
Well I’m in. I’m reluctant to jump in the first of anything anymore but the podcast pushed me over the edge, along with seeing how the rings were handled I’m sure It will end up good.
I sure as hell hope so. I’m in for two stocks. We all have skin in the game for an untested stock that’s different from anything else on the market. What could go wrong!?! If nothing else, I can use them as backup paddles for my canoe.
On the other hand, I really can't imagine the POI changing by removing the action from the stock if you reinstall it the exact same way every time and are using 65in/lbs in the screws. I'll probably test that first. Get a zero over 100 rounds or so, pull it out to clean, reinstall, do it again.
At the risk of being told to ride the short bus, I’d like to ask some questions about shooting with the flat toe. @Formidilosus @Ryan Avery are you getting elevation adjustments mostly from squeezing the bag? Are you having to reach up and adjust the bipod more?

I did shoot with the bravo a bit and loved the recoil impulse of the flat toe, but it was fussier to get on target. Admittedly i only shot a few hundred rounds not a few thousand with it, so maybe it would have become second nature with time.

On the other hand with my Alterra stocks I have become accustomed to preloading the bipod more so things are not really sliding on the bag at all.

Would love to hear some thoughts and eventually see some use videos.

Would really dig some instructional videos where you go through your shot process.
Here are a couple videos on setting up for a shot that show how the bag is a secondary aid/support not a primary rear support. The rifle should be in position and on target, then the bag fills the gap to steady the rifle with micro adjustments made by squeezing or releasing the bag.

Here are a couple videos on setting up for a shot that show how the bag is a secondary aid/support not a primary rear support. The rifle should be in position and on target, then the bag fills the gap to steady the rifle with micro adjustments made by squeezing or releasing the bag.

I have shot with Phillip, I think he calls it building the bridge.
It made me way less dependent/ reliant on the rear bag.
He is a good dude and was helpful for me to shoot with.
The particular detail that was new/helpful to me was putting some pressure back into your shoulder. I had previously loaded more into bipod.
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Here are a couple videos on setting up for a shot that show how the bag is a secondary aid/support not a primary rear support. The rifle should be in position and on target, then the bag fills the gap to steady the rifle with micro adjustments made by squeezing or releasing the bag.

Actually watched that one yesterday and did a little shooting. The whole collarbone thing is not working well on my lighter hunting weight rifles. I shoot better in the shoulder pocket. I did order some different bags to try and am going to work on the fundamentals some more this spring 👍🏻
Here are a couple videos on setting up for a shot that show how the bag is a secondary aid/support not a primary rear support. The rifle should be in position and on target, then the bag fills the gap to steady the rifle with micro adjustments made by squeezing or releasing the bag.

The problem I’ve found with “building the bridge” is that it only seems to work with a bipod. If you are shooting off a bag or pack, etc, you cannot really load the forehand of the rifle. I end up using my support hand to “pull” the rifle back to get solid contact. I do feel like consistency is key - whatever you do, always do it to get repeatable results.
That whole collarbone thing is a non starter for me. 1) I shoot rifles that actually recoil, 2) destroyed that collarbone in a MX crash and it sticks out rather oddly.
The problem I’ve found with “building the bridge” is that it only seems to work with a bipod. If you are shooting off a bag or pack, etc, you cannot really load the forehand of the rifle. I end up using my support hand to “pull” the rifle back to get solid contact. I do feel like consistency is key - whatever you do, always do it to get repeatable results.
Similar to what he discuss later in the video when he’s shooting off a smooth surface.
Similar to what he discuss later in the video when he’s shooting off a smooth surface.
Similar to what he discuss later in the video when he’s shooting off a smooth surface.
Correct, but I tend to use my support hand as well to pull a little. The point I was trying to make, poorly, was that I prioritize consistency, so even when I can load the bipod, I typically do very lightly so the mechanics and recoil of the rifle are the same regardless of the front support or surface. To the best of my ability, at least! I should add that I’m not an authority by any measure. It just works the best for me, based on what I have tried.
It was suggested earlier in the thread to get some space around it to ensure it would not be compromised with any pressure added when shooting, so most of us appear to be ordering 3b and sendero for lite barrels.

I swapped my sendero order for a 3b but if it seems too tight I’ll just hit it out some more.

I believe it was pretty early in the thread pages maybe 10-30 range