Sasquatch/Bigfoot/ Steve Isdahl

So I just want to make sure I'm getting this all down correctly. . .

Camp 1 - is the open minded, realistic, worldly, highly thoughtful group that believes not only that Big foot is real, but that it is also aggressive, murderous/predatory, potentially has invisibility that activates near electronic devices and/or super stealth, may or may not be a superior life form, and could possible come here from a different planet.
Camp 1 - also is firmly in the guilty until proven innocent camp where non believers must prove (beyond the already insurmountable evidence at hand) tha Bigfoot doesn't exist.

Camp 2 - are smart some what open minded folks that aren't willing to deny exsistance but sit in a "prove it" camp. These folks think there are some coincidences that line up more than they should bit they still aren't booking $1500 2 night squach hunts.

Camp 3 - is the closed minded group siting literal mountains of evidence pointing to the fact that Bigfoot is fake. Blurry photos, no DNA, no bodies, non hit by cars, non accidently or intentionally shot, nothing what so ever other than eye witness accounts. . .

This group of crazies thinks that with 4 million bow hunters hiking across Colorado every year, someone would have turned up something. And that somewhere someone would have a skull in their basement, even if the Gov was covering it up.

And of those groups, group 3 that logically deduces from a lack of evidence that BF doesn't exist is the closed minded group. . .

I just want to know for those full fledged Big foot believers, where do you stand on Dragons, Vampires, and Santa clause???
Now come on. Vampires? Santa? Don't be ridiculous...I do, however, live in a house made primarily out of brick. Brick, as you likely know, is much more flame resistant than wood or vinyl. You can never be too careful. I'm 60% sure dragons aren't real, but you know, just in case.
There is archeological evidence that a large primate in the size of Bigfoot existed thousands of years ago. Those creatures folklore could have been passed down forever in primitive cultures. Don’t worry your family is safe, no human in history of modern records has ever been assaulted by Harry or the Hendersons. And all of our boxes will be broken when you roll into town with Bigfoot in the back of your pickup. I wish you luck, because the man who finds Bigfoot will be the luckiest man on earth. 😉

How do you know that, because it isn’t mainstream reported? How many people knew about all these National Park and National Forest missing people before Paulides and 411 came around.... not too many.
So I just want to make sure I'm getting this all down correctly. . .

Camp 1 - is the open minded, realistic, worldly, highly thoughtful group that believes not only that Big foot is real, but that it is also aggressive, murderous/predatory, potentially has invisibility that activates near electronic devices and/or super stealth, may or may not be a superior life form, and could possible come here from a different planet.
Camp 1 - also is firmly in the guilty until proven innocent camp where non believers must prove (beyond the already insurmountable evidence at hand) tha Bigfoot doesn't exist.

Camp 2 - are smart some what open minded folks that aren't willing to deny exsistance but sit in a "prove it" camp. These folks think there are some coincidences that line up more than they should bit they still aren't booking $1500 2 night squach hunts.

Camp 3 - is the closed minded group siting literal mountains of evidence pointing to the fact that Bigfoot is fake. Blurry photos, no DNA, no bodies, non hit by cars, non accidently or intentionally shot, nothing what so ever other than eye witness accounts. . .

This group of crazies thinks that with 4 million bow hunters hiking across Colorado every year, someone would have turned up something. And that somewhere someone would have a skull in their basement, even if the Gov was covering it up.

And of those groups, group 3 that logically deduces from a lack of evidence that BF doesn't exist is the closed minded group. . .

I just want to know for those full fledged Big foot believers, where do you stand on Dragons, Vampires, and Santa claus???

Why do camps need assigned? To foresee whom one camp is against? Why does it even come to that? Compartmentalization doesn’t even need brought into this. You might as well be CNN, assigning sides to everyone.

I simply rebuttal with what I’ve read into when people come in and act like everyone who’s had strange occurrences that based upon other occurrences point into the same direction of this thing that’s been around a very long time according to Natives. There is a lot of evidence saying there couldn’t be these creatures. However there is a lot of evidence saying there also could be. The issue here is hand down wanting to belong it’s playground bullshit.

One is saying something is screwy out there that points by collective to these things. This is clearly against the status quo, so in typical fashion let’s attack that and act like insanity or delusion is the factor inhibiting the thought process. Playground children tactics, which is fine, I guess I didn’t really expect that out of this forum, however most of you comedians must get be along the lines of Jim Bridger or Hugh Glass. I didn’t realize I was speaking to so many people that knew absolutely everything that resides in our physical or metaphysical world.

Nobody knows anything for sure. Although probability alone suggests thousands of people seeing close to the same thing means not everyone is lying. This alone warrants more discussion than it gets. Which is exactly what all these posts have done.

Every sneering response gets more of this read and more discussions upon it.
I hope they are not true by the way they are described, however too many people see these things to ignore. I do not dream, ever. My advice is to stop giving advice your opinion doesn’t mean anything at least to me. What does even responding to this thread do for you then? If your absolutely and completely dismissive, then why even click on a thread labeled Sasquatch? To simply troll, because your small words will make an impact? If the topic is such a waste of time then why waste yours?

This forum attracts a large number of new and inexperienced outdoorsmen and women. When someone like you starts claiming this as fact and warning people of the dangers and claims to be ready to use lethal force those of us with clearer mindset feel the need to speak up. That's why. It's not trolling on our part, it accurately refuting unscientific, unproven nonsense.

The last thing we need with all the difficulties of Western hunting is to add science fiction and fear of samsquatch to the equation for people.
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So I'm just curious, so I'm gonna share the shortly version of my story, and I'm curious what it would lead everyone else to think. I understand without being in the situation it's hard to gain the mindset, but bear with me.

Four of us are bear hunting. We set up camp for the night. I wake up hearing something breathing heavily next to my tarp. I was not alarmed at all. I was calm. I've woke up plenty of time to black bears in my camp. Well a few times anyway. So waiting for him to run off, takes about 30 seconds. Eventually he takes off running in-between my tarp, and my brothers tent. I could immediately tell it was someone on two feet. It was bipedal. Put instant fear into me. I could feel the ground vibration through my sleeping pad of it's feet hitting the ground. I hear till after sunrise. One of my buddies getting out of hit tent, I jump out of my tarp warning him something is out there. My brother in law jumps out of his tent saying he heard the same thing. We all start looking around, and we find maybe a dozen, what look to be foot prints throughout camp. But it was hard to tell because the four of us had tracked everywhere setting up camp, cooking, using bathroom, getting fire wood, etc. So we look around camp and I find this print, shown in the pic I provided. The print was about the length of two dollar bills.

So what is a guy to think after an experience like that? We were miles from anything, why would some dude be running through a camp breathing crazy and barefoot?

And don't try the "inexperience outdoorsman" route. I've spent months at a time in the woods thru hiking a couple different times. After leaving my wife, for the next three years I spent the entire whitetail season walking Pisgah National forest, camping every night. Only leaving to resupply or get out of relentless rain. I grew up on a farm for a while in Vermont. It's experience that led me into this encounter, not the other way around. Bigfoot never crossed my mind until this happen. Trust me, I didn't talk about it for years because I knew people would think I'm crazy. But the fact is that really happen, and it was a bizarre experience to make sense of. I'm no closer to knowing, but I have a completely open mind to the idea there are things happening here that we won't be able to explain for a long time. Maybe never.

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Is Sasquatch only a myth in the United States? Being serious here, I have never even googled “Sasquatch” before, never shown any interest in the guy....
Here are the pics. One with flash, one without.

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Is Sasquatch only a myth in the United States? Being serious here, I have never even googled “Sasquatch” before, never shown any interest in the guy....
China has its own Bigfoot, so does Australia. China actually has laws protecting it. Has swaths of forest that's protected just for them. The Russian government researches almost everything paranormal. There are even sightings in the UK and Ireland.

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This forum attracts a large number of new and inexperienced outdoorsmen and women. When someone like you starts claiming this as fact and warning people of the dangers and claims to be ready to use lethal force those of us with clearer mindset feel the need to speak up. That's why. It's not trolling on our part, it accurately refuting unscientific, unproven nonsense.

The last thing we need with all the difficulties of Western hunting is to add science fiction and fear of samsquatch to the equation for people.

Warning people of potential danger from something tons of people have encountered and encountered negatively is not wrong at all. Everyone should always be ready to use lethal force no matter what the hazard is unless your are okay with being victimized, be that of Bear, human, or potential Sasquatch. Maybe folks are softer than I expected on here.

What difficulty would discussing this topic cause you specifically? Words popping up on your screen? A lot of western hunters are fed up with people coming to ‘their’ state anyway to hunt.
I wonder, if a person had never heard of Bigfoot and had one of these "encounters" what kind of conclusions they might draw then? I know that isn't a question that can be answered, but it seems to me that there is very likely to be some form of observation bias at play in a large number if these incidences. Some people will hear knocking in the woods and jump right to Bigfoot, others will conjure up evil spirits, and others will write it off as tree limbs blowing together. Our experiences, whether firsthand, secondhand, or further removed, will largely dictate that.

With respect to so many cultures worldwide reporting something similar, I don't necessarily see that as evidence of the existence of Bigfoot. These stories have historically been handed down orally and could feasibly persist for generations upon generations of humanity. Especially if humans started in one place in the world and dispersed from there (an entirely different topic), they would carry some of those oral traditions with them.

I try to remember that the plural of anecdote is anecdotes, not data.
This is one of my favorite quotes in this entire thread. I'd also add that internet blogs are not a reliable source of "data" regarding Bigfoot or anything else. I could probably be convinced that Bigfoot exists (or at least has existed sometime in human history), but there's a lot of information being tossed around from blogs that is too far outside the realm of probability for the burden of proof to rest on anyone other than those making such claims.

Although probability alone suggests thousands of people seeing close to the same thing means not everyone is lying.
Not a personal attack, but I disagree with this statement. My reasoning is partly explained above, but I'll add that misinformation - if that's what the Bigfoot phenomenon is - spreads just as well as facts, in my opinion.

I'm of the belief that most of this Bigfoot stuff can be explained without the existence of big hairy monsters, but am also willing to acknowledge that there could be something out there we're not fully aware of. I'm having a much harder time making the jump to Bigfoot having supernatural powers and being a danger to society. Just as some Bigfoot non-believers lash out against believers, it seems some Bigfoot believers are willing to lash out against Bigfoot by making the assumption that these creatures are responsible for human disappearances and deaths. It seems very pot and kettle to me.
China has its own Bigfoot, so does Australia. China actually has laws protecting it. Has swaths of forest that's protected just for them. The Russian government researches almost everything paranormal. There are even sightings in the UK and Ireland.

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Austria has one, Yeti
Warning people of potential danger from something tons of people have encountered and encountered negatively is not wrong at all. Everyone should always be ready to use lethal force no matter what the hazard is unless your are okay with being victimized, be that of Bear, human, or potential Sasquatch. Maybe folks are softer than I expected on here.

What difficulty would discussing this topic cause you specifically? Words popping up on your screen? A lot of western hunters are fed up with people coming to ‘their’ state anyway to hunt.

This thread is like a car crash. As much as I try, I just cant look away.

I guess I just don't have enough time in my day (or the desire) to worry about everything. There are plenty of things that can kill you in the backcountry, and if I do die on a mountain somewhere, there is a high probability that it will be through my own carelessness or stupidity. I do what I can to mitigate the things that I know are real and have the potential to create problems for me. I simply don't have enough time to make decisions based on the potential existence of a mythical creature.

@Fatcamp hit on it - If you spend enough time in the woods you realize what you need to worry about and what you don't. If you spend a lot of time reading science fiction and watching Netflix and little time on the mountain, I suppose you might start worrying about the abominable snowman.
This thread is like a car crash. As much as I try, I just cant look away.

I guess I just don't have enough time in my day (or the desire) to worry about everything. There are plenty of things that can kill you in the backcountry, and if I do die on a mountain somewhere, there is a high probability that it will be through my own carelessness or stupidity. I do what I can to mitigate the things that I know are real and have the potential to create problems for me. I simply don't have enough time to make decisions based on the potential existence of a mythical creature.

@Fatcamp hit on it - If you spend enough time in the woods you realize what you need to worry about and what you don't. If you spend a lot of time reading science fiction and watching Netflix and little time on the mountain, I suppose you might start worrying about the abominable snowman.

See you enjoy your little jabs in there don’t you. All opinions completely welcome as this topic is of course uncertain. But to imply my lack of time in the wild leads me to taking into consideration that these things could be out there and be dangerous because of all my time on the couch. You need to step back. I’ve been in the Army the last 7 1/2 years and any free time I got most weekends was in the hills or mountains. You can talk all you want from behind a keyboard no problem but that assumption is bullshit.
I love this thread! I would like to start a new one to see what caliber/bullet people think would be appropriate for an imaginary beast. I would think a silver bullet might be good, and if holy water could be sprinkled on it, all the better. At least it's not another "Is this round good for elk?" thread.
I'm new to Sasquatch hunting. I'm a flatlander and my buddies and I normally hunt Whitetail, and Jersey Devils. I know I should subscribe to onX and do my own research, but can anyone tell me the best state to start in? And I'm not looking for anyone's honey hole, but if you can tell me the best unit and how this OTC vs draw works, I'd really appreciate it. And while you are at it, please let me know your favorite pack, pad, optics and arrow weight and broad head preferences for 'squatch season.

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I'm new to Sasquatch hunting. I'm a flatlander and my buddies and I normally hunt Whitetail, and Jersey Devils. I know I should subscribe to onX and do my own research, but can anyone tell me the best state to start in? And I'm not looking for anyone's honey hole, but if you can tell me the best unit and how this OTC vs draw works, I'd really appreciate it. And while you are at it, please let me know your favorite pack, pad, optics and arrow weight and broad head preferences for 'squatch season.

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Well, I'd never give you my honey hole, which is the only place I hunt them. What I will tell ya is the pack I use, well obviously it has to be a Hill People Gear pack for Squatch hunting. You don't bring a pad Squatch hunting, when it comes to Squatch, you camp like you hunt, hard. Optics are useless on Bigfoot, haven't you been following this thread!?!? And arrow, and broadhead, I'd say nay. If your hunting one with a bow, then prayer is your only chance if you spot one. I haven't spotted the big guy yet, but I'd assume your best chances are a 12 gauge slug. That's complete assumption though, 12 gauge might not do anything either.

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Well, I'd never give you my honey hole, which is the only place I hunt them. What I will tell ya is the pack I use, well obviously it has to be a Hill People Gear pack for Squatch hunting. You don't bring a pad Squatch hunting, when it comes to Squatch, you camp like you hunt, hard. Optics are useless on Bigfoot, haven't you been following this thread!?!? And arrow, and broadhead, I'd say nay. If your hunting one with a bow, then prayer is your only chance if you spot one. I haven't spotted the big guy yet, but I'd assume your best chances are a 12 gauge slug. That's complete assumption though, 12 gauge might not do anything either.

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Gotta be Hill People Gear because one of the CEOs has had his own encounters. Buy gear from like minds lol.