Stepping back as owner of Rokslide

A good man from whom I've learned a ton (including how to play hunter dress up).
Without him, Rokslide wouldn't have ever existed.
I hate to see him "go" but am thankful he'll be on the site as himself (really always was if you ask me).
God bless Aron Ray Snyder.
- Robby Denning
I hope it's more about spending more time in the backcountry than about trying to appease the haters, I hate to see them win. Good luck on all those hunts.
Well Aron I'm sorry to hear about that. For the 1st and 4th reasons I can completely understand. As far as the rest of it it's shameful how people have acted in the past based on some of these things. I've had a few conversations with you and you've been nothing but honest about anything I asked about, even recommending competitors products. Plant and shills... Well I really think it's shity that "companies" are so incapable of being professional that it's become an ongoing problem.
Lastly anyone reading this who had a problem with aron being involved with multiple companies yet voiced it on other forums... Grow some damn balls. If you really thought it was an issue why not bring it to the front on the very website you have an issue with?
In my view Aron's opinion is one of the most valuable pieces that make up rokslide. A No bullshit guy who talks from ACTUAL experience, and does not shove products down your throat.
To Aron I appreciate the time that you set aside for people you've never even met. And I look forward to talking hunting and gear with you again. And if your schedule ever runs dry... Which I doubt. Your always welcome in any of my camps
Best wishes Aron, your an inspiration to us all.
Hope to see many more Backcountry Video's from you.
Sounds like a busy & fun season for sure.
But don't forget to stop & enjoy the huckleberries or smell the wild roses from time to time.
Life it too short, and there are no do-overs.
Gosh, don't ban LB, I would miss him. I have been a beneficiary of Aron's knowledge and goodwill many a time and probably not thanked him enough. Just wish I could go to NWT with him.

Hey Aron, since it appears you have a couple days open in the end of October/1st of November, you are welcome to join me in Nevada for a mule deer hunt in Unit 241. If the weather is cooperative for antler growth, there could be some real pigs.
Best of luck in the NWT. I do have to say, I hope you speak your mind more freely now. Maybe now the people that push other companies gear will stop asking your advice, lol.

I say ban LB, just because :)
Sounds like you are heading for better times. I know your passion is in the mountains and not in the politics of business. I'll be looking forward to more great designs and great advice. I really respect your decision to concentrate on what you love . That schedule you posted is pretty close to the ideal season. Doing what you love ; being in the mountains , helping people , and hunting all rolled together. Good hunting !
Good luck Aron.
Thanks to you for getting this site started, we have all learned a lot, and thanks for sharing.
Please do ! I really missed the old Elkreaper who spoke freely . In fact , I wish you would put your old Elkreaper handle up here and leave all your old business persona behind. I mentally convert it to Elkreaper anyway.

i didnt mean ****, those were just stars in general lol
Aron, I appreciate how upfront you have been about your role in the outdoor gear industry.

I look forward to seeing you some day and shaking your hand.

Best wishes with your future projects, and I hope to still see you around