Stepping back as owner of Rokslide

Aron Snyder

Rokslide Sponsor
Jan 23, 2012
The Wilderness
I wanted to let all of the Rokslide members know that I'll be stepping back as owner of Rokslide. We've been discussing this (Ryan, Robby and myself) for a few weeks and all agree this is the best decision for me and the website.

This decision wasn't easy for any of us, and there were a lot of different things that factored into the decision.

1) At this point, I have more irons in the fire than I can keep up with, and my schedule this year is tougher (in a very good way) than any other season I've had before. I'll be in the mountains for almost 4 months and keeping up with the business side of Rokslide will not be possible. Ryan and Robby had no issue with me being gone for this long, but I wanted to be as fair to them, as they will be doing the lions share of the work.

2) Stepping back will allow me to speak a lot more freely about gear without the worry of pissing off current or potential sponsors.

3) We've had A LOT of plants/shills from other companies that have joined Rokslide to cause problems. We hope that me stepping back will stop the bullshit and everyone can get back to talking about hunting and hunting gear.

4) Kifaru is experiencing a lot of growth and I want to donate as much time into the expansion of the company as possible. We have a lot of things in the works right now and I need to focus on helping Kifaru grow as much as my time will allow.

5) We've seen a few of our members post on other forums that it's not fair that I work for other companies and own Rokslide at the same time. Stepping back as owner should stop some of the haters from talking shit (we hope anyway), as I now can just be a spokesman for these companies on Rokslide when needed.

My stepping back does not mean I will not be an active member or contributor on the site, as I will still be staying on as the Backcountry Editor. I will, however, not be any part of the business decisions on Rokslide, so please don't PM me about any business or forum related issues.

We/I hope that you all can understand my decision and will understand that this is the best thing for the future of the website....and my mental health! :)


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I wanted to let all of the Rokslide members know that I'll be stepping back as owner of Rokslide. We've been discussing this (Ryan, Robby and myself) for a few weeks and all agree this is the best decision for me and the website.

This decision wasn't easy for any of us, and there were a lot of different things that factored into the decision.

1) At this point, I have more irons in the fire than I can keep up with, and my schedule this year is tougher (in a very good way) than any other season I've had before. I'll be in the mountains for almost 4 months and keeping up with the business side of Rokslide will not be possible. Ryan and Robby had no issue with me being gone for this long, but I wanted to be as fair to them, as they will be doing the lions share of the work.

2) Stepping back will allow me to speak a lot more freely about gear without the worry of pissing off current or potential sponsors.

3) We've had A LOT of plants/shills from other companies that have joined Rokslide to cause problems. We hope that me stepping back will stop the bullshit and everyone can get back to talking about hunting and hunting gear.

4) Kifaru is experiencing a lot of growth and I want to donate as much time into the expansion of the company as possible. We have a lot of things in the works right now and I need to focus on helping Kifaru grow as much as my time will allow.

5) We've seen a few of our members post on other forums that it's not fair that I work for other companies and own Rokslide at the same time. Stepping back as owner should stop some of the haters from talking shit (we hope anyway), as I now can just be a spokesman for these companies on Rokslide when needed.

My stepping back does not mean I will not be an active member or contributor on the site, as I will still be staying on as the Backcountry Editor. I will, however, not be any part of the business decisions on Rokslide, so please don't PM me about any business or forum related issues.

We/I hope that you all can understand my decision and will understand that this is the best thing for the future of the website....and my mental health! :)



Good Luck Man! At least you are stepping back for "positive" reasons
yes sir thanks for your service and continued service. have really enjoyed this forum and learned so much and hoping it continues.another proof that politics and egos can eff up any good thing.
At first it read like a sad good bye, but in all reality it'll be more like a welcome back to the conversation and free speech. Your posting really went down after all the chit went down a couple months ago. I'm sure robby and ryan will handle the reigns just fine.
Awww.. you never got to ban me for life, are you sure you want to step down before you can't do that??? Have fun this season,and remember it's only the Internet, it's not real. Now maybe we can really have some fun discussions on here. Avery will just love that :)
Thanks for the upfront communication. Looking forward to your future open opinions and healthy open debates on Rokslide.

Best of luck on your 4 months of adventures.
I'm glad that I joined the Rok in the early stages of the website. I really learned a lot about backpack hunting from all the info you've shared the past couple of years. Thanks and I (we) hope that you continue to contribute.
Now maybe you'll get some sleep
Now maybe you'll get some sleep

Thats doubtful :D

Aron you know youll always be my hero. No sense running yourself into the ground with all this stuff. Think youve made a decision that is going to be great for Rokslide and also help you achieve even higher goals my friend. For the record Im still PMing you at odd hours of the night just cause.... :p
I can still ban you, in fact, I think i'll do it right now before I forget!
Awww.. you never got to ban me for life, are you sure you want to step down before you can't do that??? Have fun this season,and remember it's only the Internet, it's not real. Now maybe we can really have some fun discussions on here. Avery will just love that :)
Your a good knowledgable dude Aron can't wait to see what's in the works for you and the kifaru crew and can't wait to here about your 4 months of journeys.
Great job with the website and it always feels good to make a decision and put it behind you so you can move on with other endeavors. I hope that you have great success with your hunt trips this season!
July 15th- Sept 10th---- Northwest Territories (Moose, Caribou, Sheep)
Sept 11th-Sept 28th---Colorado Elk, Mule Deer and Mountain goat
Sept 30th-Oct 7th---Washington governors goat tag hunt
Oct 11th-15th---1st season rifle hunt (I think)
Oct 17th-? --- Mountain goat hunt in British Columbia with Rubberfist
In November I may be going over seas to film/guide, but nothing in for sure. If that doesn't pan out. I'll ne heading to North Idaho with Ryan for a deer hunt.
I'm also squeezing in a few other hunts in the middle.

In December I'll be in Mexico, guiding desert bighorn, but the dates for that are not finalized.

Other than that, I've got a lot of free time.
Makes sense to me. Can you share a general itinerary of what and where you will be hunting?
Aron, good luck to you and I totally get it. I, for one, value your inputs and opinions. Lot to be said for one's mental being.

Best wishes to you Aron and I’m looking forward in hearing from you as the Backcountry Editor. You’re a straight shooter when it comes to saying what you think and it is one of the things I admire about you. Sounds like this decision will give you more freedom to continue doing that. Thanks for what you do out there for outdoor gear, the outdoors and our hunting heritage. I appreciate what you do.
Integrity isn't something that is taught, you either have it or you don't. You, sir, have integrity.

Good luck on all of the hunts this year.
Live the dream, dude!
Good luck to ya and thanks for helping put together a cool site to hang out on...