Sasquatch/Bigfoot/ Steve Isdahl

Ever wonder why the non-believers seem to have answer for every bigfoot claim? Ever consider that for anything for which there is no good evidence, this is exactly what we would expect?

I would classify myself as a bigfoot agnostic.. I don't believe, I don't disbelieve, I'm also not stupid and can clearly see the stump in the photo where the true believers claim is 100% bonafide bigfoot sighting photographic evidence.
I would classify myself as a bigfoot agnostic.. I don't believe, I don't disbelieve, I'm also not stupid and can clearly see the stump in the photo where the true believers claim is 100% bonafide bigfoot sighting photographic evidence.
Had to look up the stump. Hilarious! :-)

Regarding belief, I would call you an abigfootist, as that addresses your belief. You lack a belief that bigfoot does exist, and that means you are by definition abigfootist. Being convinced that bigfoot does not exist answers a separate question, e.g. whether you are convinced bigfoot does not exist.

Agnosticism also answers a different question, namely whether or not you CAN know if bigfoot exists or not. Agnosticism means you do NOT believe that we do know, nor can we know, whether or not bigfoot exists.

You can of course be both agnostic and abigfootist, lacking the belief that bigfoot does exist and also believing that we do not and cannot know whether it does or not.
Some people believe, some people don’t, I for one do believe and don’t believe in coincidences too often.... I also don’t believe ‘journals’ to which are the validation for what is real or not real. Especially when numerous scientists’ new discoveries are dismantled and disavowed because they go against the general understanding of our world. Example being Robert Schoch and his dealings with numerous science journals on Egyptology. It’s like anything else people can’t get past their egos to even begin to have a simple conversation on what could be a possibility. Not what is a possibility but just what could be.

Over 10 thousand emails in a year and a half, of people having strange encounters with almost the same description of whatever these things are. Probability is vastly minuscule. Not impossible but minuscule.

Agree to disagree.
The truth is that bigfoot is nothing but evil demonic entities masquerading as "bigfoot". They are in the same category with the demons that pretend to be aliens and ghosts. People experience this things, can't deny that, but the experience is always on the border of reality, because they are spiritual beings.
Their purpose with this displays is to deceive, misguide and keep man living in fear and terror.
I saw a pod of aliens having a cookout with 2 squatches. They were serving Ness sushi and unicorn tenderloins, a little surf and turf. Had leprechauns tending bar, it was quite nice except squatches are really touchy feely and made it kinda weird.
The truth is that bigfoot is nothing but evil demonic entities masquerading as "bigfoot". They are in the same category with the demons that pretend to be aliens and ghosts. People experience this things, can't deny that, but the experience is always on the border of reality, because they are spiritual beings.
Their purpose with this displays is to deceive, misguide and keep man living in fear and terror.
If these things exist and they're all demons, then why are their stories of them helping people that are in trouble and even more stories of just completely benign encounters where they just turn and walk away after being seen? More likely that some are good and some malicious. Like people.

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Pure fantasy the biggies are.....but fun to talk about. Like shape shifters and such
I will add though that if they are nocturnal and simply stand still or hide behind trees, there wouldn’t be many sightings at all. Blows my mind in Colorado how many people can walk within 100 yards of me in a blaze orange vest and hat and not notice me
To many people walking around with there heads down to the ground. Same reason lo
I saw a pod of aliens having a cookout with 2 squatches. They were serving Ness sushi and unicorn tenderloins, a little surf and turf. Had leprechauns tending bar, it was quite nice except squatches are really touchy feely and made it kinda weird.
You forgot the naked fairies and pixies.
If these things exist and they're all demons, then why are their stories of them helping people that are in trouble and even more stories of just completely benign encounters where they just turn and walk away after being seen? More likely that some are good and some malicious. Like people.

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You are right that they are just like people with free will and different personalities, but that's where the similarities stop. They are irredeemable beings that hate the redeemable man, and do everything in their power to deceive and distract humans from the truth. There are rules on how much contact they can have with humans, but a man that has delved in the occult, is in possession of occult items, or maybe his family has, has opened a door for this beings to manifest themselves more openly.
If there are reports of this things doing something "good", it is like the bait of a trap. I'd be extremely weary, but the majority of this experiences leave people terrified and living in fear.
I really wonder if the OP is just trolling us and yucking it up when the Bigfoot deniers get all worked up. Seems like a terrible thing to do, but it also seems like something I might do.
Millions of trail cameras in the woods and not one “clear@ image of a Bigfoot? That to me makes it suspect..

Although I do have to admit that about two hours ago I was working on the edge of a road and walked up a guys driveway and found this! Actually stopped for a minute to see if it would Made me question it for about 10 seconds


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Do your homework my friend. Over 100 DNA Samples were collected in total. All samples that were sent in for analysis to multiple high profile labs in the U.S. and Canada have come back with the same results. Mitochondrial (mother) DNA is human. Nuclear (father) DNA is “unknown species”.
This supports my theory that alcohol was invented by Bigfoot - so he can get laid. 🙊
If these things exist and they're all demons, then why are their stories of them helping people that are in trouble and even more stories of just completely benign encounters where they just turn and walk away after being seen? More likely that some are good and some malicious. Like people.

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really makes u think
There is waaaaayyy to much anecdotal evidence to deny these being exist. Talk to any First Nations Tribe and they will tell you. There are also many cast prints with dermal ridges, the Patterson/Gimlin film, the Sierra Sounds and even DNA analyses from multiple high level labs across Canada and the US that has already shown that the Mitochondrial DNA is human Female, and the Nuclear DNA is of unknown origin which means it doesn’t match anything in the current genome bank. Sip on that for a while!
There is waaaaayyy to much anecdotal evidence to deny these being exist. Talk to any First Nations Tribe and they will tell you. There are also many cast prints with dermal ridges, the Patterson/Gimlin film, the Sierra Sounds and even DNA analyses from multiple high level labs across Canada and the US that has already shown that the Mitochondrial DNA is human Female, and the Nuclear DNA is of unknown origin which means it doesn’t match anything in the current genome bank. Sip on that for a while!

All the DNA studies debunk the Bigfoot claims. Instead of sipping coolaid, read the actual literature.

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