Suppressor Opinion: Meh, It’s Ok

Ok, these are dated now, I made them this morning, but decided it wasn't a meme thread.


Now I got caught up, realize we need civil war memes, a guy can't take a break around here.
I really appreciated what the OP brought up. I have had similar thoughts while considering a can. I believe the Cost/Benefit analysis of suppressors is different for everyone. Personally on my big game hunting rifle I wouldn't want the added weight, or to sacrifice velocity to a short barrel for maintaining handiness. I know every shot without protection counts on hearing loss. On my big game rifle i shoot a brake and wear ear plugs most of the time.
The real value in a suppressor for me would be on a 22 rifle and pistol for shooting at the range and hunting small game. I would also be happy to have one on a dedicated predator rifle for follow up shots on multiple animals as well as camouflaging my presence to the next set.

Good point and thanks for constructive reply.
Went to the range today, kid on the end was shooting a short barreled AR in 350 legend with a big break. It was obnoxious. If I don’t need to do some work before season opens this weekend I would have left. First shot with my silencer and he asked, what the heck is that, it’s so quiet. 45-70 shooting a 500g at 1030.
No, i don't think slavery was the sole motivation for soldiers fighting. There were probably others I could identify with. They also didn't need to own slaves to benefit from the work being done by them.

'Spose Lincoln and the Yankees never batted an eye about slavery, is the thought that all these states that referenced slavery in the justification for secession would have seceded anyway?
Not a historian, but what I recall studying the root cause was economic and power politics: Industrial vs agrarian taxation policies and artificially inflated representation from the South due to a non-voting block of inhabitants (slaves) as well as expansion politics.

Lincoln clearly stated he had no intention of ending slavery in the South…so why did the South secede anyways?

The winner gets to write the history.

Personally, I like shooting and hunting with a suppressor, particularly if not alone for the safety and ability to communicate clearly/quietly. Secondly because the critters typically are slower to react.
Unless your suppressor is garbage that is not correct. You want it comfortably under 140db at shooters' ear. Using a TBAC Ultra-7 because it's an example of a solid suppressor that longer ones can outperform but that people use hunting a fair bit, it meters at about 127-129 db at shooters' ear for .308 loads. That's well under the threshold for immediate hearing damage. I wouldn't shoot more than 4-5 rounds at most with it since sustained exposure is a bad thing but it's perfectly fine for a couple shots hunting. And there are many suppressors that (due to additional length/diameter) outperform that.
I said “it can”, which is a true statement. Depends on which supressor and which cartridge you are using. A 308 is different than a 300 win mag or 7prc in terms of dbs.
Not a historian, but what I recall studying the root cause was economic and power politics: Industrial vs agrarian taxation policies and artificially inflated representation from the South due to a non-voting block of inhabitants (slaves) as well as expansion politics.

Lincoln clearly stated he had no intention of ending slavery in the South…so why did the South secede anyways?

The winner gets to write the history.

Personally, I like shooting and hunting with a suppressor, particularly if not alone for the safety and ability to communicate clearly/quietly. Secondly because the critters typically are slower to react.

My great great grandfather was killed at the Battle of Brices Crossroads June 10th 1864 fighting for the South under the the Army of Tennessee. Nathan Bedford Forrest was his commander. He was from Union County, MS and they were poor and didn’t own slaves. They fought because hundreds of thousands of “Yankees” were coming down burning down their towns.

I don’t know anyone that has a direct ancestor that fought for the Confederacy wish slavery existed today. It’s more of remembrance of an earlier time and family history. It’s with this new “woke” generation that our history is being re-litigated with a 21st century perspective. It’s stupid and now great Americans like Washington and Lincoln are admonished.

Once the Confederate statues came down, it was just a matter of time Washington and Lincoln statues would come down. Woke kids are annoying AF. Everything is “racist”.
I said “it can”, which is a true statement. Depends on which supressor and which cartridge you are using. A 308 is different than a 300 win mag or 7prc in terms of dbs.
And yet we have actual numbers on basically all of those. Hell even the Ultra-5 Gen 2 is hearing safe at shooters ear for a shot with 300 Norma Magnum. Goes back to what I said in my first sentence, if you use a suppressor that isn't garbage/miniscule you're fine. What you're bringing up is virtually a non-issue.

Couldn't agree more John Johnson. He's arguing about something just for the sake of arguing. Arguing with facts is moot.

Okay okay sorry.

I'd choose the benefits of a suppressor over the cons for most hunting situations. It is easier to relearn how to handle your rifle with a suppressor than to relearn how to hear. Pretty much all hunting that you'd do with a rifle revolves around being as quiet and undetected as possible...up until the shot. The suppressor allows that to sometimes carry over into after the shot, especially in longer range situations that western hunting often presents.
What are we looking at here? Are those barrels manufactured with flared ends to accomodate larger threads?
A gunsmith took my factory tikka and kimber barrels, installed a permanent adapter and a collar so I can direct thread my 5/8x24 silencers without having to use adapters or muzzle devices. Similar to how barret did the threaded fieldcraft barrels.
Hunting goes sideways sometimes.

A few years back my wife and I had doe antelope tags. She shot one and while field dressing it another walked by at about 200 yards. I was carrying a 7-08 with a 20" barrel. I shot at that doe off trekking poles and made a bad hit. Took 2 more shots. I don't know why, maybe it was the terrain, but my ears were ringing like I have never experienced. I honestly have never had my ears ring like that, for days.

I wish I would have had a suppressor that day. Going forward I hope to never shoot an unsuppressed rifle again. I now have an Ultra 7 on my "wife's" 6mm and a Hyperion K on my 7 PRC.