Stepping back as owner of Rokslide

I would also like to thank you for all of your help. You helped much more than was required. Thank you for your service and integrity.
Best of luck with all of your future endeavors.
Thanks for the up front message Aron. Now you can talk about gear more plainly. Nothing is better than the art of plain talk and not having to dodge sponsors anger and what not. Thanks for everything you've done as an owner site wouldn't be the same without you.
Aron, I'm sure your decision wasn't made lightly. I sure hope though, that you still post your experiences as time allows. I have gleaned a lot of benefit from your posts and your experience.

Bravo Zulu!
July 15th- Sept 10th---- Northwest Territories (Moose, Caribou, Sheep)
Sept 11th-Sept 28th---Colorado Elk, Mule Deer and Mountain goat
Sept 30th-Oct 7th---Washington governors goat tag hunt
Oct 11th-15th---1st season rifle hunt (I think)
Oct 17th-? --- Mountain goat hunt in British Columbia with Rubberfist
In November I may be going over seas to film/guide, but nothing in for sure. If that doesn't pan out. I'll ne heading to North Idaho with Ryan for a deer hunt.
I'm also squeezing in a few other hunts in the middle.

In December I'll be in Mexico, guiding desert bighorn, but the dates for that are not finalized.

Other than that, I've got a lot of free time.

Looks like a kick ass schedule. Have fun and good luck and thanks for all of your help.
A good man from whom I've learned a ton (including how to play hunter dress up).
Without him, Rokslide wouldn't have ever existed.
I hate to see him "go" but am thankful he'll be on the site as himself (really always was if you ask me).
God bless Aron Ray Snyder.
- Robby Denning

X2 Robby. Aron is a machine but there is still only 24 hours in day. Can't wait for some hunt updates
Makes sense Aron. Appreciate all you have done kicking off the "Rok"! Sounds like a busy schedule, yet darn exciting at the same time. Look forward to hearing all about your adventures.
As many have stated on this post I am grateful to have had your knowledge as a resource to benefit me in my relatively short time on this site. This site was built off accurate/hardcore testing of outdoor gear by professional hardcore outdoorsmen. All biases aside you put gear through the ringer and didn’t hold anything back. The TRUE hardcore outdoorsman knows $hit happens when you’re in the back country and if it can it will. Many hunters cannot afford to sample 8 backpacks, tents, etc and have relied heavily on your testing and knowledge to narrow down what gear will fit our needs the best. Thanks for your hard work, dealing with many stress related migraines and look forward to hearing your true HONEST gloves off opinions in the future.
Aron, you sir are a class act!

I have to agree with some of the statements previously and that I hope this frees you up to participate more in the discussions because I know I'm not the only one that noticed a sharp decline recently in your input and it has been sorely missed. I have fully expected this ever since the debacle with the company that shall remain unnamed. I think it's absolutely despicable that companies fail to recognize your integrity and value as a true expert in your field and therefore make you feel necessary to make decisions such as this and give up something that was largely a labor of love on your part. As far having a busy schedule goes, holy crap you weren't kidding but Robby and Ryan are willing to wait for a reason, this is what you do and you bring a hell of a lot to the table.

I don't know what your job is backcountry editor will until but I certainly hope that you will continue posting articles. I found the last couple invaluable.

I also agree with SHTF and hope you return to the elkreaper and I also convert it mentally too.
Aron happy to see you get a chance to go live in remote NWT. Though a little jealous as well! ;) thanks for all your hard work with Robby and Ryan in pitting this site together. I look forward to what the future brings both you and rokslide. Have fun up north and hope to see ya again late fall if it works out.
Thanks Aron and I see that as nothing but a positive move! In my few short months on this site I have learned a tremendous amount and enjoy coming here everyday to learn new things from you and the vast knowledge of others on this site. I really have missed seeing your comments become less and less recently, but appreciate everything you say and the articles you write. You are a busy dude! You are the real deal, bro! Best of luck and I look forward to "Aron unchained" or Elkr(e)aper's return! :cool:
Good luck, bro. Thanks for answering all of my bs questions (and everyone else's for that matter) via text, email, PM, posts and phone calls.

What makes the grass grow? BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD!
Well Aron I'm sorry to hear about that. For the 1st and 4th reasons I can completely understand. As far as the rest of it it's shameful how people have acted in the past based on some of these things. I've had a few conversations with you and you've been nothing but honest about anything I asked about, even recommending competitors products. Plant and shills... Well I really think it's shity that "companies" are so incapable of being professional that it's become an ongoing problem.
Lastly anyone reading this who had a problem with aron being involved with multiple companies yet voiced it on other forums... Grow some damn balls. If you really thought it was an issue why not bring it to the front on the very website you have an issue with?
In my view Aron's opinion is one of the most valuable pieces that make up rokslide. A No bullshit guy who talks from ACTUAL experience, and does not shove products down your throat.
To Aron I appreciate the time that you set aside for people you've never even met. And I look forward to talking hunting and gear with you again. And if your schedule ever runs dry... Which I doubt. Your always welcome in any of my camps

Couldn't agree more! Said everything that I wanted to say...Even though, I am a new member to this forum, I have been lurking on Kifaru for sometime and bought several packs from Aron. I have read through several of his posts and reviews and indeed is a stand up guy... Aron, don't let the bastards grind you down..
Thanks for everything you have done for this site Aron, it wouldn't have made it this far without you. That's a tough decision and I know you will do good in your future endeavors. Also it's good you won't be leaving us for good:).
Been a lurker for a while but your reviews have resulted in several purchases of mine lately. I have been sure to add in the comment boxes at purchase that Rokslide review was the reason for purchase. I really do appreciate all you've done and will continue to do.