The Hobbit Rifle

BA13 is the same rifle as the CVA Scout, just imported to the US under a different name (to our benefit, if it was sold under Bergara I'd fully expect to pay more for the name).
Yeah Ok thanks for that info. The Bergara seems to be available here in Australia for a reasonable price. .308 with 16.5" pipe would be my pick. compactness and portability being criteria for selection.

The Blaser would be nice but it's a $10k gun.:eek:

Almost certain we can't pimp them out with your naughty little folding assault stocks either.
Yeah Ok thanks for that info. The Bergara seems to be available here in Australia for a reasonable price. .308 with 16.5" pipe would be more pick. compactness and portability being criteria for selection.

The Blaser would be nice but it's a $10k gun.:eek:
Yessir they're super handy and surprisingly accurate! Can't go wrong.
I've listed this in the classifieds as of lunchtime, if anyone has interest check out the post. Dang flintlocks have stolen my gun-heart.

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I have to ask, how did you manage to get the midwest industries folding adapter to work? The one they sent me is so stiff that it's flexing the sharps bros nylon pic rail when I try to fold it. I've tried pushing in and up to free the catch, but it doesn't help. Tried removing the adapter and pressing against a 2x4 to check pressure requirements to let the folder pass the raised portion on the hinge and with most of my upper body pressing on it, it barely moved. Looking at the pic rail, there are already wear marks from my attempts, so it looks like this will be a non-folding stock after all. Not going to shell out the cash for. Second sharps bros grip, much as I like this one.
I have to ask, how did you manage to get the midwest industries folding adapter to work? The one they sent me is so stiff that it's flexing the sharps bros nylon pic rail when I try to fold it. I've tried pushing in and up to free the catch, but it doesn't help. Tried removing the adapter and pressing against a 2x4 to check pressure requirements to let the folder pass the raised portion on the hinge and with most of my upper body pressing on it, it barely moved. Looking at the pic rail, there are already wear marks from my attempts, so it looks like this will be a non-folding stock after all. Not going to shell out the cash for. Second sharps bros grip, much as I like this one.
It's really tight on this one too. Give it some lube and work it on the edge of a workbench, it'll loosen up some. Rather it be too tight than too loose eh.
Converted my old 45/410 Contender to the carbine with a 6.8spc barrel. Fully intended to chop the 23” barrel to 16-18 but after shooting it decided to leave it as is, balance is very slightly to the barrel which makes it easy to shoot offhand very well. OAL is 37”.
Have an encore prohunter in 308 with a 26” fluted barrel, spoke with Mike Bellm about cutting and porting the barrel, said 20” is the ideal length.
Currently shoot a Ruger American 243 with an 18”, shoots better than the shooter with the 18”.
Have you updated any of this build? I'm considering starting a 223 Rem or 6ARC Contender build if I can find a donor.
Have you updated any of this build? I'm considering starting a 223 Rem or 6ARC Contender build if I can find a donor.
Just an FYI, I went down this road few weeks back. Be careful on the Thompson twist rates on their 223, 22-250 etc. I almost bought one for my Encore till I found it was 1 in 12.......
Thinking this thread might kick back up now that T/C is a functioning company producing these guns again.
Hopefully there will be some cheaper modern twist barrel options. Even used the modern custom barrels are same or more than a new cva scout.