Sasquatch/Bigfoot/ Steve Isdahl

What percentage of the earth is land? Pretty small amount. Highly unlikely they exist. You want to discuss aliens you have a much better probability. 👽
If your looking for an in depth conversation about Bigfoot, you go to a Bigfoot forum. If you want to get smartass comments and skepticism, you go to any other forum in the world. You sound like a smart dude, you had to know you were going to get some of this.

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If your looking for an in depth conversation about Bigfoot, you go to a Bigfoot forum. If you want to get smartass comments and skepticism, you go to any other forum in the world. You sound like a smart dude, you had to know you were going to get some of this.

Honestly man I figured a bit but not the legit ignorant comments. Like the Mormon one or claiming I live on a couch. The only reason I even got into researching Sasquatch at least from literature and media, was from a weird experience in the Backcountry. I admit I absolutely did get defensive on that one, because at one point in the army going into the wild even just driving around damn near saved my marriage and maybe even my life.

I believe I probably just had false expectations. I figured that a lot of folks on here after seeing for themselves how crazy and wonder filled nature can be, were possibly open to something that has been described in our wilderness for a millennia. My expectation was absolutely false.
Less than 30% of the world is land and 100% of that is on google earth. You then look at cameras, drones, wildfires...
Honestly man I figured a bit but not the legit ignorant comments. Like the Mormon one or claiming I live on a couch. The only reason I even got into researching Sasquatch at least from literature and media, was from a weird experience in the Backcountry. I admit I absolutely did get defensive on that one, because at one point in the army going into the wild even just driving around damn near saved my marriage and maybe even my life.

I believe I probably just had false expectations. I figured that a lot of folks on here after seeing for themselves how crazy and wonder filled nature can be, were possibly open to something that has been described in our wilderness for a millennia. My expectation was absolutely false.

Recently a guy saw a deer and killed it, and then it turned out to be a father and his daughter. The point being, people contrive some absolutely ridiculous things between their ears that are not real.

Until someone provides credible evidence, which I 100% believe would exist if sasquatch did, I am going with the Mormons and idiots guy.
Yes, it also shows up on later pics at 60 minute intervals so it is really slow moving. A yeti sloth mix perhaps
I’m not saying I believe but I live up in BC near Steve Isdahl and I’ve come across a few extremely large tracks of something a couple of times . Too large to be a boot and too small for a snowshoe. These were 7kms straight up a mountain on a dirt road and then in the old growth timber about 3 miles further up on foot. It seems unlikely they exist but come walk around the coastal mountain range of BC and it may surprise you how unpopulated and huge it is up here. I’ve also had friends have very large rocks thrown far distances uphill at them. Like basketball size boulders. Other friends have been camping by a lake and something was throwing huge boulders 100s of yards into the middle of the lake at night. These are remote spots that if someone else was camping near it’d be impossible to not hear a vehicle or fire etc. Again, not saying I believe but there are things that have happened to trustworthy people I know up here that are tough to explain. If anyone on here has hunted mature black tails in coastal BC they will understand what I am saying. The big bucks are rediculously hard to find and it takes someone willing to hike hours and hours basically straight up a mountain into the thick timber to find these things. This is where Steve and others have had weird experiences. It’s unlikely but not impossible that they exist.
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I’m not saying I believe but I live up in BC near Steve Isdahl and I’ve come across a few extremely large tracks of something a couple of times . Too large to be a boot and too small for a snowshoe. These were 7kms straight up a mountain on a dirt road and then in the old growth timber about 3 miles further up on foot. It seems unlikely they exist but come walk around the coastal mountain range of BC and it may surprise you how unpopulated and huge it is up here. I’ve also had friends have very large rocks thrown far distances uphill at them. Like basketball size boulders. Other friends have been camping by a lake and something was throwing huge boulders 100s of yards into the middle of the lake at night. These are remote spots that if someone else was camping near it’d be impossible to not hear a vehicle or fire etc. Again, not saying I believe but there are things that have happened to trustworthy people I know up here that are tough to explain. If anyone on here has hunted mature black tails in coastal BC they will understand what I am saying. The big bucks are rediculously hard to find and it takes someone willing to hike hours and hours basically straight up a mountain into the thick timber to find these things. This is where Steve and others have had weird experiences. It’s unlikely but not impossible that they exist.

I agree. Vancouver Island resident. Hunt many of the same areas Steve hunted when he lived here. You won't find a ton of guys who spend a ton of time in the bush here, who 100% dismiss it.
Has anyone ever heard a really big fish jump? I was fishing the salmon fly hatch on the Madison once and looking around not watching my fly while fishing a deep run. All the sudden it sounds like someone just threw a big rock in the water. Like a rock it would take you two hands to drop into the water. That "sklurplunk" noise. And I look to the water and see my fly slowly rising back to the surface. That was a big fish! My point, rising fish, if they're big enough, will sound like big rocks being thrown into the water.

The fact that cultures all over the world describe similar, to me, illustrates the similarities to how all humans explain things they don't understand or can't explain. They don't have the foundation of knowledge to explain. And then things get passed down orally through generations.

Did any of the great Greek philosophers write on the subject?
Has anyone ever heard a really big fish jump? I was fishing the salmon fly hatch on the Madison once and looking around not watching my fly while fishing a deep run. All the sudden it sounds like someone just threw a big rock in the water. Like a rock it would take you two hands to drop into the water. That "sklurplunk" noise. And I look to the water and see my fly slowly rising back to the surface. That was a big fish! My point, rising fish, if they're big enough, will sound like big rocks being thrown into the water.

The fact that cultures all over the world describe similar, to me, illustrates the similarities to how all humans explain things they don't understand or can't explain. They don't have the foundation of knowledge to explain. And then things get passed down orally through generations.

Did any of the great Greek philosophers write on the subject?
You could be right but the trout we have in the lakes around here and in particular the small stocked lakes are 1-4lbs at best. 4lbs would be a monster and rare to find. The part I left out about the rocks being thrown into the lake story was that one of the guys slept in the truck that night and one in a tent. The guy in the tent was sleeping before the rock throwing began. In the morning the person in the tent asked the other guy that was in the truck why he was walking around the site so much through the night. He said something bipedal was walking around very late and pushed on the tarp that was tied on top of his tent. He figured it was his friend messing with him and didn’t say anything until morning. Could be nothing, but you never know . I’m not defending anything here or trying to prove anything. Just passing along info that I have heard from locals that are normal people.