Texas school shooting

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Who wants to live in a community that invests in protecting the lives of children?

Who WOULDN'T want to live in a community like that?

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People want a community where kids and people are safe of course, but a community that needs weapons to be safe is different. That is more on the lines of South Africa and other less developed countries. Is the USA a 3rd world country now?
People want a community where kids and people are safe of course, but a community that needs weapons to be safe is different. That is more on the lines of South Africa and other less developed countries.
Please, tell me what community doesn't need weapons to be safe. Please name one example of this fantasy land you are envisioning.

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Is it really though? This has happened more and more frequently over the years.
We have a sickness inside us as a country.
Plenty of blame to go around:
I helped you out ;)

-Easy access to guns
-Lack of firearms training/safety instruction

-Underfunded schools
-Mis-prioritized spending
-Social engineering in our schools
-Attack on nuclear family and religion
-Lack of mental healthcare
-Elimination of mental institutes
-Rise of introverted, anti-social, mentally ill, narcissistic "gamers"
-In person social interaction dwindling due to social media (and covid)
-Lack of parenting and 2 parent households
-Social media cesspools that let monsters like this fester and become emboldened by others like them, living inside their own echo chamber of hate
People want a community where kids and people are safe of course, but a community that needs weapons to be safe is different. That is more on the lines of South Africa and other less developed countries. Is the USA a 3rd world country now?
So banning guns and basically saying you abide by the law so you're safe is the answer ? Come on now, you're smarter than that.
The auto industry doesn't do anything to safe guard. You're not calling for them to be responsible for the drunk driving deaths.
Cars aren’t made to kill, the guns are actually made for this purpose. That being said it does seem he auto industry is making changes.
Is it really though? This has happened more and more frequently over the years.

We have a sickness inside us as a country.

Plenty of blame to go around:

-Easy access to guns
-Lack of firearms training/safety instruction
-Underfunded schools
-Lack of mental healthcare
-In person social interaction dwindling due to social media (and covid)
-Lack of parenting and 2 parent households
-Social media cesspools that let monsters like this fester and become emboldened by others like them, living inside their own echo chamber of hate
I think you nailed it. Especially the social interaction/social media echo chamber thing. Humans just haven't evolved fast enough to keep up with technology. It's a scourge.
Please, tell me what community doesn't need weapons to be safe. Please name one example of this fantasy land you are envisioning.

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I can’t recall ever think I needed weapons to be safe in school. From Chicago to MI, NYC, and Colorado. We did have them in Israel but only police and military, citizens couldn’t own them.
I helped you out ;)

-Easy access to guns
-Lack of firearms training/safety instruction

-Underfunded schools
-Mis-prioritized spending
-Social engineering in our schools
-Attack on nuclear family and religion
-Lack of mental healthcare
-Elimination of mental institutes
-Rise of introverted, anti-social, mentally ill, narcissistic "gamers"
-In person social interaction dwindling due to social media (and covid)
-Lack of parenting and 2 parent households
-Social media cesspools that let monsters like this fester and become emboldened by others like them, living inside their own echo chamber of hate
Not sure why those are crossed. Those are a part of the problem, not saying it's part of the solution. Especially the lack of comfortability and education about firearms. If we are going to continue to be a gun culture country, we need education for those who don't know anything about them.

More and more I see people that have never shot a gun let alone held one. So kids learn stuff from tv and movies instead of proper instruction and safety.
So banning guns and basically saying you abide by the law so you're safe is the answer ? Come on now, you're smarter than that.
I didn’t say anything about banning guns, I am saying historically we didn’t have schools you needed guns to feel safe in. Adding guns does not fix the problem of how it became unsafe recently.
I can’t recall ever think I needed weapons to be safe in school. From Chicago to MI, NYC, and Colorado. We did have them in Israel but only police and military, citizens couldn’t own them.
I hate to break it to you buddy...this is really going to mess up your day: Do you know what MI, NYC, and CO have a LOT of?

People with weapons.

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If we're going to turn this tragedy into a discussion about taxing churches to fund security for schools, the discussion should be expanded to include taxation of all non-profits. Fair is fair. But I highly doubt that any push for taxation of churches (or all non-profits) will accomplish anything more than this thread ultimately will. It's been debated in the Supreme Court before, it's probably not politically popular enough to have anyone pick it up and run with it, and I'm having a hard time seeing how politicians would personally gain from it (which means it's unlikely any would touch it).

In any case, .gov has plenty of funding (not necessarily at the local level) to do just about anything we can dream up. As for effectiveness of armed personnel on school property, I actually agree to an extent with Buzz's sentiment that prevention is likely a pipe dream. I don't know stats, but it seems many of the mass shooter types either plan to die or plan to end their own lives at the conclusion of their "mission." However, I don't look at security as a prophylactic, I see it as a means to bring a faster end to an incident, which should lead to fewer lost lives. Surely we can hire and train people who would have more skill in those situations than an average jack wagon with a weapon he's never put to work before.

On the prevention side, several folks have already voiced my thoughts. But I'm absolutely clueless as to how we convince men to become men and fathers again on a national scale. In the meantime, it starts in our own homes, with our own sons and daughters.
I hate to break it to you buddy...this is really going to mess up your day: Do you know what MI, NYC, and CO have a LOT of?

People with weapons.

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Doesn’t seem like these shooting take place in major cities.
Not sure why those are crossed. Those are a part of the problem, not saying it's part of the solution. Especially the lack of comfortability and education about firearms. If we are going to continue to be a gun culture country, we need education for those who don't know anything about them.

More and more I see people that have never shot a gun let alone held one. So kids learn stuff from tv and movies instead of proper instruction and safety.
Not sure why they are part of the problem...

We already have laws on the books that define a "prohibited" person. IMO, the Uvalde shooter met the definition of mental defective and should have been declared a prohibited person. There were apparently plenty of warning signs.

We used to remove these types from society...then the ACLU and Dems came along and got that eliminated in early 1980s...

From my perspective, access to guns is more prohibitive today than it was when I was growing up in the 60's. Heck, fully automatic weapons weren't restricted until 1986.

Widespread firearms training would be a good thing, and part of the "solution". Can't believe how many people enter the military without ANY firearms training much less physical conditioning these days.
We will never know for sure however this in my belief is a strategy by some in government to maintain power. The same as the buffalo shooting.
Our founding fathers allowed automatic weapons and cannons for a reason, because it is what our military had at the time and the same should be applied now.
This is a tragic incident but we don't blame vehicles when people run over people on purpose, we blame mental health and the person. When it comes to a shooting though people want to blame the gun for some reason.
Also what exactly do you propose we change, I would love to hear an actual change that doesn't infringe on others rights but keeps our classrooms protected like we protect our banks, politicians, and celebrities.
The same people crying for more military funding are also crying for the same weapons as the military so they can defend themselves against the military they are wanting more funding for.

It's no wonder every other developed nation thinks we're nuts.
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