Sasquatch/Bigfoot/ Steve Isdahl

I can't say I've seen a Bigfoot, but my wife saw something about 12-15 years ago. Her and her ex-husband were driving in South GA one night. South GA and AL have some pretty big areas of nothing, certainly not like out west, but there are large tracts of timber land. Anyway they are driving and something with long hair, walking upright runs across the road maybe 50 yards from them. Her and the ex looked at each other and asked the other what they just saw, as they couldn't believe what they had seen. She did say "it" wasn't extremely large, maybe six foot or so, but when they got to where it crossed, she said the smell was horrible. She said it smelled like dead animals or something like that. Take it for what it's worth, but it was hairy, upright and running and it wasn't a bear.
I can't say I've seen a Bigfoot, but my wife saw something about 12-15 years ago. Her and her ex-husband were driving in South GA one night. South GA and AL have some pretty big areas of nothing, certainly not like out west, but there are large tracts of timber land. Anyway they are driving and something with long hair, walking upright runs across the road maybe 50 yards from them. Her and the ex looked at each other and asked the other what they just saw, as they couldn't believe what they had seen. She did say "it" wasn't extremely large, maybe six foot or so, but when they got to where it crossed, she said the smell was horrible. She said it smelled like dead animals or something like that. Take it for what it's worth, but it was hairy, upright and running and it wasn't a bear.
It's crazy the amount of sightings that come out of Georgia. Haha, I think Steve Harvey said it best. ATL is the ATL, but you leave the ATL in your in GEORGIA! There is a lot of nothingness in GA. I love it. Spend maybe 3 weeks a year hog hunting on a strawberry farm in GA. The nights are beautiful. For such a flat state, the stars over GA on a clear night is worth staying out for.

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This is pure entertainment....
If you want it to be true, it’s true! If you research, discuss, and dream of there existence to the point you believe they exist, My advice is to find a new legitimate hobby.
I think the main point of this thread,and the the Bigfoot believers in general , is that you have to prove Bigfoot DOSEN’t exist. Not that the believers have to prove he does exist.

If no native culture ever wrote about it, more specifically if all their stories didn’t match. If thousands of people over the last decade didn’t see what they describe as the same thing. I’d leave it alone. Specifically when it potentially affects myself and my family’s way of life, that being going into wild places. If this thing wasn’t sighted/ encountered so many different accounts I’d let it alone. It’s not though and it could be dangerous, so I learn.

Same way I learn about other environmental hazards like plants, animals, people, weather, all things. This one however people love to berate about, because science doesn’t allow people to understand.

Why even trust everything that we are fed? History, Science, even current events, who knows what could be real and what is not. There is absolutely proof of the people who dictate what is real or not deceiving population in mass. I mean the Government has officially came out that they have researched damn UFOs for god’s sakes, that they have spent multi millions researching these things.

Everyone lives in a box and wants to remain in the box, in their tight little worlds until the box is broken. Then it’s groundbreaking, but there have been clues all along to the box breaking eventually.
This is pure entertainment....
If you want it to be true, it’s true! If you research, discuss, and dream of there existence to the point you believe they exist, My advice is to find a new legitimate hobby.

I hope they are not true by the way they are described, however too many people see these things to ignore. I do not dream, ever. My advice is to stop giving advice your opinion doesn’t mean anything at least to me. What does even responding to this thread do for you then? If your absolutely and completely dismissive, then why even click on a thread labeled Sasquatch? To simply troll, because your small words will make an impact? If the topic is such a waste of time then why waste yours?
You sound far more educated than I am on the subject, I just think when people talk about things that don’t exist, maybe hearing from the other side is healthy. I respect your views I just had to chime in and say that “I” think it’s hogwash. I think that’s fair....

Haitians beleive in spirits
Lock ness monster
The black panther my neighbor Teddy swears he saw

each culture has It’s mythical creature, people monetize and play it up for shits and gig’s.
You sound far more educated than I am on the subject, I just think when people talk about things that don’t exist, maybe hearing from the other side is healthy. I respect your views I just had to chime in and say that “I” think it’s hogwash. I think that’s fair....

Haitians beleive in spirits
Lock ness monster
The black panther my neighbor Teddy swears he saw

each culture has It’s mythical creature, people monetize and play it up for shits and gig’s.

Thank you for the intelligent response man. Listen I don’t claim to know if this is real or not I really don’t. All I’m saying is there is so much coincidence in what people see/hear, coupled with a different level of terror they feel, that merits and points to something might be out there. As well as what have been written and told of through stories for millennia by native cultures. Now one could argue different native cultures absolutely have stories that are metaphorical to a real experience but on schemes of grandeur and borderline fantastical. However native cultures all over the world describe almost the exact same thing. That is too big of coincidence for me to ignore when planning a mountain getaway with my wife and kids.

Absolutely that is fair, however when I get defensive is when people completely shut it down and make claims of someone being erratic, crazy, or effort wasted. Knowledge is never a waste. At the end of the day if for some reason this really was all nonsense and every single track is coincidence of some nature event, and every unparalleled feeling of fear is paranoia or mental illness, and every sighting is by some miracle just illusion. Than I would 100% say, well looks like it ain’t real. It’s just too much coincidence for me.
fair enough! I just want see one on a meat pole, captured, or something before I say “holy crap, big foot does exist” I live in SE oklahoma, the Bigfoot chasers almost outnumber the storm chasers so I’ve heard all the stories for years. To me it’s entertaining and people could be doing other far more negative things with there time....
Black panthers do exist, mountain lions, jaguars, and leopards that are melanistic, which is equivalent to that of a pigment disorder become on occasion ‘black’.
Not trying to bash you but I don't believe there has e
ver been a confirmed case of a melanistic cougar. The small town I grew up in had tons of sightings (including by some relatives) and went so far as to name restaurants, little league teams, etc "Panthers". Much like Bigfoot, nobody ever seemed to be able to get a picture of the supposedly common beast.
Im from Australia, the indigenous people here have stories about gollums that are similar to other first nations stories in some respects, but we don't really have a history of sightings of hominids in modern times.
Some people seem really invested in outcomes though, personally I try to remember that the plural of anecdote is anecdotes, not data, and a scientific approach tries to eliminate bias.

“I keep my theories on the tips of my fingers so that the merest breath of fact can blow them away.” — Faraday

If everyone keeps that in mind you have discussions instead of arguments, and no-one gets too personal.

Just comments from a pleb, so take them or leave them.

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fair enough! I just want see one on a meat pole, captured, or something before I say “holy crap, big foot does exist” I live in SE oklahoma, the Bigfoot chasers almost outnumber the storm chasers so I’ve heard all the stories for years. To me it’s entertaining and people could be doing other far more negative things with there time....

I would love to see one killed 100%. I think when these things get publicly shown one day, all of them should be killed. SE Oklahoma is a huge sighting hotbed. Lots of aggressive experiences described from your neck of the woods.
Not trying to bash you but I don't believe there has e
ver been a confirmed case of a melanistic cougar. The small town I grew up in had tons of sightings (including by some relatives) and went so far as to name restaurants, little league teams, etc "Panthers". Much like Bigfoot, nobody ever seemed to be able to get a picture of the supposedly common beast.

Where I’m located on the northern edge of the Allegheny National Forest in PA, there have been a bunch of sightings of what people call black panthers. One of these from the most honorable honest man I’ve ever known. Could a melanistic big cat escaped the zoo somewhere and wound up here sure, but who knows.
"I would love to see one killed 100%. I think when these things get publicly shown one day, all of them should be killed."

Amazing logic. I think they exist, but no proof, and certainly no proof of any harm one has ever done, so if we ever find a nest lets be sure to kill all of them. I'm still going in the woods alone at times, but to be safe I carry the same rifle I use on unicorns.
Not trying to bash you but I don't believe there has e
ver been a confirmed case of a melanistic cougar. The small town I grew up in had tons of sightings (including by some relatives) and went so far as to name restaurants, little league teams, etc "Panthers". Much like Bigfoot, nobody ever seemed to be able to get a picture of the supposedly common beast.

Interesting article to read on the topic
"I would love to see one killed 100%. I think when these things get publicly shown one day, all of them should be killed."

Amazing logic. I think they exist, but no proof, and certainly no proof of any harm one has ever done, so if we ever find a nest lets be sure to kill all of them. I'm still going in the woods alone at times, but to be safe I carry the same rifle I use on unicorns.

If these things are responsible even in the slightest form of what people report they do then absolutely. My personal opinion shared by plenty they aren’t an animal. If they could be removed from essentially ghosting people all over North America, yes get rid of em. One big reason for this, we aren’t informed of their presence. Grizzlies and wolves at least we are informed of where they might be so we get to take the proper precautions. These things we aren’t allotted the same warnings and information about, so people keep disappearing. So yes, I would say get rid of them.

2 people on here have discussed with me their encounters and each one wasn’t pleasant.
If no native culture ever wrote about it, more specifically if all their stories didn’t match. If thousands of people over the last decade didn’t see what they describe as the same thing. I’d leave it alone. Specifically when it potentially affects myself and my family’s way of life, that being going into wild places. If this thing wasn’t sighted/ encountered so many different accounts I’d let it alone. It’s not though and it could be dangerous, so I learn.

Same way I learn about other environmental hazards like plants, animals, people, weather, all things. This one however people love to berate about, because science doesn’t allow people to understand.

Why even trust everything that we are fed? History, Science, even current events, who knows what could be real and what is not. There is absolutely proof of the people who dictate what is real or not deceiving population in mass. I mean the Government has officially came out that they have researched damn UFOs for god’s sakes, that they have spent multi millions researching these things.

Everyone lives in a box and wants to remain in the box, in their tight little worlds until the box is broken. Then it’s groundbreaking, but there have been clues all along to the box breaking eventually.
There is archeological evidence that a large primate in the size of Bigfoot existed thousands of years ago. Those creatures folklore could have been passed down forever in primitive cultures. Don’t worry your family is safe, no human in history of modern records has ever been assaulted by Harry or the Hendersons. And all of our boxes will be broken when you roll into town with Bigfoot in the back of your pickup. I wish you luck, because the man who finds Bigfoot will be the luckiest man on earth. 😉

He is real. He was built by aliens that crashed here and are unable to repair their ship. This was done to scare people away from the crash site.

Steve Austin fought him and tore his arm off.
So I just want to make sure I'm getting this all down correctly. . .

Camp 1 - is the open minded, realistic, worldly, highly thoughtful group that believes not only that Big foot is real, but that it is also aggressive, murderous/predatory, potentially has invisibility that activates near electronic devices and/or super stealth, may or may not be a superior life form, and could possible come here from a different planet.
Camp 1 - also is firmly in the guilty until proven innocent camp where non believers must prove (beyond the already insurmountable evidence at hand) tha Bigfoot doesn't exist.

Camp 2 - are smart some what open minded folks that aren't willing to deny exsistance but sit in a "prove it" camp. These folks think there are some coincidences that line up more than they should bit they still aren't booking $1500 2 night squach hunts.

Camp 3 - is the closed minded group siting literal mountains of evidence pointing to the fact that Bigfoot is fake. Blurry photos, no DNA, no bodies, non hit by cars, non accidently or intentionally shot, nothing what so ever other than eye witness accounts. . .

This group of crazies thinks that with 4 million bow hunters hiking across Colorado every year, someone would have turned up something. And that somewhere someone would have a skull in their basement, even if the Gov was covering it up.

And of those groups, group 3 that logically deduces from a lack of evidence that BF doesn't exist is the closed minded group. . .

I just want to know for those full fledged Big foot believers, where do you stand on Dragons, Vampires, and Santa claus???
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