
From the guy who never considered the gap before RS and who hasn't hunted in that type of environment - would some type of cover prevent trees from getting in the gap, but still preserve the function of having a massive gap?
Ive got no problem asking for advice when I need/want it. As I have said from the beginning I WANT PROPER CLEARANCE, if the photo in question isnt proper clearance, fine. I want proper clearance without a big ugly gap, which is attainable. Im not new to this, what I have and what Im doing works for me and Ill keep doing it until it doesnt. So yet again, the question was asked regarding what barrel contours was wanted, and I vote 3b, so now hopefully this discussion regarding my comment can be put to rest
@roosiebull @Marbles Its not “stuff” or debris Im worried about, thats easy to deal with. Its when the entire branch that gets caught in the barrel channel is still attached to the tree, causing an in-the-moment requirement to untangle, break it off, etc—repeatedly— all while you are trying to sneak to within feet of a bedded buck in all that crap^^. Never again. I get that not everyone hunts in the same sort of stuff—I am quite certain people would understand better if they did it much—but its simply bullsh!£ that this is about aesthetics over function. Its not, and while maybe in other parts of the country this is a niche use-case, where I mainly hunt an overly large barrel channel simply has real functional drawbacks. I dont think this stock is made for that use-case, but even if they arent purpose built for it, in a pinch I do like to be able to at least use any of my guns for more or less any type of hunting I do.

In any case, if a 3b is the smallest contour AND its to have a gap larger than the .1” form mentioned as minimum, I’m out. At a .1” gap on a 3b thats passable. Barely.
I assume it’s how you carry your rifle, because I just don’t have that problem… it may have happened before but it’s not a thing for me, and where I spend all of my time hunting is very thick and tangly, the Oregon coast rivals anywhere for thick and brushy… when I’m not packing a rifle, it’s my bow, and bows are snaggy ass weapons compared to rifles, so I may be desensitized to getting my rifle hung up once in awhile in the brush.

On the other hand, I’m not going to try to tell you what is best for you and completely support everyone making their own decisions, you know what you like and what suits you, and I hope they build a contour that is what you’re looking for.
I actually think that there should be a "13 dead cats" contour. I'm in!

That being said, I would like to thank all those involved with bringing this project to the table. I know it's a shit ton of work that doesn't amount to much credit so......thank you guys!

@roosiebull @Marbles Its not “stuff” or debris Im worried about, thats easy to deal with. Its when the entire branch that gets caught in the barrel channel is still attached to the tree, causing an in-the-moment requirement to untangle, break it off, etc—repeatedly— all while you are trying to sneak to within feet of a bedded buck in all that crap^^. Never again. I get that not everyone hunts in the same sort of stuff—I am quite certain people would understand better if they did it much—but its simply bullsh!£ that this is about aesthetics over function. Its not, and while maybe in other parts of the country this is a niche use-case, where I mainly hunt an overly large barrel channel simply has real functional drawbacks. I dont think this stock is made for that use-case, but even if they arent purpose built for it, in a pinch I do like to be able to at least use any of my guns for more or less any type of hunting I do.

In any case, if a 3b is the smallest contour AND its to have a gap larger than the .1” form mentioned as minimum, I’m out. At a .1” gap on a 3b thats passable. Barely.
I hunt in stuff like that constantly, I still prefer the larger barrel channel occasionally crap hangs up in it but the gap between the scope and barrel is just as problematic. The only setup that gave me more than average trouble was the hnt26 chassis with that closed forend deal.

I am currently using a krg bravo with factory lite barrel and the stockys vg sendero channel with factory lite barrel. Both with lots of gap and minimal debris problems.
I dunno, maybe you guys have such a big gap it doesnt trap stuff in there like mine did—maybe its that mid sized gap thats worse? Or maybe its carrying rifle at ready that causes it to get hung up more. Who knows. Whatever caused it, I just cant imagine anyone wouldnt be infuriated by it happening constantly, which it did to me—I wont risk it again.
I dunno, maybe you guys have such a big gap it doesnt trap stuff in there like mine did—maybe its that mid sized gap thats worse? Or maybe its carrying rifle at ready that causes it to get hung up more. Who knows. Whatever caused it, I just cant imagine anyone wouldnt be infuriated by it happening constantly, which it did to me—I wont risk it again.

I’m with you all the way on this. Also, if the stock forearm is so flexible that a professional, well fitted free - floating barrel inlet will cause forearm to barrel contact, perhaps a stiffer layup is in order.

Get off my lawn. Haha.
Just curious what shooting scenario will cause a ridged stock with 1/16” clearance all the way around the barrel to contact? We talking about barrel whip at the shot causing contact?
I actually think that there should be a "13 dead cats" contour. I'm in!

That being said, I would like to thank all those involved with bringing this project to the table. I know it's a shit ton of work that doesn't amount to much credit so......thank you guys!

Amen to that!

Not just the stock, but taking the time to share meaningful information

And why do they have to be dead cats? You could be the cat lady man on the mountain and never become lonely surrounded by those nasty little sand paper tongues spreading cat diseases
From the guy who never considered the gap before RS and who hasn't hunted in that type of environment - would some type of cover prevent trees from getting in the gap, but still preserve the function of having a massive gap?

Not applicable for me, sure the others will chime in.
Im typically hunting that sort of thick stuff with rifle in hand, the possibility of shooting quick is too valuable for a rifle or scope cover. Because I make too much noise I’ve shot a fair share of black tails stating me down at less than 100 yards, often right below their throat patch. It’s surprising enough they waited around to get shot, taking anything off and they’d bugger out
From the guy who never considered the gap before RS and who hasn't hunted in that type of environment - would some type of cover prevent trees from getting in the gap, but still preserve the function of having a massive gap?
Not applicable for me, sure the others will chime in.
Im typically hunting that sort of thick stuff with rifle in hand, the possibility of shooting quick is too valuable for a rifle or scope cover. Because I make too much noise I’ve shot a fair share of black tails stating me down at less than 100 yards, often right below their throat patch. It’s surprising enough they waited around to get shot, taking anything off and they’d bugger out
What about a “cloth” wrap around the barrel/fore end, like camo wrap tape?
What about a “cloth” wrap around the barrel/fore end, like camo wrap tape?
Or two strips of camo tape that run parallel to the barrel and cover the gap/dead cat trap? Or would the tap touching the barrel create a problem?