So I just want to make sure I'm getting this all down correctly. . .
Camp 1 - is the open minded, realistic, worldly, highly thoughtful group that believes not only that Big foot is real, but that it is also aggressive, murderous/predatory, potentially has invisibility that activates near electronic devices and/or super stealth, may or may not be a superior life form, and could possible come here from a different planet.
Camp 1 - also is firmly in the guilty until proven innocent camp where non believers must prove (beyond the already insurmountable evidence at hand) tha Bigfoot doesn't exist.
Camp 2 - are smart some what open minded folks that aren't willing to deny exsistance but sit in a "prove it" camp. These folks think there are some coincidences that line up more than they should bit they still aren't booking $1500 2 night squach hunts.
Camp 3 - is the closed minded group siting literal mountains of evidence pointing to the fact that Bigfoot is fake. Blurry photos, no DNA, no bodies, non hit by cars, non accidently or intentionally shot, nothing what so ever other than eye witness accounts. . .
This group of crazies thinks that with 4 million bow hunters hiking across Colorado every year, someone would have turned up something. And that somewhere someone would have a skull in their basement, even if the Gov was covering it up.
And of those groups, group 3 that logically deduces from a lack of evidence that BF doesn't exist is the closed minded group. . .
I just want to know for those full fledged Big foot believers, where do you stand on Dragons, Vampires, and Santa clause???