Sasquatch/Bigfoot/ Steve Isdahl

Exactly! And they make the best packs money can buy, IMO.

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I’ve never tried them but heard great things. I use a Stone Glacier myself....... wana know why, I figure it can carry Sasquatch quarters out well, maybe even the whole hide standalone. Not sure yet I’m still just a rookie Sasquatch hunter, probably get it done this year though.
The last thing we need with all the difficulties of Western hunting is to add science fiction and fear of samsquatch to the equation for people.
Aren't the most dangerous places the same as highly coveted elk and deer tags? In fact don't they prefer mature bull elk and bucks?I think so. There should be a new filter for this, or should be like wolf and Grizzly on Gohunt. Funny, the song Ghostbusters came into my head just now.
I’ve never tried them but heard great things. I use a Stone Glacier myself....... wana know why, I figure it can carry Sasquatch quarters out well, maybe even the whole hide standalone. Not sure yet I’m still just a rookie Sasquatch hunter, probably get it done this year though.
Hahahaha, man, Stone Glacier must make a badass pack!!!

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See you enjoy your little jabs in there don’t you. All opinions completely welcome as this topic is of course uncertain. But to imply my lack of time in the wild leads me to taking into consideration that these things could be out there and be dangerous because of all my time on the couch. You need to step back. I’ve been in the Army the last 7 1/2 years and any free time I got most weekends was in the hills or mountains. You can talk all you want from behind a keyboard no problem but that assumption is bullshit.
Nah, no little jabs. I've been pretty transparent about my feelings throughout this thread. I just don't understand what response you expected when you started this. Did you not anticipate any degree of mockery and skepticism? You've got to have thick skin when you throw something like this out for discussion on a public forum, especially one geared toward people who spend a lot of time in bigfoot's stomping grounds. You're extremely defensive, so I'm sure you've invested a lot of time researching this topic, but I'm to the point that I'm questioning whether or not you're trolling us all.
I'm skeptical in general but i did see an interesting image from Tayo caves in Ecuador. Seems quite old. My guess is there were large hairy hominids in the Americas at some point. Maybe they went extinct through conflicts with homo sapiens, maybe there's still a few specimens left in hiding?


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I'm skeptical in general but i did see an interesting image from Tayo caves in Ecuador. Seems quite old. My guess is there were large hairy hominids in the Americas at some point. Maybe they went extinct through conflicts with homo sapiens, maybe there's still a few specimens left in hiding?
Wow, that's pretty cool!

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“I try to remember that the plural of anecdote is anecdotes, not data.”

stealing this for everything, including Bigfootdebates...

there is peer reviewed evidence and archeological history of all sorts of strange beasts and creatures and hominids that have most certainly walked the earth. There is nothing, zero evidence, peer reviewed and accepted by the scientific community that suggests Bigfoot is real.
Just feeding the fire ;)

Dr. J. Meldrum study on mid-tarsal breaks in sasquatch tracks

I'm skeptical in general but i did see an interesting image from Tayo caves in Ecuador. Seems quite old. My guess is there were large hairy hominids in the Americas at some point. Maybe they went extinct through conflicts with homo sapiens, maybe there's still a few specimens left in hiding?

To be fair that decapitated head kinda looks like me :LOL:
You guys do gutless method on the Yetis, and what size (brand is obvious) coolers work for the quarters?

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The only thing that makes sense to me is the natives and early humans tried to kill these things off (if real). So you have a low population that has an extreme fear of humans with high (for animals) intelligence along with good smell and hearing. If they were nocturnal, it’d be easy to avoid almost all people (can’t explain trail cams) because I here it all the time, get more than a mile off the road and you’ll find few other hunters
You can learn everything you need to know about Bigfoot from Eddie Murphy’s “Delirious”. Goonie Goo Goo.
Nah, no little jabs. I've been pretty transparent about my feelings throughout this thread. I just don't understand what response you expected when you started this. Did you not anticipate any degree of mockery and skepticism? You've got to have thick skin when you throw something like this out for discussion on a public forum, especially one geared toward people who spend a lot of time in bigfoot's stomping grounds. You're extremely defensive, so I'm sure you've invested a lot of time researching this topic, but I'm to the point that I'm questioning whether or not you're trolling us all.

No trolling in the slightest, however when you insult my entire centerfold of not even activity but of a way of life that I pursue in my spare time being backcountry or any country excursions. Damn straight I’m going to get defensive. For example hunting in the west, I’ve done enough nonsense just for that opportunity, you don’t even have a clue.

I make a forum to discuss something that people have talked about seeing for a very long time and sure it’s public, so you technically have the right or allowance to come here and pop off at the mouth. I’m wondering how though you get to just dictate ones lifestyle based upon their stance on a topic. Seems extremely shallow minded to me. Why even start that if you don’t wana discuss what the forum is about? Does it make you feel better to try and point fingers and guess what I do in my spare time? Maybe your just hoping that I don’t spend a lot of time in the wild, because you could never imagine anyone who’s versed in the outdoors entertaining this topic.

I don’t need to prove thick skin to you or even have anyone’s pre conceived expectations of what traits I ‘have’ to have when I post anything. I’ve done enough proving for years. I’m not going to just lay down and let you or anybody say any snarky comment, behind keyboard or not.
No trolling in the slightest, however when you insult my entire centerfold of not even activity but of a way of life that I pursue in my spare time being backcountry or any country excursions. Damn straight I’m going to get defensive. For example hunting in the west, I’ve done enough nonsense just for that opportunity, you don’t even have a clue.

I make a forum to discuss something that people have talked about seeing for a very long time and sure it’s public, so you technically have the right or allowance to come here and pop off at the mouth. I’m wondering how though you get to just dictate ones lifestyle based upon their stance on a topic. Seems extremely shallow minded to me. Why even start that if you don’t wana discuss what the forum is about? Does it make you feel better to try and point fingers and guess what I do in my spare time? Maybe your just hoping that I don’t spend a lot of time in the wild, because you could never imagine anyone who’s versed in the outdoors entertaining this topic.

I don’t need to prove thick skin to you or even have anyone’s pre conceived expectations of what traits I ‘have’ to have when I post anything. I’ve done enough proving for years. I’m not going to just lay down and let you or anybody say any snarky comment, behind keyboard or not.

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