Stepping back as owner of Rokslide

Thanks Aron for all your straight shooting advice.

Now go have an awesome time with the adventures you have lined up- you will never regret it!

Now, you have got me thinking about quitting my job, and going on a grand adventure myself. :D But my wife squashed the idea, and told me I have to stay put. Real dreamer buster.
Damn, im jealous, wish my fall schedule looked like that. Best of luck on everything and hope to read more reviews on gear, stories of hunts, and especially see some more great photos from your busy fall.
Don't think you have an accurate understanding of the fan boys. I think I could hear one crying from my house when this post went up.

Don't think you have an accurate understanding of who I was referring to. Not Aron's fanboys, who I'm sure he could do without, that's for sure. Ankle biters mighta been a good addition to the list...

FWIW, I'm not really into the forum scene and didn't know Aron from a hole in the ground before Rokslide. Actually kinda disliked him early on and thought he was gonna drop the ban hammer on me once, when he asked me to phone him about a couple posts I made. Our conversation cleared things up for me as to Aron's integrity and what he wants for this site. Pile of respect for the guy and what he does now. Also FWIW, I own a total of two pieces of K gear- a Gunbearer (which I hate) and a pullout (which is pretty nice)... So I don't qualify for any of the normal RS fanboy lists...
Good luck on your ventures Aron. Dan told me about some of this a couple of months ago. Good luck up north. You provided me the best pack advice one could have gotten and thus my purchase on New years eve two years ago when I tried on yours. Bob.
People hate what they can not achieve themselves. Don't let the SOB's get you down. Keep up the good work and thanks for all your efforts...
Still not really understanding the " don't let um get you down " advice you keep getting? Seems to me you haven't been horribly abused but maybe I missed something. I sure hope your OK big guy
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"Hey boss I've got too many hunting trips planned and need to back off from some of my responsibilities." :)

Your doing something right!

Living the dream!!!
Thanks for everything Aron. It was a pleasure to meet you on the archery range several years back. Good luck on your hunts.
Thanks for the update, bro. Sounds like the decision makes sense. Thanks for all you have done to help this site be the great one that it is! Good luck in all your future endeavors!