locals doing this as well). We have a lot of nonresident hunters by the way.

its usually a refreshing break to go hunt as a nonresident in the fall. My experiences have been really good. It seems that the majority of anti-nonresident attitude I experience happens right here on rokslide, and not when I'm out of state hunting. Heck, while I was in Wyoming last fall a resident stopped when I was getting ready to hunt and said he saw a few good antelope bucks on his place just down the road and that I was welcome to hunt there if I liked. We talked for a few minutes and he didn't hunt antelope, but his wife had already shot one. He said I'd have the place to myself.
Poor predator management? Here in Idaho? Good grief, Idaho has the most liberal predator hunting regulations in the country. Wtf do you want? Residents wanna bitch about predators and have no answer when you ask them how many times they've been out after bears, cats, coyotes, wolves. "I don't have the time ". It's a cop out. Short of poisoning there's just not much else we can do here in Idaho for predator management. Wolves got out of control because of the Feds, not because of Idaho.
You have no idea what other people do to manage predators.
Throwing out a blanket statement lIke that highlights your ignorance.

The fact is there are too many predators, in my opinion that’s poor predator management that’s all I said. Regardless of what has been done, more needs to be done. Right? OK then.

How about mountain lion management? is that the Feds too? Or is the State responsible for the obviously high number of cats?
I’ve seen more cats in the last 5 years than the previous 40 combined.

I witnessed a lion chasing deer last Friday morning, and saw two lions last weekend.

As for my personal contribution towards predator management, which you would know absolutely nothing about, I’ve done more than my share of harvesting predators, wolves, lions, bears and coyotes.
WI residents were shooting people at fishing docks and boat landings in the 80s over spear fishing.

Your move duck hunters.

Seriously don’t do this.

There were duck hunting issues before WI was even a state. LoL!

Its real easy to point at duck hunters cause they whine more than WY residents and more frequently too. Read the regs for MD or VA and you’ll understand.
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