Silver State Nelson Bighorn Tag

Another update. The other auction hunter tagged out on a ram we had found in July but we were holding out to see what else we could find. Beautiful ram. I'm the only ram rifle hunter in the state of NV until Nov.

With him being dead I'm curious what you guys would pick, a big curly ram or a ram with mass (like Jason Carter killed a couple of years ago) but not the same look. From a score standpoint you are talking 8.5" more for the ram Carter killed. The score is more just interesting it's not my deciding factor.

I'm ready to take this thing until Nov to see what else shows up and continue to look at pictures. I know this type of sheep hunt will never happen again for me so I want to drag this out as along as possible

Give me mass anyday
I love how the guys who have hunted sheep go for mass almost every time!

They are both cool rams and will make amazing memories. I've checked with my guide none of the units that open before mid Nov are a high priority for us. Looking at the checkout results they can produce book rams but lower chances.

We are getting a closer look at a curly ram and looking for another with mass. Hopefully we get some really good pictures of both and either make the call to kill one or decide keep looking.
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Any updates ? Thinking it’s about time to hit the mountain pretty soon
Guides are at it every day. Seeing some good rams.

If they find a giant, I'll be flying out otherwise waiting until Nov. I'm going to give the boys as much time as possible before we go.

New rams turn up every day. It's really fun to see all of the character.

As soon as I head to the airport, I'll let you guys know.

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