Robby Denning's Colorado Muzzleloader Hunt

"Up at 4:45. Getting healed up. Nothing God, a good wife, a shower, and a big fat Mountain Dew won't fix. Headed up the hill to see if there is still one I haven't spooked or missed." Robby
Good luck today Robby. It could be a lot worse and you got a lot to be thankful for. You still got a buck tag in your pocket and seems like you are in a good area. Go get a buck today!
Safe to say I've pretty much screwed this area up; Zero bucks this morning where I'd been seeing the good bucks. Did see a 160" buck across the canyon on the BLM. Headed back to camp to rest. Physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually exhausted.
Safe to say I've pretty much screwed this area up; Zero bucks this morning where I'd been seeing the good bucks. Did see a 160" buck across the canyon on the BLM. Headed back to camp to rest. Physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually exhausted.

The pressure you put on yourself combined with the pressure of a live hunt can be pretty draining I imagine! Do what ya can bud and try to enjoy the rest of the hunt!
There are still good bucks in that area and you have just a good a chance tomorrow as you did yesterday! Keep at it man you got this!

Jodi, I think Robby needs some encouragment from you! Hang in there Robby.

Not hearing from him today except for the post this morning that he had me put on and a quick "I love you". He is a bit discouraged-(he is a very good shot, and is just disappointed). But my husband has a wonderful ability to re-charge and get his focus back where it should be. Wish he wasn't alone on this hunt.

I know he really appreciates all the well-wishes and encouragement from the Roksliders. He is a tough guy and always learns from his hunts--this is just a particularly tough one...
You don't kill the Deer that Robby has killed by being a quitter! He may or may not get a deer this time. But rest assured he's giving it his all. Keep at it Robby.
You aren't whipped yet brother!

Take a break, a few deep breaths, and get back after them...
At any moment in any clearing or under tree you can see what we all dream about.Relax,enjoy your time in Gods country, glass hard,trust your trigger time.finish strong!

God bless

Thanks for all the encouragement. Tough deal all around. Took a 3 hour nap today, so I feel a wee bit better. Heading out now.
I can't watch the videos until I get to a computer but I'm looking forward to them.

No matter the outcome, I believe in you Robby!
"The LORD is my Shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul.... Psalm 23:1-3- Robby"
"Day 8. Pretty slow. A 140" buck and a herd of elk with a 5 point.

If you are lucky enough to have a great father and even luckier, one that hunts, always give him a call if your hunt goes south. Mine understands me better than I do. In 5 minutes, he had me ready to tackle the world again! Thanks Dad, and I love you. Robby"
If you are lucky enough to have a great father and even luckier, one that hunts, always give him a call if your hunt goes south. Mine understands me better than I do. In 5 minutes, he had me ready to tackle the world again! Thanks Dad, and I love you. Robby"

I couldn't agree more.
Same for me.
Thanks Cindy and a3d.

I was off the grid after this morning's hunt getting camp ready to break tomorrow morning. My plan is to glass a new area tonight that is about a mile up canyon from where I've been hunting. Has some potential. If I see a good buck there, I'll hunt it tomorrow morning. If not, I'm going back to where I missed the two good bucks. Although it's been pretty dead there, big bucks don't like to leave their core area for long. Besides, I don't know where else to look for them.

I'll hunt in the morning then get on the road back to Idaho unless I see a good buck. The hunt closes tomorrow.

Thanks for following this thread. Sure wish I could have done better. Still a few hours to go, though, and I've seen things turn around even this late in the game.
Hang in there robby, I'm archery hunting here in Colorado and having a heck of a time getting on any good deer and I've been hunting fifteen days.

I have a week left to get it done but struggling on where to spend my time.
Been hunting between 8500'-11,500'.
Just got back to the truck after three days up high, only seeing does and young bucks at timberline.

Just remember, the last hour is better than the first hour!
"Day 9. As my friend Jason Carter says, 'the last day is the best day' ". I'd have to agree- you can take full advantage of all you've learned. So, I cast my bread upon the waters....." Robby