Stuff overheard at the range or local gun shop

Got a few pistols at an auction one time, had to wait at the ffl until the paperwork cleared, never took me more than an hour and I waited over a week for these. Gun shop owner told me that “most likely” someone with my same name escaped from prison recently and the feds had to clear it up first.
Over heard at a range in eastern TN yeas ago. Two guys had been “testing” .270 rounds in one of their 30-06 bolt action rifles. They were confident their bullet proof vest would stop it no problem, but were concerned about how low it was shooting because he did not want to get shot in the balls.
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Was shooting with a buddy of mine at a wildlife area range in NE Missouri back in the 80's. 3 yahoos pulled up guzzling on a bottle of something. We heard "this will be safe" or something. One guy walks down the range holding a bottle out and one takes a poke at it. We were gone in a minute.
I got through page 4 of this post, jumped to page 13, I'm too old for this junk (s%^&) you all have put up with at Sportsman's and public ranges. I can't handle most gun stores or the associates, my encounters are either with the know-it-alls or the ones just filling up a space (the ones that should be just sweeping, don't even let them dust a gun counter, much less wipe down a gun). Luckily, I have never had to go to a public range in my life, I'm not sure I could handle it.
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I'm a range officer at one of only two supervised public outdoor ranges in Idaho. Most of the issues we see are simply because we Idaho shooters don't know how to behave on a supervised range until we experience it a few times. Rules most frequently neglected:

1. actions open, magazines removed, chamber flag
2. bring case from back bench to firearm on shooting bench, not vice versa.

Latest most interesting incident to me was a fellow whose AR went full auto after he installed what he "thought" was a binary trigger. He also said he did "some work" on the FCG. His first few shots were semi auto, so whatever he did, his installation likely malfed. Told him he was technically in possession of an NFA rifle and he agreed, took out the defective FCG, and put away the rifle.
Heard this just this past Sunday at a public range.

Husband shooting wife’s rifle because she shot most of her ammo and couldn’t get it on paper. During a cease fire they were talking about adjusting the scope so she wouldn’t have to do anything other than point it at the animal if she wanted to take a shot across “the canyon”. Range goes hot and as I’m packing my stuff up to head out I hear the wife tell him “You missed way right. Remember it needs to be 9 inches high.”
I'm considering picking up a Howa mini in 6 ARC, so I wanted to run to a local store that at least stocked Howas so I could get a feel for the action.

Guy behind the counter: What are you looking for?
Me: Can I check out a Howa in a short action chambering?
Guy at counter: Uhhh... not sure we have that.
Me looking right at a Howa: You have a few on the shelf. Can I try one out in a short action chambering?
Guy at counter: **blank look**
Me: Can I handle a Howa in a .243, 6.5 Creedmoor, .308, etc?
Other guy behind the counter: proceeds to grab a Howa in 270 Win

Same store:

Talking about a 6 ARC while cycling a Ruger American in 6.5 Creed.
Guy behind counter: Easiest way to a 6 ARC is to buy a 6.5 Creedmoor or a 308. The 6 ARC is based on the same case, so you could just rebarrel it.
Me: Hands rifle back and leaves
Got a few pistols at an auction one time, had to wait at the ffl until the paperwork cleared, never took me more than an hour and I waited over a week for these. Gun shop owner told me that “most likely” someone with my same name escaped from prison recently and the feds had to clear it up first.
In NICS defense, I would spend an extra few days making sure someone named "Lyle Destyroys" wasn't a terrorist also.
Many years ago I was browsing a gun store while on lunch break in Des Moines Iowa. Gentleman walks up to the counter to pick up the shotgun he had ordered. It was some kind of Beretta O/U with extra barrels and one of the most beautiful wooden stocks I had ever seen on a gun. He immediately notices that there is a scratch on the stock of his very expensive gun and the gun counter jerk proceeds to assure him that the scratch would happen sooner or later with use, so… Anyway, a heated exchange ensues and at this point I need to get back to the office so I leave.
The really funny part is that the gun counter jerk, just prior to the customer arriving, was complaining about the scratch that was on the brand new PT Cruiser he had ordered from the dealership.
Hindsight being what it is, and I’m older and do not care anymore, I wish I would have butted in to explain to him that the scratch on the door would have happened sooner or later anyway…
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Roughly 10 years ago, I was at a range where the range officer was helping some guys with their new shotgun. They clearly hadn't handled many firearms, so the range officer is explaining probably way more than they can handle, including that he can't tell what choke is in the gun. The range officer advises one of the guys to fire three target loads into their paper at 25 yards. After they retrieve the target, the range officer confidently said that it was for sure a modified choke...
you can skip the rest of the video and just watch from 9:15 to 12:00.

Short story: Idiot kid had some 22 lr shells in his pocket at school and dropped one on the cafeteria floor. Cops were called, somehow they figure out it was him and then found his 22LR Henry golden boy lever action in his car. Watch the cops and administrators try to figure out how the gun works and verify it is unloaded. My favorite part is when the cop tries to push the tube feeder into the front of the barrel.
Last year I was shooting at a public range with my completely stock tikka t3 .243 Some guy walked up and asked if I was shooting a 300 win mag, because “the rifle looked like a magnum”
The bullet out of an AR15 is designed to tumble in the air which is why they do so much damage on impact.

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I heard that in 1983... I wondered what was at the crown that initiated the tumble, then I dismissed it and went on about my day.
In HS I worked at a local hunting/fishing/ archery shop. I heard a lot. Although I sold guns, I mostly let them sell themselves. I didn't try to spin a tale. Also, in hindsight, I'm not sure it was even legal for me to sell them? 01-03

That said, we would OCCASIONALLY take in used muzzleloaders on trade. More of a favor from the owner to his buddies if they wanted a new muzzeloader.

One day someone came in wanting to look at a used Knight Disk rifle. I'm not sure why, but the ole "pot bellied sales guy" was going to show the guy how the gun worked. He had it in the cleaning/maintenance cradle on top of the glass counter, bore pointing slightly customer side of counter, from being parallel.

A big *BOOM* followed by smoke billowing out, followed immediately from dust and small bits of cinder block wall falling in the floor, and rotating Benchmade knife display on the counter top spinning from the muzzleblast.

Sales guy, in weird, dangerous lapse of judgement had opened the bolt of the gun, not checking the gun (nor was it checked prior to being taken in on trade), and pulled the trigger to show customer how said gun worked. Gun was primed and loaded, and subsequently fired.

The scariest part was where the bullet impacted the fall, the shop owner's 4 year old son had been playing with his friend about 2 minutes prior.