Robby Denning's Colorado Muzzleloader Hunt

"He's back! The first buck I missed. Headed up a brushy draw at first light. Trying to keep track of him." Robby
"I'm 80% sure it's him. Won't show himself much. Alone so far. Already bedded at 7:50. Starting my stalk. God, let me kill clean". Robby
"59 yards IF he bedded where I think. Me behind 4ft. Juniper. Him in 8ft. Oak brush....." Robby
"Rays of sun starting to penetrate the oak brush. Just hope he's in there and gets up. Still at 59 yards." Robby (aka, the Mad Hatter--that one was from Me-Jodi)


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"Been 3 hours since he went in there. High time for him to get up. Hope he's in there...." Robby
As he was trying to explain to me what is happening, I thought I'd post as it may clarify what's happening. "I had to make a big circle and lost sight of him for an hour. He may have moved then. This is always the faith part. Did he move or not?" Robby
"I'm still under the juniper. Moving only as the shadow moves. Gotta pee. Hope he does, too. Wish Colorado didn't make me wear this orange beacon." Robby
"been 4 hours since I saw him go in there. Longest I've seen them lie is 6 hours... If he's in there, I'm in a great position. If he's not, joke's on us." Robby
"well,last saw him go in this 20yard circle of oak brush at 8am. It's now 1pm. Hmmmmmmm. Did he slip out while I was circling or is he laying tight?" Robby
The waiting game continues. "2pm. He just got the record for most time in one bed OR he changed beds without me hearing him OR he didn't bed here." Robby