July 15th- Sept 10th---- Northwest Territories (Moose, Caribou, Sheep)
Sept 11th-Sept 28th---Colorado Elk, Mule Deer and Mountain goat
Sept 30th-Oct 7th---Washington governors goat tag hunt
Oct 11th-15th---1st season rifle hunt (I think)
Oct 17th-? --- Mountain goat hunt in British Columbia with Rubberfist
In November I may be going over seas to film/guide, but nothing in for sure. If that doesn't pan out. I'll ne heading to North Idaho with Ryan for a deer hunt.
I'm also squeezing in a few other hunts in the middle.
In December I'll be in Mexico, guiding desert bighorn, but the dates for that are not finalized.
Other than that, I've got a lot of free time.