My 8 year old daughters went into lockdown at her elementary school due to a standoff and shooting right across the street. To say that I was freaked out is an understatement, as North Falmouth on Cape Cod is a quiet community.
Whenever this happens it immediately turns to finger pointing, and attacks on the NRA and the 2nd amendment, when in reality a lot can be done to protect our kids now without focusing on guns. The FBI has a school shooter assessment program that can identify vulnerability in a school security and then provide recommendations. This is free and every school governing body should get their head out of their ass and get this done. We should never have the mentality that this would not happen to our community, because it can. If we can print $40B for Ukraine, then by damn we can print money to have schools protected as much as possible, and I think no one would disagree on it's priority.
Yes, our country has a morals problem right now, and things are effed up, but that's not an easy fix. Focus on what we can fix, and if you are on a school board or committee, recommends actions like mentioned above and try to keeps folks off of the political soapbox, because it does nothing.