The Hobbit Rifle

Edit - SOLD. Thanks!

Good morning folks! I've been a long time follower of this thread and even have a good start on my hobbit rifle build. I am a lefty and I wanted a rifle that both I could use as a pack rifle and my kids could shoot as they get old enough to start shooting centerfire and hunting big game. The size, weight, and ambidextrous nature of the hobbit rifle seems to check all of the boxes, so I started my build. My oldest son is left eyed and left handed like me and I just discovered that my 2nd, a daughter, although she's right handed, is left eyed. Upon learning this I've actually become very excited about getting a light-weight left-handed bolt action for them instead.

It's no dis on the hobbit rifle, but I already hunt with single shots, and have never owned my own bolt action. (My dad turned me on to Ruger #1's when I bought my first rifle at 14 because he didn't want me to be "stuck" with a left handed rifle that I would never be able sell if I needed to).

All of this to say, I have enjoyed watching this thread and I may be listing my rifle in the classifieds, but I wanted to let those following here have the opportunity to send me a PM if they are interested in a build of their own. The rifle configuration is practically finished, except I hadn't quite gotten around to cutting and threading the barrel. So the barrel could be kept, sold, or traded to get the caliber, make, length, etc that you want.

TC Encore Pro Hunter - stainless, 24" Rochester Factory .308 Win barrel- blued, sharps grip, and a folding SIG M4 buffer tube and buttstock. I also purchased an Adaptive Tactical Performance Stock with a thicker recoil pad (pictured) to swap out for the kids to shoot with. I would sell with both buttstocks. Bipod would not be included.

If any hobbit rifle lurkers have been waiting for an opportunity to jump in, please shoot me a PM. There's lots of TC fans out there that may jump on this if I list it, so I wanted this those in this thread to get the firstcrack at it.

Edited to add more photos20230909_124105.jpg20230909_124130.jpg20230909_124124.jpg
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Not to derail the thread too much, but how do you guys think this would be in a 300 blackout? I’ve been wanting to make a super quiet gun. Was thinking about this gun (swapping barrels) and shoot subsonic with my suppressor. Any thoughts? And if you think this is a decent idea, barrel length suggestions?

Or would I be better off just trying to find subsonic ammo for the 6.5CM hobbit rifle with an 18” barrel that I already have??
Not to derail the thread too much, but how do you guys think this would be in a 300 blackout? I’ve been wanting to make a super quiet gun. Was thinking about this gun (swapping barrels) and shoot subsonic with my suppressor. Any thoughts? And if you think this is a decent idea, barrel length suggestions?

Or would I be better off just trying to find subsonic ammo for the 6.5CM hobbit rifle with an 18” barrel that I already have??
Mine (posted a few replies above yours) is a .300bo. It's a great idea, I'm leaving mine at 16.5", though it would be fun to chop the barrel someday.
Is that a factory barrel or an mgm barrel? And how is the accuracy?
Factory 16.5" barrel. Accuracy is excellent. The attached photo shows a dot for adjustment on the top left and two 3 round groups on the right using junk AAC 220gr "subs" that were definitely not subs. 50 yards with a 1-6x ACSS lpvo. Not optimal ammo/optic combo for accuracy testing but quite surprising results. They're manufactured by Bergara in Spain then imported by CVA, it's a quality product.


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Not to derail a thread about TC's, but I picked up a 243 CVA Scout as well for a budget Hobbit attempt, and so far accuracy sucks hard. The barrel walks badly as it heats up, and forestock pressure had to be perfect every time, otherwise fliers. I'm lucky to keep 5 shots inside an 8 inch circle at 100m.

I've since free-floated the forestock, and shimmed it with steel washers. But haven't shot/tested it yet.

(And I know it's not me, as I had my trusty rokslide special 223 with me at the same time, barrel too hot to touch, and all the shots are inside a 2moa orange sticker.)

Factory 16.5" barrel. Accuracy is excellent. The attached photo shows a dot for adjustment on the top left and two 3 round groups on the right using junk AAC 220gr "subs" that were definitely not subs. 50 yards with a 1-6x ACSS lpvo. Not optimal ammo/optic combo for accuracy testing but quite surprising results. They're manufactured by Bergara in Spain then imported by CVA, it's a quality product.
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Not to derail a thread about TC's, but I picked up a 243 CVA Scout as well for a budget Hobbit attempt, and so far accuracy sucks hard. The barrel walks badly as it heats up, and forestock pressure had to be perfect every time, otherwise fliers. I'm lucky to keep 5 shots inside an 8 inch circle at 100m.

I've since free-floated the forestock, and shimmed it with steel washers. But haven't shot/tested it yet.

(And I know it's not me, as I had my trusty rokslide special 223 with me at the same time, barrel too hot to touch, and all the shots are inside a 2moa orange sticker.)
That sounds like something is loose or otherwise goofed with the optic setup to me.
Could be. I degreased the rail, loctited/bonded it to the barrel. Sportsmatch 30mm rings, LRHS scope. Torqued to usual specs. Apply glitter nail polish. All the same stuff rosklide lore tells me to do (and have done on my tikkas.)

My guess is it's a combination of heat, and unequal forestock pressure. Need another range trip to see if floating worked or not.

That sounds like something is loose or otherwise goofed with the optic setup to me.
Could be. I degreased the rail, loctited/bonded it to the barrel. Sportsmatch 30mm rings, LRHS scope. Torqued to usual specs. Apply glitter nail polish. All the same stuff rosklide lore tells me to do (and have done on my tikkas.)

My guess is it's a combination of heat, and unequal forestock pressure. Need another range trip to see if floating worked or not.
I hope you get it sorted out, I'll have to look up that washer shim trick. I'm considering getting a Boyds fore-end for it as well just for the extra rigidity.
Not to derail a thread about TC's, but I picked up a 243 CVA Scout as well for a budget Hobbit attempt, and so far accuracy sucks hard. The barrel walks badly as it heats up, and forestock pressure had to be perfect every time, otherwise fliers. I'm lucky to keep 5 shots inside an 8 inch circle at 100m.

I've since free-floated the forestock, and shimmed it with steel washers. But haven't shot/tested it yet.

(And I know it's not me, as I had my trusty rokslide special 223 with me at the same time, barrel too hot to touch, and all the shots are inside a 2moa orange sticker.)

6.5 CVA Scout shooting in 97F temp 80% humidity, couldn’t touch the barrel it was so hot.

5 shot groups at 100 yards

“Best” group right at .8” and worst group around 1.7” if memory serves me correct.
That's awesome! Gives me hope that it's a workable platform.
Granted those are hand loads, but shows they’re more than capable because I’m an average at best shooter.

A 3 shot group in cooler conditions I was getting .4-.6 MOA with the exact same bullet/powder/case/charge weight as the above picture.
I wouldn’t be surprised when I retest the 5 shot groups in January that I’ll see more sub MOA 5-Shot groups.

Saying all that to say, try different bullets out and see what works
Got a G2 sitting in the safe unused due to it's goofy 30 Gibbs barrel.

Wonder how this build would do with a fast twist 15.75" 223 Wylde barrel and some 77gr TMKs?