Sasquatch/Bigfoot/ Steve Isdahl

I don’t believe or not believe in Bigfoot
I’ve never seen one but have friends so claim they have
I did have something growling roaring grunting at me one time while I was deer hunting
I was raised in rural Alabama and never heard anything like that in all my growing up years
I’ve hunted bear and definitely know this wasn’t a bear noise
This thing was so close I could feel the sound and believe all the noise it was making was directed at me
It was just before daybreak and I could just see beyond the tree I was in
I’d say this thing was 70-80 yds out at best
I do know I never heard it move through the dry leaves to come there or leave there
When it was full light I climbed down and left the woods
I know at least three people who have shared an experience they had with Sasquatch. One sighting in Oklahoma and two in Northern California. One was a terrifying experience in Northern California. There are ancient pictographs of these beings before modern times by native people. And numerous shared encounters by people of all backgrounds. The personal accounts are told and the history can be seen to show that there are beings out there. The mental midgets that cannot handle the idea of something existing outside of their brain capacity that ridicule the honest peoples accounts think they are in control. What are they in control of? Their own little world.
I know at least three people who have shared an experience they had with Sasquatch. One sighting in Oklahoma and two in Northern California. One was a terrifying experience in Northern California. There are ancient pictographs of these beings before modern times by native people. And numerous shared encounters by people of all backgrounds. The personal accounts are told and the history can be seen to show that there are beings out there. The mental midgets that cannot handle the idea of something existing outside of their brain capacity that ridicule the honest peoples accounts think they are in control. What are they in control of? Their own little world.

Robot generated post? In any, hilarious!
It is impossible to prove that bigfoot or the Loch Ness monster or space aliens (not the restaurant, this is proven) or leprechauns do not exist. So it's so easy to believe if you simply decide to.
The "Squatch" shows have become comedy. Nothing but. For the true believers it has become an embarrassment. Or should be.
With todays technology the deepest parts of the ocean may still be out of reach but nothing on land is. As far as natives having stories about them and drawings of them it is meaningless. They had all kinds of mystical creatures in their folk lore from Wendigos and other shape shifters to giant beings. Meaningless.
Squatch simply does not exist. Lots of things that can kill you do. Other people and hypothermia the two scariest.
Some do believe though, or want you to.

Male only, so you got to get close! What would a male Biggie be called anyway?
I'm from Southeast Oklahoma, the district of the representative who proposed this bill. It is a slap in the face to me and I sincerely hope he gets voted out of office next time the opportunity comes up. It mocks the citizens of this state and it mocks the state legislation. He needs to be channeling his energy into something useful instead of coming up with this childish crap. To think of this passing and being printed in the 2021 hunting regulations is beyond laughable.
There is a creature that lives in my backyard. I took to calling him Pete. Pete is always messing with my damn bird feeders and leaving pee stains on my grass 🤯
You could be right but the trout we have in the lakes around here and in particular the small stocked lakes are 1-4lbs at best. 4lbs would be a monster and rare to find. The part I left out about the rocks being thrown into the lake story was that one of the guys slept in the truck that night and one in a tent. The guy in the tent was sleeping before the rock throwing began. In the morning the person in the tent asked the other guy that was in the truck why he was walking around the site so much through the night. He said something bipedal was walking around very late and pushed on the tarp that was tied on top of his tent. He figured it was his friend messing with him and didn’t say anything until morning. Could be nothing, but you never know . I’m not defending anything here or trying to prove anything. Just passing along info that I have heard from locals that are normal people.

Beavers will make noises when they splash their tails that sound just like throwing a 12 inch round boulder off a dock does.
My favorite is when Steve starts saying “they just don’t believe the facts, and there are so many facts out there, they just refuse...”

But then he provides no facts it actually cracks me up and I force passengers in my vehicle to listen to it.

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Someone would have shot one or had good video of one if they were real. Im a non believer until there is physical evidence of one. One of buddies parents swear they saw one though but im a big skeptic.
Do your homework my friend. Over 100 DNA Samples were collected in total. All samples that were sent in for analysis to multiple high profile labs in the U.S. and Canada have come back with the same results. Mitochondrial (mother) DNA is human. Nuclear (father) DNA is “unknown species”.
Do your homework my friend. Over 100 DNA Samples were collected in total. All samples that were sent in for analysis to multiple high profile labs in the U.S. and Canada have come back with the same results. Mitochondrial (mother) DNA is human. Nuclear (father) DNA is “unknown species”.
Not all DNA supports your theory. You can mark this one as “fake news”.

Yeah, everything I have ever seen when someone has a supposed bigfoot hair or fur sample and gets it tested it always comes back as some known animal, most often bear.
Do your homework my friend. Over 100 DNA Samples were collected in total. All samples that were sent in for analysis to multiple high profile labs in the U.S. and Canada have come back with the same results. Mitochondrial (mother) DNA is human. Nuclear (father) DNA is “unknown species”.
Link your DNA research paper so we can see the results.
So this year has been a wild one, especially with the ‘howtohunt’ YouTube channel bringing lots of light onto the Sasquatch subject. Now that most people’s seasons are done, anyone have any encounters that made you think Sasquatch or Bigfoot? Also what is everyone’s thoughts on a 30 year BC guide who talks nothing but hunting stories, then once asked dives into his own experiences with these things.
They are running recon for aliens. That's why they come and go so fast. They get beamed up and down as needed.

Or so my neighbor tells me.
Do your homework my friend. Over 100 DNA Samples were collected in total. All samples that were sent in for analysis to multiple high profile labs in the U.S. and Canada have come back with the same results. Mitochondrial (mother) DNA is human. Nuclear (father) DNA is “unknown species”.

That "study" was published in journal that was literally created for the purpose of publishing the study, not a scientific journal. You have been duped by the likes of the History Channel. En Garde, my friend, because unscrupulous people are ready to take your money and attention without the slightest consideration about what is true.

Scientific Journal?

Ketchum's study had been rejected by other scientific journals. So what about the journal that finally published the study, "DeNovo Scientific Journal"? The journal has no other studies, articles, papers or reviews. Ketchum's is the only paper the journal has "published." No libraries or universities subscribe to it, and the journal and its website apparently did not exist three weeks ago. There's no indication that the study was peer-reviewed by other knowledgeable scientists to assure quality. It is not an existing, known, or respected journal in any sense of the word.

In fact, researchers from Oxford University and the Lausanne Museum of Zoology announced last year that they would test any supposed Sasquatch samples that believers volunteered to send.

So OK, a wacky bit of research comes out, it’s rejected during the peer review process, and the post-publication process seems to have worked well too. The media seems to have accepted that this is not solid science, although it made for some great headlines. The system worked, and no real harm was done. Right?

That’s what I thought initially, but in reading about this story something started nagging me. Ketchum is a forensic scientist. She is director of a company called DNA Diagnostics that appears to specialize in animal forensics. Forensics is all about quality control, correct? If elementary quality control measures were not taken in this bigfoot study (and don’t even seem to have been understood), what does that say about the forensic work of this team–and in particular the work of the lead author?

This study was quickly debunked by scientists because it was published, albeit in a vanity journal, to great media fanfare. But forensic evidence is usually presented in court absent any real peer-review process. As the ongoing Annie Dookhan saga illustrates, when the integrity of forensic evidence is compromised, it can have real consequences. People go to prison for crimes they didn’t commit. Other people don’t go to prison because the evidence that should have put them behind bars is thrown out. Murders go unsolved. This is serious stuff.

According to her CV, Ketchum has presented forensic evidence in criminal cases. In death penalty cases, even. Death penalty cases in Texas, which has executed more prisoners since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976 than any other state. If basic quality control procedures were neglected in the presentation of this criminal evidence, as they were in the bigfoot study, what does it mean for the outcomes of the cases involved? (Incidentally, the problems with DNA Diagnostics–the lab Ketchum runs–seem not to be limited to bigfoot research.) What does this say about the quality of scientific evidence being presented in life-or-death cases in general? This reminds me of the incredible problems with expert scientific testimony revealed for shaken-baby syndrome and arson. I found the whole thing very, very unsettling.
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Ever wonder why the non-believers seem to have answer for every bigfoot claim? Ever consider that for anything for which there is no good evidence, this is exactly what we would expect?