Stuff overheard at the range or local gun shop

Being that I shoot my bow more than my gun, 50% of the time I push my reticle the wrong way. The scopes just feel bass ackwards since the direction the dial says is the direction to move the impact not the reticle. Unashamedly I put about 10 rounds down my 6.5 this year getting it zeroed before I realized I was moving the scope the wrong way.
Here’s the mantra that I use to keep that from happening.

Ogg want bullet go up. Ogg turn dial up. Ogg want bullet go down…Ogg turn dial not up. Ogg do same with windage.
Being that I shoot my bow more than my gun, 50% of the time I push my reticle the wrong way. The scopes just feel bass ackwards since the direction the dial says is the direction to move the impact not the reticle. Unashamedly I put about 10 rounds down my 6.5 this year getting it zeroed before I realized I was moving the scope the wrong way.
Very easy to do, for sure! Made the same mistake myself by looking through the scope while turning the windage dial to move the reticle. Oops!
Here’s the mantra that I use to keep that from happening.

Ogg want bullet go up. Ogg turn dial up. Ogg want bullet go down…Ogg turn dial not up. Ogg do same with windage.
I made the same mistake before while looking through the scope and turning the windage dial to move the reticle. Wasted a few rounds, for sure.
Being that I shoot my bow more than my gun, 50% of the time I push my reticle the wrong way. The scopes just feel bass ackwards since the direction the dial says is the direction to move the impact not the reticle. Unashamedly I put about 10 rounds down my 6.5 this year getting it zeroed before I realized I was moving the scope the wrong way.

If it matters, I think Schmidt & Bender scopes are "backwards" in their dialing, at least with elevation.
Our range is unsupervised. I find that I often have to politely remind shooters at the range that it’s good manners to open your bolt, step away from your weapon, when someone is down range. There are no scheduled cease fires. The other thing I see pretty often is someone will ask to set a target when they are not ready to do so, then hold up the show for fifteen minutes while they fxxk around down range trying to prop up some flimsy POS target with sticks and rocks.

I was at the range one day when this really old guy shows up with prolly his 15 Y O grand daughter and a couple old sketchy looking rifles. He’s gonna teach her to shoot. He starts with a .22 that he clearly doesn’t know how to operate, and hoses everybody on one end of the line while he’s trying to figure out how to load it. When it’s loaded, he hands it to the 15YO who has obviously never held a firearm in her life. She stands about four feet behind the shooting bench and points the gun offhand loosely down range with grampa ahead of her and off to one side. She’s leaning backward, looks like she might fall over or drop the rifle any second.

She pulls the trigger, but says “It won’t shoot!!” Grampa says “Safety is prolly on. It’s that button on the side there.” She now un-shoulders the loaded rifle, cradles it and fumbles for the safety while she hoses grampa, me, and everybody on the other end of the line.

I just immediately got up off my stool and hid behind my truck until there was a ceasefire. Then I hastily packed my shit and left. I didn’t want to be a part of the headline or the EMS response. AFAIK nobody was shot.

That was a few years ago when I was younger and shyer. Nowadays, having achieved silver curmudgeon status, I would say something.
First trip to a gunsmith
- I took a Sig P320 compact in to have the slide cut for a red dot. I asked if he could do the footprint for the Aimpoint Acro back when they first came out. Gunsmith looked me dead in the eye and said "that is only for rifles". What you need is this Holosun 507k. Really? A 507k on a p320? No thanks.
- I wound up going with an RMR footprint instead. When I went to install my Holosun with the PA vulcan reticle it became obvious that they had a not used the right screw size. I called them and they said "it's just the cerakote. Sometimes it is hard to install. If you really need you can stop by and let us install it for you. It will be $35.00". I am certainly not an armorer or gunsmith, however, I know how to install a screw. Anyways, I take it back to the gunsmith and shocker, they used the wrong screw size. Still charged $35.00.

Random Day in my preferred LGS
- While I am browsing at the LGS, a gent comes up to the counter. The lady behind the counter gives the usual nice greeting and ask if he needs help finding anything or is looking for something in particular. Before she can finish the sentence, the guy cuts her off and says "I need the cheapest .45 you got". He is also moderately out-of-breath and clearly in a hurry. Acting fidgety and irritable. The lady behind the counter responds "okay, we have several really good options that are very affordable. Are there any features you are looking ----- Guys cuts her off again. "I just need the cheapest .45 you got. I don't care what it is." He left empty handed that day. I am almost positive he was about to use that for "nefarious" activity. I guess the LGS felt that way as well since they refused to sell.

Random Day #2 at the LGS
- I was trading in an old rifle for a CZP10C years ago. My wife came up to me and said "I want to leave" and was clearly bothered. We were almost done with the trade with the LGS so I finished up so we could leave. I noticed the lady behind the counter grab her handgun and move it under the counter we were at while watching a dude in the far corner. Once we got in the car my wife told me the guy was checking out AR's, AK's, and other semi-auto rifles and kept making comments such as "this wont do", "how far can this kill", "that's just not going to do it", etc. All the female workers had cleared out and the shop owner (a very tall, stout man) went over and had to engage with him. I did not stick around to see the conclusion, but I am assuming he left empty handed.
"Latest most interesting incident to me was a fellow whose AR went full auto after he installed what he "thought" was a binary trigger."

Reread. Consider. Then, discuss.
Theres case law backing up what i said. A malfunctioning rifle is NOT an nfa violation UNLESS AND UNTIL you continue using it after discovery of the problem. His rifle inadvertently going full auto due to poor assembly isnt a violation.

Today, you learned something. That gun wasn't an issue, unless he didn't stop using it. You were correct to advise him to stop using it, but, no, it wasn't a felony. Seems a minute difference, and it is.. but an r.o. should know the laws hes trying to impose. Id turn your snarky response inwards, if i were you.
Theres case law backing up what i said. A malfunctioning rifle is NOT an nfa violation UNLESS AND UNTIL you continue using it after discovery of the problem. His rifle inadvertently going full auto due to poor assembly isnt a violation.

Today, you learned something. That gun wasn't an issue, unless he didn't stop using it. You were correct to advise him to stop using it, but, no, it wasn't a felony. Seems a minute difference, and it is.. but an r.o. should know the laws hes trying to impose. Id turn your snarky response inwards, if i were you.
I'd point out that the snarkiness started with you. When citing case law, it pays to read the full opinion. I read the case you linked, and it proves my point. Majority opinion, written by Clarence Thomas:
"Therefore, possessing an unregistered machine gun requires the defendant's knowledge that the firearm fired more than one shot per trigger pull when in their possession."
The key element in the case you cited is that the owner of the firearm did not know it would fire full auto.
Possession of a firearm, with the knowledge that it fires in full auto mode, is darn sure a felony. And the shooter at the range I posted about obviously knew, along with everyone around him. To add: At the range where I volunteer, full auto is fine as long as approved by the Range Supervisor (above my pay grade, which as a volunteer, is nothing). Nobody is going to check credentials or NFA stamps. I don't have the authority to throw anyone off the range - just giving him a heads up that he was in possession of a full-auto firearm.