Suppressor wait times

Can anyone tell me how long the "Preparing for E-Form's" step typically takes through Silencer Shop? It has been on that step since last Thursday. I tried calling them today to ask about it and gave up after about 30 minutes on hold. It just seems like that should be a fairly quick step?
In my experience this is the step that is most variable. It seems they include the form 3 and then shipping under this section. So I’ve had it as fast as a week up to 2 weeks (I live in middle of nowhere Wyoming so shipping isn’t exactly fast). Once the dealer has it, they change it to ready to file.
In my experience this is the step that is most variable. It seems they include the form 3 and then shipping under this section. So I’ve had it as fast as a week up to 2 weeks (I live in middle of nowhere Wyoming so shipping isn’t exactly fast). Once the dealer has it, they change it to ready to file.
Ok, good info! The dealer had to order it and they have had it for about 2 weeks now. I went to check it out when they got it in and am pretty stoked! Dead Air Nomad TI XC in FDE. Just want to make sure I am doing all of my steps as quick as possible but it seems it’s out of my hands for the moment. I Am hoping to have it for a spring bear hunt coming up.
Ok, good info! The dealer had to order it and they have had it for about 2 weeks now. I went to check it out when they got it in and am pretty stoked! Dead Air Nomad TI XC in FDE. Just want to make sure I am doing all of my steps as quick as possible but it seems it’s out of my hands for the moment. I Am hoping to have it for a spring bear hunt coming up.
This is confusing to me, the way I understood it the distributor can't ship to a dealer until Form 3 clears, at which point you would be ready to certify and submit Form 4.