Silver State Nelson Bighorn Tag

Thanks fellas. I appreciate the encouragement.

I've learned a lot through this. I am not a trophy hunter. I thought I would give it a shot with this tag. It truly robs the enjoyment of the process for me.

For you guys that are ok with tag soup if you don't find what you are after I don't know how you do it. I tried to be one but have learned that a solid animal will make me happy 99% of the time.

When I average around 1 trip out west a year I will enjoy the experience and love to bringing home some meat vs holding out for a giant.
Love that you’re throwing everything at it, seriously pulling for you. I’m sure years from now what will stick around more isn’t not pulling the trigger but if you feel like you didn’t give it your all. Hope it works out in the end and thanks for sharing. All good books have some tough chapters.
Thank you, if you have any phonskope pic you are willing to share I’d love to see them.

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I'll posts a lot in the end with the final story.

Sheep are just cool animals. We had a lamb walk up to 50 yards and check us out. Had a 1 horn at 150 yards below us just walk away when we were on a ridge. Had 4 rams running down a ewe at 30 yards blow right pasts us. Lots of cool memories have been made.

Last chapter hasn't been written yet.
Last chapter hasn't been written yet.

Yaaah man! Things can change fast!

I drew my Idaho OIL Cali bighorn this year. The unit was close to home, I was able to go over and scout like a mad man all summer, bothered everyone I thought might know anything about anything, rucked/trained/hauled around 60lb sandbags/shot rifles/the whole nine yards....then I broke my pelvis two weeks before the season opened. Waah, waah, waah...I was told I should "raincheck" my tag to next was bad enough having the tag for a few months let alone having to think about it for a year so I was going sheep hunting somehow!

I plotted out a timeline to recovery, went from barely shuffling along to walking slowling and cautiously, to hauling a little bit of weight, to moving pretty good over about 8 weeks. I gave myself the last week of the season for a hail mary play and it worked out with a day to spare! If I hadn't bagged a ram it was still an awesome, awesome experience.

For sure - shoot what you like! The unit I had does not have big rams so I didn't feel any pressure to look for a certain size - was more focused on age. I'm prone to like curls and lamb tips myself but ended up shooting a really broomed off 9.5-10.5yo ram that I think is super cool - when a big old ram is standing next to younger but longer curler you can really see the difference in them. I posted this elsewhere but I'll tack it here cuz it's the WWW and that's what we do:
It ain’t over til it’s over. Get back out there as soon as you can . Unit choice will begin to diminish pretty soon. Good luck and enjoy picking out a ram
Sorry to hear how it all played out - I haven’t drawn any LE or OIL tags, but I’ve heard the pressure of the tag can be a lot. Keep your chin up and if you can make it back out before the season ends, tag a ram that makes you happy (monster or not).

Best of luck! You’ve got a lot of guys here in your corner rooting for you!
I drew a coveted Idaho rocky bighorn tag in 2022. I talked to many people going into this hunt for advice. Some said I should get a guide (I did DIY), others said hold out for a monster. I think the best advice I received was from a previous IWSF director. ‘There are 180 class rams in this unit if you put in the time but ultimately, go after the ram you like. This is your hunt, your trophy – enjoy it.’

That's exactly what I did. Since then, I've helped two buddies get their rams. None of them were 180 class rams but we made memories that'll last a lifetime. Good luck with the reminder of your hunt. Enjoy it!!

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The beauty of the landscape in your first photo is nothing short of breathtaking. You, sir, are a fortunate man to have experienced that.
The guide has had PLENTY of time to get you the ram HE wants. Now it is time for him to get you the ram YOU want. Score doesn’t matter. My desert has a pitiful score…but if you doubled either horn he’d be B&C either way. I’d not trade him for the world; he made it thru 11.5 years in the nastiest country God ever made and put me through almost two weeks of intense effort. Don’t waste that tag by being hung up on score. Please.
Here are a few Nevada rams posted lately. I’m sure you can find one you would be happy with and still fill your tag. Good luck! I hope something works out for you.


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Here’s another 12 year old ram just taken. @robie we better see you post up a ram soon. Shoot what you like and just be grateful you got a tag. I see what you have said about scores making the hunt less fun. I felt that this year when I had a nice elk tag, being worried about it takes away from a lot of the excitement. Get out there and get excited to shoot a ram.

Here’s another 12 year old ram just taken. @robie we better see you post up a ram soon. Shoot what you like and just be grateful you got a tag. I see what you have said about scores making the hunt less fun. I felt that this year when I had a nice elk tag, being worried about it takes away from a lot of the excitement. Get out there and get excited to shoot a ram.

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Holy crap that’s a nice ram. Don’t see very many 12 yr old rams
When I had my desert tag I didn’t even contemplate the score when I was looking. I just wanted an older ram that looked good. Get back out there and find one that you want to stare at on your wall everyday. You won’t regret it. And yes I got a 10yr old 160+ ram