"Street Legal" dirt bike for Novice

2 stroke 300. Better on singletrack than any of the 4 strokes.

Look at 2015-2018 models like ktm 300 exc, gas gas 300, beta xtrainer 300.
I have road really hard offraod hard enduro type single track for over 25 years. We have guys in our group with 12 year old bikes running with low end pros in off road races, older bikes and destroyed gear...they smoke guys on new bikes and gear all day. 85% of it is the rider. Your worrying about nothing. Run that KTM and set it up for both dirt and street. So many pros run stock suspension its alarming. Bikes in the last 15 years have been amazing. Learn to work on your bike and ride it. You said your timid...you don't need anything your talking about. Just ride.
This right here. I've been passed on pretty technical trails by riders who looked like they were riding on pavement. It's not the bike, it's the rider for the most part.
Look for a used Honda CRF450L or RL, they are defines and easy going yet have more low end then a 250. New they are around $10k but you should be able to save some cash if you can find a used one.

I really like my KTM 500 exc-f, it is like a tractor unlike a 450 max bike that is a race car.
UPDATE: I am not going to find Happy. At least not Used and under $7000.

Rode a 2020 DRZ400S. Completely unimpressed. Just felt like a pig. Or baby Hippo. Was only a few miles. But as soon as I swung a leg over and let out the clutch I just knew I wasn't breaking out the Benjamins.

So if the DRZ400 didn't do anything for me, then the new 300s are going to leave me really wanting. None are available to purchase, let alone a lap around the block.

Test drove a very modern Honda 450R. Too snappy and too much bike for me. My KTM just feels like "My Bed". Love it.

Just wish it was lower miles/hours. Street legal right now with no upgrades or effort.

Are there any other bikes I am missing? The Husqvarna 350FE seems to be maybe the best bike option. But the cheapest used one is $7000. And it seems the service intervals are pretty often.

The KTM 500 EXC seems to maybe be an option, but man...a 500 seems "huge".
You can tune any of those bikes up or down with in reason. Theres no perfect bike. You can tune the 450 way down with mapping, a throttle tamer, fly wheel weight, etc...A 500 can weight the same as a 450 and the power is not the issue. A YZ450FX plated would be my choice, or a WR450...if your a smaller guy then go 250 in those models. I have had better luck with Yamaha and rode Hondas 2t and 4t for 10 years. You can get on a new bike that feels like crap if its not set up right. Or an old bike that feels great. Like I said, ride what your have, work on it, set it up better. Your chasing nothing. You have a fine platform already and it sounds your not good enough and being timid never will be to need a better bike.

Read this...this shows what you can do with bikes. https://dirtbiketest.com/fresh-dirt/this-or-that-yz450fx-vs-wr450f/
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The yz450f is Yamahas motocross/supercorss bike...that is what I ride and have set up for desert and woods. We dont ride street or fire roads...all single track in very different terrain and different difficulty. My bike is a 2011 before the FX came out and when the X and WR were to down tuned back then.

The WR is the trail bike, FX is the GNCC bike. The F will be like the honda 450r. Stay with the bike you're have. Its exactly what you need.
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Copy. I think I agree. I'd like a fresher one. Think I have 7000+ on this one. Older at 2005. But it's comfortable and familiar to me. Someone dicked with the headlight wiring, etc. I'd probably have to pay someone smarter to un F it and get it street legal.
My "digital" read out is a pain to navigate. I attempted to run through it the other day and failed. Was swapping out my chain and sprokets and discovered I was running a 13T front (14T factory). My new chain is a bit long and someone swapped in aftermarket axle adjusters then modified the long block screw and cut off the last 1/8" I need. So I am on a bike stand this week :(
Just for perspective, I bought my kid a yz125 burned down and spent 100 bux on a piston and threw some acid at the jug. I took it out this weekend and it has to be the most fun bike I've ridden in a long time. I may just keep it....lol.
UPDATE: I am not going to find Happy. At least not Used and under $7000.

The KTM 500 EXC seems to maybe be an option, but man...a 500 seems "huge".
the Ktm 500 used to be the same chassis and motor as the 450, not sure if that’s still the case. If I had to own one bike to ride street and dirt, the Ktm 500 would be it. Not the lightest single track bike, but perfectly capable and while not really a street bike it will run along at 55-60 easily. I would strip all the street stuff off, and get a new ecu and enjoy.

Previous owner installed these. I assumed they were OEM. I THINK the throttle side adjustement screw was shortened. I ran out of adjustment to get chain in spec. Clutch side seemed about there.
If you start farting around with sprockets you need to start farting around with adding and removing links in the chain and that will also lead to handling issues. Leave the dang thang alone and ride it like you stole it. Get out of your own way and have fun.
lol. I was simply taking the next step in attempting to be responsible and a good owner. I didn't notice or discover it was a reduced tooth sproket until I removed everything.

I've already taken and passed a handful of Dirt/Trail nationally recognized programs/certs. Practice some skill drills, log hoping etc multiple times a week. I am committed to improving.

Needing to truck a bike to more challenging terrain hinders my progress a bit. Hence a plated bike want. Having a bike I can rip 50 miles of forest service roads and not need an inReach to have my old lady hastily learn GPS land nav would help also.

As 2 Stix stated...my current KTM 450 EXC is a good bike. I like it. I've surfed CL and Marketplace. Found a few that are 2009 or newer and fresher. Found a plated, low mile 2014 350 XCF-W in my price range as well. Tons of extras. Tank, lights, Seat Concepts, etc.

I have a cabin in MT. Leaving a plated bike there as an extra is appealing also.

Thank you Oregon Steeler for the link. Got my answers.
I have a 2010 XCFW 450 champions edition that is Montana plated and street legal that I am going to sell. Have three bikes and looking to thin out quiver to get just two. Street legal as it’s plated and titled as a dual sport, has head light, tail light, mirror and speedo. No turn signals or brake light as hand signals are legal in MT. Idaho might be different.
I learned the trick in Washington is to have your bike titled as a "motorcycle" for plates and an orv for orv tabs.