Robby Denning's Colorado Muzzleloader Hunt

Vandal, glad you enjoyed. As far as Idaho bucks, I hunted 15 out the the last 19 days in two states, so I'm very tired of hunting right now and giving it a rest. Of course, too, I have to catch up on all the work I've missed. I've got an elk hunter to guide next week, but hope to sneak in a few days to hunt deer.

Chesapeake, you very well could be right on the peep. I've only killed one deer (a doe) with it at 80 yards and it performed well, but no buck fever and had plenty of time. I won't give it up yet, but you got me thinking and that could really be an area where I need to get some real world shooting in like rolling tires, shooting ballons, etc.

I take full responsibility for my misses. After seeing that buck the last day, which was the buck I'd missed on the 5th day, I am 100% certain I over-shot him now. There was no bullet impact below his bed, I could see that easy enough. Above his bed is where he and the other buck tore up the ground making their get away and is where the bullet hit- I just couldn't see the impact in the tore up ground.

That tells me that 15 degree angle and the fact he was laying down, I did not get down on him far enough. I held about mid vitals and that was too high. Seeing the buck confirmed for sure there was no hit as I'd still wondered for those four days if maybe I hit him and there was no blood.

The other buck was such a fast shot under pressure that I'm not beating myself up too much on that one. As I said, they give you no time if they know you are there and that was the part I screwed up is letting them know I was there.

I'm working on some digi-scoped video of these bucks for you all, so stay tuned over next few days...
Took a few days, but before I'm off on to the next hunt, wanted to get you all some video of the bucks I was hunting in Colorado. I was heartsick as I edited these videos and really got to look at the bucks!

Anyway, here you go. The first clip in the rain was the glimpse of the good 4x5 I saw the evening of the 4th night. He is the buck I missed in his bed at 110 yards. That is also him at the very end of the video in that bed. I took that clip about 45 minutes before I shot at him. He was exactly in the same place when I shot, only difference was a small 4 point had laid down above and behind him.

The other buck is the one I got the quick shot at on day 6. Looking at the video, I think he's actually wider than I thought- what do you think?

Thanks and stay tuned for my next Live hunt as I guide a young hunter on a good bull elk hunt right here in good ol' SE Idaho.
I enjoyed you're adventure, thanks for sharing and taking us along..Tough break on the missed opportunities but that hunting.. All you can do is give it you're all and it sounds like that's what you did..Next time..
Post #223 was GREAT. Good attempt to say the least, thank God for all the opportunities and sightings that many "never" experience for one reason or another. I believe you were in Mesa Cty so the winters there can't be too severe. Would that Buck or any Buck for that matter come back to the same general area if pushed out due to snow? Thanks again and what trip are "we" doing next?;)
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Thanks Rick and Bucksnort.

Rick, I wouldn't be surprised to see those bucks right back there next year, although they do migrate out of there with snow. Generally, bucks return to the same areas from year to year, season to season, especially as they get older. Even if they don't, the area attracts big deer and likely another one will be there, eventually.

Stay tuned, "our" next Live hunt is coming right up, thanks for following.
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What an awesome adventure that you brought us along on. Thank you very much for the time and effort you put into this. This is a prime example of why muzzys are hard to understand. Sometimes you think you do everything right and still come away empty handed.
Thanks IAHNTR and everyone for following along. Glad you enjoyed it. As the hunt fades into my memories, it's already become sweeter.

I'd do the hunt again tomorrow if I could. I still love muzzleloaders, too!