Sasquatch/Bigfoot/ Steve Isdahl

Hell, I bet that half the members of any clan/tribe at any one given moment would tell you that they had seen bigfoot. Does that make it any more real?
I would trust something I read off the back of a cereal box far more than anything the "first nations" would say. They have made up shape shifters and winged bebops and monsters of all kind. Sometimes for fun, sometimes how their people long ago tried to explain things that naturally occur that they didn't understand.
So here’s my sasquatch story. About twenty years ago midsummer I was driving around the upper peninsula of Michigan. It was kind of a wanderlust weekend with no real destination in mind. I was headed east on Hwy 2 out of Escanaba/Gladstone when I hit the Hwy 41 split that takes you North to Marquette. As I approached the next town I thought I would quench my thirst at the Rapid River Bar. When I arrived inside I was shocked to be served by a woman who appeared to be a pale version of none other then the abominable snowman in glasses and a tube top.
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There was a local incident about 10 years ago, some tracks were discovered and there was a big hubbub. Took about 5 years but turned out an acquaintance knows the people involved and has seen the feet used. A couple of the tv shows have made it through the area, one of them managed to interview the guy that made the tracks as a local expert. This thread inspired me to look that show up and watch it again, funniest thing I've seen this week.