The resident short game. Long term consequences?

I am just throwing this out there. If you have the financial ability to drop 850 bucks at a banquet, you can hunt the West every year without a doubt.
I can and I do. This thread isn’t because I can’t get a tag for myself, wife, and kid. It’s about a pie that is getting smaller. And instead of everyone’s piece of pie shrinking by the same percent that the entire pie is shrinking, little miss piggy wants the same size piece or more. And in my opinion the unintended consequences are less support and more hunters moving to the states that are a resident hunting paradise.

What will happen then? Less habitat and more residents competing for the same thing. A smaller non res allocation because there is no way little miss piggy can go on a diet. Rinse and repeat.

I still don't know what oppertunity it is people feel they have lost. The random draw for a NR to hunt a Big Horn Sheep in area 5 this year was about 00.3% with the new changes that would go to 00.1%.

You are focused on 1 event. In 1 state. Every week, month, or year, there are more of these same types of events. It might be in state x this week. Next week it’s in x and y. Because of these events some people will do something else. Some people will do the same thing. And some people will try to become part of the group that is benefiting from these events.

My last post about the actual 90/10 that just happened in Wyoming. I wasn’t old enough to start applying when points started. My dad knew nothing about hunting the west. So he never applied me for anything when I was old enough. I started applying around the west late teens early twenties. I could do 1st grade math and knew it didn’t make sense for me to apply for moose or sheep in Wyoming. So the 90/10 doesn’t really make a difference for me in a negative way. It actually might help me since Wyoming is probably #1 or #2 for a resident hunting paradise.

Wait! My odds for sheep decreased 0.2% overnight? What the heck now I am pissed!! Ha ha

Is that how that math works?
My last post about the actual 90/10 that just happened in Wyoming. I wasn’t old enough to start applying when points started.
It's funny......I was born and raised in CO, but WY was as close to a second home as I've had while growing up. As much time as we spent in WY, we were always surprised why my dad never bought a second home there. He wasn't a hunter but was a phenomenal fly fisherman. He made me a fly fisherman, but I was born a hunter. I could barely wait to start big game hunting in CO when I was 15, the legal minimum age back then.

I remember years later when WY started their points game. I could have easily started collecting points there, and Lord knows I could have had access to a lot of private land even. But I never saw the need to apply in WY........why would I? I was always too busy hunting CO every year. To this day, I still have never applied for or even bought a WY hunting license or point. And yet, it seems as though EVERYONE is trying to get those tags now. What am I missing?
I can and I do. This thread isn’t because I can’t get a tag for myself, wife, and kid. It’s about a pie that is getting smaller. And instead of everyone’s piece of pie shrinking by the same percent that the entire pie is shrinking, little miss piggy wants the same size piece or more. And in my opinion the unintended consequences are less support and more hunters moving to the states that are a resident hunting paradise.

What will happen then? Less habitat and more residents competing for the same thing. A smaller non res allocation because there is no way little miss piggy can go on a diet. Rinse and repeat.

You are focused on 1 event. In 1 state. Every week, month, or year, there are more of these same types of events. It might be in state x this week. Next week it’s in x and y. Because of these events some people will do something else. Some people will do the same thing. And some people will try to become part of the group that is benefiting from these events.

My last post about the actual 90/10 that just happened in Wyoming. I wasn’t old enough to start applying when points started. My dad knew nothing about hunting the west. So he never applied me for anything when I was old enough. I started applying around the west late teens early twenties. I could do 1st grade math and knew it didn’t make sense for me to apply for moose or sheep in Wyoming. So the 90/10 doesn’t really make a difference for me in a negative way. It actually might help me since Wyoming is probably #1 or #2 for a resident hunting paradise.

Is that how that math works?
Tell me how much you do to increase non resident hunting opportunities in the state you live in?
Any person can enjoy our public lands at any time. Hiking, biking, quads ,snowmobiles, almost anything your heart desires, year round. What tag allocation number do you feel your entitled to?
If you are going to stop donating or participating in conservation organizations because you don't feel like you are getting enough out of it, where is your heart then? It doesn't sound like it's with the animals and their habitat.

So if hunting was banned on federal land, you'd be cool as long as you could still hike, camp, etc? Yeah, right.
Probably not even a drop in a bucket compared to how hard you've worked to limit them in yours.
Perhaps if residents of states surrounding Wyoming would have worked to give a bit bigger slice of pie to non residents, Wyoming residents wouldn't have been as keen to offer them the same sized slice in return.
There won’t be more tags as the quotas are the same. Limited entry tags would just go to residents, not non res.

Changing who gets the tag is the answer, that’s the whole point. The number of tags won’t change.

The success rate probably wouldn’t be affected much because the limited entry tags are great tags and the advantage goes to the hunter In most cases, Late season, early, trophy units etc. I think the success rate would be unchanged for the most part.
Changing who gets the tag will not impact herd size.

Using that to push for more to residents is insane.
Perhaps if residents of states surrounding Wyoming would have worked to give a bit bigger slice of pie to non residents, Wyoming residents wouldn't have been as keen to offer them the same sized slice in return.

Have to deflect to the "big picture" when your question is turned around on you?
I admit that I haven’t read through this entire thread, but it seems to me that what we’re arguing about is resident and non-resident opportunity in western states to hunt antlers. I’ll comment on western Montana, as I was born and live in Missoula. Right now, I can buy something like five archery riverbottom whitetail doe tags. I can also buy additional whitey doe over the counter rifle tags in two units about an hours drive from here. I think I could kill something like eight does and put them in the freezer with OTC tags. There are ample opportunities to hunt cow elk as well. Yet I still find myself thinking on non-residents in “my” state “ruining” my hunt “opportunities”. Am I upset about others limiting my opportunities to get out and hunt? Sometimes. But I shouldn’t be. If I focused on just enjoying being outside and putting meat in the freezer… well, there’s a ton of it and I’d be a happier hunter. Are we talking about opportunities to hunt? Or opportunities to kill booners? They’re totally different where I live.

And yeah, you betcha, I’m hanging antlers on my wall yearly too. I’m not holier than thou, but contemplating how I could enjoy hunting more personally.
Tell me how much you do to increase non resident hunting opportunities in the state you live in?
Has absolutely nothing to do with the OP. Always fun watching you side track a thread with irrelevant posts though. If you would like to know what people are doing in the state they live in to increase non res opportunity maybe you should start a thread on it?
So if hunting was banned on federal land, you'd be cool as
So if hunting was banned on federal land, you'd be cool as long as you could still hike, camp, etc? Yeah, right.
It might slow down the mass exodus to Idaho. If I couldn’t hunt on federal land, life would still go on and be as miserable as you make it out to be. I’d continue to fish, ride motorcycles, ice fish , snowmobile and whatever tickles my fancy.
Has absolutely nothing to do with the OP. Always fun watching you side track a thread with irrelevant posts though. If you would like to know what people are doing in the state they live in to increase non res opportunity maybe you should start a thread on it?
This thread is about making things better for nr hunters....don't you live in North Dakota?

I think it appropriate we talk a bit about North Dakota and what nr opportunity looks like there.

You talked about Alaska and Wyoming why nothing about nodak?
In reality wildlife can be managed without hunting as we see by declining populations and additional predation.

Who knows what the future holds but the long-term outlook as we see more and more groups disenfranchised doesn’t look great. So yes as more and more people stop hunting fewer and fewer will support the right as they won’t care, that doesn’t mean they don’t care about wildlife just means with no interest why step up for it.

Pretty much - if folks aren't allowed to play, they go elsewhere and that removes the money. It is a ripple effect.

If I can only go hunt say once or twice in a lifetime - why would I even think about or try to fund hunt access on a regular basis? Why would I send money if I'm not thinking about them because I've been excluded from the party? The whole idea of pushing folks to send money when they can't play is silly.

So to hell with deer and elk if you can’t hunt them in another state. Got it.

How much money do you spend to support say,
  • elk in Minnesota or Pennsylvania?
  • Or moose in VT, NH, Maine?
  • Key Deer?
  • Panthers in FL?
  • The manatees?
If not, why not? They are there, you basically said you need to support them if you love animals.

The fact is hunting is becoming an industry and you are a consumer. You are free to take your business else where, but there is a whole host of people out there wanting to make a buck by getting someone new to buy some boots, a rifle and head out west. Maybe some of you fall into that category and you are now realizing you were sold something that wasn't as good as it sounded.

Hunting has been an industry for a very long time. Fred Bear was part of the industry - that goes back a ways.

I got a book in 1978 and saw antelope, mule deer, peccary, etc. Decided I wanted to hunt mule deer and antelope. Figured I might get a chance "someday". 2017 went and shot my first antelope 39 years after first wanting to go. 2019 first muley hunt and got a nice buck, 160-inch ending that 41 year quest. Still want a buck antelope and was collecting points, now planning to go guided to make sure it can be realized.

The media we have these days and the media heroes have ignited the desire a bit more than an old book or magazine article can. Then they told their followers that they should be hunting EVERY YEAR as opposed to a couple of times in their lifetime. Then they told their followers that we need to increase the hunter numbers as much as possible to stave off extinction. They said to bring em out west. They also said to buy these expensive pants and packs. BTW, this is how you apply for the tags and where you need to buy points. They even told everyone where to go in some instances. WY G comes to mind - meat-eat did that. Funny thing is that the various states have been known to pay these guys to come out and make videos to attract more customers. I mean hunters.

Anyway, like it or not - hunting has always been an industry. The offshoot "conservation" organizations have likewise been around for a long time milking the system as well. They do have mission statements and I'm sure part of those are not to help NR hunters get or keep opportunities in the various states.

LOL! - Someone with a little charisma could make a killing if they started that kind of organization right now - Send money to help fight for NR access and opportunities in western states. $35/year gets you a sticker and membership with monthly updates on the plight of the NR hunting in the western hunts. For an extra $25/yr we will include Alaskan hunting and whitetail hunting. You will be asked to provide ideas and participate in telephone and email campaigns.

I'm involved with this stuff for FL duck hunters - and no, we don't differentiate between R & NR - it's a come one come all kind of thing. Think it's $25/yr and we have events too - youth hunts, vet hunts, flyway conferences, and more. I started it in about 1999 - the voice of Florida waterfowl hunters. Promote participation in the regulatory meetings and push for more public access, etc. Just took some attended a meeting. Couple guys showed up and wanted to reinvent the wheel - told them if they joined, they would get an officer position and the ability to do what they were saying they wanted to do - with the support of the membership. We'll see how that goes. Otherwise, they were just flapping they gums. Time will tell.
How about a blanket resident/ non resident allocation across the nation?

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This thread is about making things better for nr hunters....don't you live in North Dakota?

I think it appropriate we talk a bit about North Dakota and what nr opportunity looks like there.

You talked about Alaska and Wyoming why nothing about nodak?
Point out in the OP where I said anything about making stuff better for non res hunters. Here is the gist of it. The last paragraph.

"If you are a non res to the western states I would try to get what you can as soon as possible or move. The future isn’t looking bright for non res hunting. If you are a resident of a western state I hope you like company, higher cost of living, and loss of habitat. Because you are bringing it upon yourselves."

Keep trying your best to start a fight/argument/debate about a topic that has nothing to do with this thread. Again you could start your own thread about increasing non res opportunity. Or you can continue to try to threadjack this one.